Advertisements & Notices

... ,u~~ ~~IELBO~~NE~ The PLANS of the 1 cxn fthsfn RYLMILSRW STEAM be made to seure berflssab thle i WaltO~l, jn., Agent 17, Gracchuro~s-Sreot.- it 0YAL MAIL ~~~STEAMER.-LONDON to el * ASTRALA TeCLEOPATRA(magni5IICent new Clyde- i ,cesens IsP 500 tone, 300 hiorse-power, carrying o irr Hj. R. CesImmas, commander, now loading in 31sieAV'5 I- d, -t~s vl SAILI fremt London for tne CAPE OF E.t-l pE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... No. I, ROTTEN ROW, DERBY. . gSMITH, GENER>AL and FURNISHING IRONMONGER, CUTLER, BELL HANGER, GAS . F1TTER, OIL ani COLOUR IMERCHANT, &c., having succeeded to the Business lately conducted bV H and G. HOLMES, Cutlers, &c., begs to submit to the inspection of the Nobility, Gentry, Clergy, and his lFriends generallyt She whole of his good and well selected STOCK. Having a thorough practical ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VISIT OF HIS EXCE pLENCY. THE PUBLIC ARE RESbTFTJLLY IN- T FORMED that their lxElJece th ORD LIEUTENANT and the Count TsLINTON will honour the FANCY PAIRn the QtEEN'S ISLAND, with their presence THIS DAY (Wednes- day), Ist September. For the accommodation of the Public, the Island will be openled at Ten o'elock, and the lFaney Fair at TwIelve olock. Admittance, Is. each; Children half-price. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VOR HOBART TOWN Direct (a regular trader, ' to sail in September), the splendid new Britles-ballt ship AERWENTWAT`[W A I for 12 years, burden 300 ton, (belngig to Messrs. Richardson Brothers and (bo), RICHARD WRANRT MORE (late of the Calcutta), commander; will load in the London DocLs. This vessel is expected to sail very fat, as a ship oof the same construction has made the voyage in 74 daae ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Granite Jewellery. I0NOURIAILY DISTINGUISUED-EXHIDITION, 1851. ~ IIETTIE &- SONS, giateful fox the increased patronage * they bavo epeoriencld from the successful execntion n of GRANITE JEWELLERY of their own Design and Mane- P' facturo, respectfully solicit attontiull, to their Stock in tbat De- partcnent, comprising 1EGISTERED PATTERN BRACELETS; SHAWL PINS, - with CH AINS, BROOCHES; STUDS; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fTSITED PRESBYTERIAN MISSIONS.-. U The ANNUAL SERMONS on behalf of the Home erd rgot6gr Missions of the United Presbyterian Church will be pres,,ed ort Sabbath first, the 5? lnst, in Lloyd-street Clapsel; in ThQ 5rc>rsrg, at ball'-past ten elocl, by the Rev. DAVID SIM, of sradi~ir, sald i the ?? half-past six o'clock, by the Rev. MilL~tAM hrl'KItilROW, ?? and in Coupland-otreet Chapel, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,IUST OPENED, A T 25, NORTH STREET, AND 7 AND 9, 1A3 ST. ANNE'S BUILDINGS, EDWARD KEN- NEDY'S Wholesale and Retail SPIRIT STORE, for the Sale of Oid COLERAINE&other Pine - IALT WHIS EYS; Old IRISH and SCOTCTI GRAIN; WI[NES, in Wood and Bottle; COGNIAC BRANDY and GINS, of th st brands imported; PORTER, ALE, and all other Liquors, of the beat quality, on the most reasonable terms. E. K. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N O T I C E. THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the PARTNERS T of tho GAS LIGHT COMPANY of ABERDEEN will, in terms of the Coontract of Co-partnery, bo held on MONDAY 1 the Sixth day of September next, at Twelve o'clock noon, with- I in their Office in Gas Street. And it is hereby intimated that, at the said Annual General Meeting, it is intended by the Directors to propose a Rosolution, to reduce ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. jtR. HARRIS has the honour to announce that be has entered into engagements with the following distinguished Artistes for the pro'lction of a series of ITALIAN OPERAS, FOP. 'SIX NIGHTS ONLY, to commenc' on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17. MADAME GRIS, SIGNOR F. LABLACHE, MADLLE. BERTRANDI, SIGNOR SUSINI, SIGNOR MARIO, SIGNOR ALLI, SIGNOR GALVANI, SIGNoR ALABERT, AND F. MORI, Cond ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Residence in the cofbnies. JpARTIES proceeding to the A strdliio or other Colonies can transsact Assurances on flivourable terms, ad are allowed every facility by the COLONIAL LIFE ASSURANCE COM- PANY. Renewal Promiums may be paid to the Local Agents through. eut the Colonies. who are instructed to receive thon, WILL. THOS. THOMSON, Actuary. H. J. WILLIAMS, Secrctary. Read Office, Edinburgh, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JustPublished, Third Edition. 1l7ustrated with Colourfd Engravings, on Nervous Debility and Generative Diseases. Price ls., or in a sealed Envelope, free by Post, for 18 Postage Stamps. HEALTH AND lAPPINESS, Tm BY F_ WHICH THRI MAY BE OBTAINED, a Medical Work on the Infirmities of Youth, and Maturity, and Diseases of the Generative System, with obaervans on the treatment of Kervous Debility ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HAYES, Seu., t e1)EN7TIST and CUPPXR, soItO m yearsestdablihed in Mlay'bbuld*ng, 6t, Matn's-lane, Ic taequan his paltients that he can only becoonauted at 1U. fioho. s qua~vhere he adhetes sri~olly to the rame mlodeate charges poadI s I seno prlnopls which have oharseterised his practie forr so maInuyyer. Etbllshed,172 l78.}1, Sc-uase. U1PFICACIOUS CURE for CORES, BUNIONS, ' iCALwOSIMlS ta.. ...