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Advertisements & Notices

... THE CLUB BfiTS in the PUBLIC ROOMS, on TUESDAY the 5th of r&.0ectober next. Basiness aud Ballot at half-past Fivo.-Dinner exactly at Six 'e1clle THO. BURNETT, Seey. AberdeOn, 8th Sept., 1852. Schooner for Sale. jer sale, by public roup, (if not previously disposed of by pri. vate bargain), on T1URSDAY the 7th October, at Six, P.m., In the Office of the Aberdeen Steam Navigation Company, Tr HE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t TuanpikcRoad Accounts. OIRCE I lIEREBY GIVEN, that the Annual Accounts I N and gelatihe Vouchers, of the Receipt and Expenditure oi Funds beonghlg to the different Turnpike Roads in Aber- c 'denshiro, for the year preceding 31st May last, are now in the bWds of Messrs THOMIAS and NEWELL BURNETT, Clerks of Gjeoeral Meetings, B~lelnnt Street, Aberdeen, for the Examin oe sod Inspection of all ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GARNGAD IIOUSE' ASYLUM, GLASGOW, FOIR 'TIHE RECEPTION OF THIE INSANE OF EITHER SEX. I TII S Establishlment, formerly unider the management of i 1 Dr. and Mrs. Dliy, who have now retired, will in future be condulcted by ?? and MIrs. 1-HIL.L. For thb last ten years Dr. Ilill has been Resident Medical Superiitoendeint of P'eckhamu House, London, one of the largest I of the Metropolitan Asyllms, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE To-Moritow, AT Kivrocri IIILL ITOUsE, NEAIR PORT- ])DUINAS, AT 12 O'cIocIc, o01 TTO U S E F IJ I N It U R E, PIANO-FORTE, DAIRY iH UTENSILSl FARMl STOCK, 12 SWINE, &c., &C. A111 as formiir~l Advertised. CAMPBESLL & C(., Auctionoers, 42 Gordon Street. OS TUIIClSD.Y, 30TII IST. AT T1I wLv.E O'CLOCK, CORNESR 01 ItEqrJU.EV LANE, 01I HOPE STREET. HOUSE FURNITURE, SUPERIOR PATENT MANGLE, &c., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I' South Deeside Turnpike. NOTiE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that tho I:ALF-YEARLY STA4TUTORY N E E T I N G of the TRUSTEES of the DEESIDE TURNPIKE ROAD, vwill be bold in the uge~r ousE of Aberdeen, on SAFRrDAY the 2d day of (pbsr uext, nt 12 o'lock n~oon, in terms of the Act 7, Villiam IV0P- O~5- CHALMERS and FARQUHAR, Clerks and Treasurora. (147, Union Street, 13th Septomber, 1852. Turnpike Road ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Pri To hePrprito NOf 0T I C B, To ileProrieorsofSalmon Fishings 0n the River Dee soud Streams connected therewith, and oil the Son Coast within Five Miles of thc Mouth of thle said River. E, Two of the PaoiitiEVORSt of S.MIiON FstSiNGs on VT tlio River Dies, Hereby Give Notice (iii terms of thle Act 9, 0corgclV,, cap. 39,sec. 10), Itiat aMEETING ofthe whole PROPRIETORS of SALMON FISI-INGS in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EAST RENFREWSIIIRE HORTICULTURAL AND FLORAL EXHIBITION. tHE ANNUAL EXHIBITION of Fruits, Flowers, and 1 Vegetables, under the Patronage of the Resident Gentry of the District, will take place in TImE TOwN HALL Or POLLOKSIIHAW, ON SATURDAY TIME 11TI1 SFPTErIEIIR CURRIENST. Doors Open for Visitors from I to 5. Admittance, Sixpence. Exhibitors and Competitors will have all Articles forward ...

Advertisements & Notices

... m - REWARD OF FIVE POUNDS. ri TRlAYED or Stolen, on tho 11th inst., from East Kilbride, a light Fawn-colonred GREYOUND DOG-answers to tbe namne of Shanrp. Any information regarding the above will be received at the Herald Offlce, Glasgow. LADY'S BROOCH LOST. xN Tuesday the 21st instant, a large CAMEO BROOCH, Set in Gold, was dropt on Board the Lady Kelburn Steamer, 0nlherlmoageup from ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO CORR1ESPON]DENTS All Communications, aud narticlos of Intblligonco, intendled'for publication, requiCre to be authenticated by the rmame anmd address of the writer. Unless thineis attended to, Corrcs- pondents may rest a ssnued that no attention wvil bo paid to their commuuications. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Granite Jewellery. I0NOURIAILY DISTINGUISUED-EXHIDITION, 1851. ~ IIETTIE &- SONS, giateful fox the increased patronage * they bavo epeoriencld from the successful execntion n of GRANITE JEWELLERY of their own Design and Mane- P' facturo, respectfully solicit attontiull, to their Stock in tbat De- partcnent, comprising 1EGISTERED PATTERN BRACELETS; SHAWL PINS, - with CH AINS, BROOCHES; STUDS; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VI A C W O OD'S AGAZIN1, No. CCCCXLIV. Price 2s. 6d. COST TI NTS, , Eatie Slcwil't A True Story. Part IV. Are} Iherc ac(t Greatt iloasters amlonig uis ?1 AJesraey to Mindera. . Pr a Nove' er Varietics in Englislh Life. Part XXV. e Ipaytli of the flake of Wellington. Wi LlAi flrB lWOGI) anti SONS, Ellinburgh and london. a A. gaowa anl Co., LI:wiz; SMIrTI, D. 1YLL1t' S leltd by Sos, ald tho ...

Foreign Entelligence

... Foreiqn FRANCE. The *s received daily in Paris record the continued ovations offered to the Prince President. We i character to attach to these manifestations more value than are too well acquainted with the versatility of the French ; but it is impossible to deny that his po- they really larit at this mo moment is very great, and that he is entitled to credit his moderation in not tarning it ...