... rOLICE INTELLIGENCE _, 1.- RAWMIR SlDAY. Sentember 11th, CC- Cow ,oLslOfSHr, SATURDA Y, 60Pepr~e Ioe Ire. ?? P rdto anser A. Charle~o ilceint a n the 2nd of September. The parties are S~At ,m, ?? Avon-street. Grat Gardlens; eels 'ad live I a aqurrel ensued between the de- '0'9 day bobeY .named Hodges. Thomar ntn erd to 'be~ d a wools t fel lover a wall into* a cellar, and P~at Iallried bys ...


... BY ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH JATEST NEWS Lonvon, WEDNESDAY The Sun says the accounts of the Kaflir war are very unsatisfactory, and a cessation of hostilities appears to be as distant as ever, whilst the expenses of the Home Go- vernment are rapidly increasing without any adequate re- sult. Trade was very dull at the Cape, without any prospect of immediate improvement. The Standard says the news has ...


... arkets. GRAIN, &ce. MARK LANE—Sept. 20. At this morning’s market there was slightly increased show ties, near! of wheat by land-carriage samples from the coun- aced wit The best dry qualities were Kent but the ordinary runs hung heavily on , though freely offered at last Monday's currency. There was no improvement in the quality or condition; indeed some of the samples from Kent were the worst ...


... CONTRAL CRIMINAL COURT. OLD COURT.-YESTBRDAY. * hwsA. Ewe MsRn, ,AixfMa, ;usricp asoxero. Jo Fm Smith, 83, a tall,'respectable-looking -man, de- scribed as a-coppersmith, who, had --pleaded guilty on the previous evening to a charge of malieiously setting fire to a stack of hay, the property of Septimus sott, was brought up for judntent. Baron- artin inquired of the prisoner *hether he wished ...

Law Intelligence

... - . . , ?? . . .. . 71- : ' F . - ! PrceUVwl6e, Go l3WAAd-P.. ?? ?? 77i: ' 0 COURT E BOY c,&r. J This wasfth~eetiificate meeting iii thec ase of O.Umil-. ler, corn dealer, of Vgnduit'atree g Wax, Pddington - i debsto unecured , rares e uwir'of ,9.) Seth about 1,l100. ' , *Mr. Lawrauce~,repreientig_ tbe- asignee~s, 4taed &th they didutnot ttnd to offer~ayopso t~athe bakuptI havnghibscertca~ts ...


... DUBLIN POLICE-YESTERDAY. I CAPEL-STREET OFFICE. (Before Mr. O'Callaghan.) CURIOUS RoaBawY.-James Mason was cbarged by Mi- chael Mullen with stealing a sum of 161., his property, on the 19th June lest. It appeared irom the con.plainant's statement that he kept a blacksmith's establishment at Cbapelizod. The prisoner was a weaver living in the same place. On the 19th June last his (Mullen's) ...


... POLICE-YESTERDAY. MANsioNHousx.-4Eabdla Reid and Jane Price were brought up charged with haviot committed several rob- beries. Jane Price, who is a simple-looking girl, between fourteen and fifteen years of age, got into the temporary service of a respectable woman by appearing to be in extreme distress, and contrived to prevail upon her mistress to lntruft a large bundle of clothes to ...


... THE BALLOON ASCENT FROM CRE- .fO.RNB GARDENS. ILFORD PETTY SESSIONS. The subject of Mine. Poitevin's balloon ascent from Ore- morne Gardens, on the back of a heifer, a fortnight ago, came before the Ilford magistrates on Saturday, the case having been brought under their jurisdictioa by the fact of thle lady and her foor-footed companion hav- ing deended in a field in the neighbourhood of that ...


... A most singular case of imposture has recently oc- Curred at Norwich, the circumstances of which, as far as they have come to our knowledge, are as follo :-Last Saturday week, in the afternoon, some little commotien Occurred opposite the residence of Mr. E. D. Rogers, situate in the Dereham-road, Norwich; and on inquiry the cause of the stir appeared to be a young woman, meanly dressed, and ...


... TV Ug he On Friday evening, about half-past seven, a well-dressed cid, man Was found lying dead in a hedge bottom, at Eastbank, I5Shefel do about a mlt a nd half to te th seast of the town, ?? gravest suspicions are entertained that this is a case of *9o murder. The body was first discovered by two little boys, t§ who were gatberiog wild fruit The man lay on his face in the bushes, with his ...


... n | A.. n .zo 1: lf in srtolortn1 At the sitting of this Court, heold yesterday, the discussions onl the casca against partics causing nuisance from smoke were Icoiitinued. AnIOng tile ordinary Cases of lining, there was also - len in which thle stroke qucation caine above-board in aI some- What new shapet. Mr. Alexander MIKenlzio, upholsterer, in I Iuchanan Street, having some time time ...


... GUILDHALL,-SATURDAY. ?? EL. . t. .. A U n. R fl.St,.. -. I Before the Mayo, f. . Eq B. Bastard, EB. ^. antd J. D. Osborn, Req.' Wnanx HoLLowAv, the proprietor and driver of a stage coach running between Exeter and Tivertonwas charged with having on the 14th instant, forcibly broken a lock which fastened the Elmfield gates. Mr. Laidman appeared in support of the charge, and Mr. St'gdon for the ...