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Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, HAYMARKET.-Lessee, Mr. B. Webster; Directress, M1ie. Celeste.-THIS EVENING will be repeated the celebrated Adelphil drama of JACK SHEPPARD. Principal characters by Mrs. Keeley, Mr. Paul Bedrord, Mr. S. 3mery, Mr. 0. Smith, Miss Lauralionoy, Miss E. Chaplin, &c. To conclude with tho comedy of PAUL PRY. NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. No communicationw can be attended to unless ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GUILD of' LITERATURE and ART.-The AttAteurCotnpTny teavingooaiapletd their series of perlorm- ances, their lecgant TEATITRE is now to lo SOLl entire, with its nniqaustoekt o1 sesner, b)y b!r. Stantielll, lt Mr. Roberts, 1.A., Mr. Lcuis'Haghe, Nlr Thomas Griuve, 31r. Telbio, and Mr. Pitt; nnd with all its simpie imal ingenioua mechalisin, gas fittin,:8 for flia . wing lidders, border batena ...

Advertisements & Notices

... USTRALIAN LIXE of PACKETS (to sail I A about 14th &ptember)--For SYDNEY direct, the spliudid I stesin~ diret-daoss frigate-built ship VRIBNDSCIAP. 1,o00 ton0 SCHCIIARD, commander; V load at the JettyE eon Dckts. Thii fine ship has good ?? for a limitedI number of lrst-closs passengers, at £8i per ?? terms of I freight or pasagoaptly to IEYIY and MOORE, V, Billiter-street; or t~ HllENRY and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0, UOBART TOWN' direct., a re'gular trader, 0 '41ilSeptember, the splendid new British-built ship 0-lyT ,Al for twelve years, burden g0 ton (be- OIlljbEN3eWsr lbhardssfl Brothers and Co.), RICHlARD WRANKl- t0 Clill5 uttti), Conimander; will load in the London ('Ieds vessel is expected to sail very fast, as a ship, ot the ~' s~rscW~ as ade thle voyage iii 74 days. She has a fuill ~i Oh ,ill be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i3tubsIftaton0. Just published, 70th Tboutand. 1/IORISONIANA; or, the. Abridged Family V Adviser of the British College of Health. Containing Origin Life, and true cause of Diseases Explained, Important Advice to the World, &o. By JAMES MoResON, the Eygeiet.-May be had at the British College of Health, NI;ew road, London, price Ud.,or le. by post. fR. CULVERWELL'S MEDICAL WORKS, Orthodox, Antl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. Balsami, Srrey.-An excellent and secure Leaschoid hicestlileut producing £142 per annum. M It. GADSDEN has received instructions from M the Executors and Trustees for SALE, tinder the will oi the late Henry Flood, Esq., to SELL by AUCTION, at the Aultiol Marton IFriday, Septemisber 24, at Twelvca desirable LEASEiliOLD ESTATE, consisting of two substantially brick-built ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G UILD of LITERA'TURIE and ART.-The o Amateur Company having completed their serica of perform. t ances, their elegant TIEATRE is now to be SOLD entire, with its unique stock of secenery, blivlr. btanitell, IL.A.. r. tRoberts, R.A.. D1 Dlr. Louis Haghe, Mr. Thomnas Grjeve, .lMr. Telbin, and Mr. Pitt; and with all its simple and ingenioui inechnisin gas fittings for flt, t sing ladders, border ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I N INSULAR aid OMJENTAL STEAM THjj' AlGpATION COMPANY book pasolnelf ind receivj sasS erli for CFYLON, MADP.AS, ODALCOTIA, PENANG, A 'arcR acd HONG KONG, by their steamers, starting ,sGAlr0lllMPTON on the 20th of every month, and from ?? bottt thle oth of the month. q'9Z' i Steamer onl this line will be despatched from South. SkW extra Alexandria on the 3d October next., in combination with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A TREVA, fo(RT PIR LHLP.-NOIPNOTICE.- ]hiJ ship will leave the Doclks TO-DAY (Tbureday.) AUll paasngers mmtt be on betard at Gravecend by 10 e'olock; te-o-macow mornsing (F'iiday.) Hasa fewt bertha disatengaed, at from £18 mob,, Sooh whic imeiaptie oppiestlon is ne ceary or or to 0 YO1 O unGcourt, 67 t, Co7,iU 'ornh*U 'D OOAL MAI1 S to AUSTRALIA.-NOTICE. The The scrow'at er 8ARSAR.HSNDS, bound ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T9 rrHB THREE FEATURES of EDMUND JL DUDDEN and COMPANYS TRADE, though novel, and only a few months before thepobitic, have already drawn to the LONDON CLOTH E9TAELISHMLNT a meat extensive connexion of the bes clae (those who pa cash) ; it to very evident that the large saving reallsed, particularly from the first and second features, is being well understood and appreciated by economists,; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THREEpm PAIRS WELLINGTON BOOTS to Af* Tirbairsieai ' kb- Ed b r toL ,s ?? ei 1la d bide k id les bmuttona hbbootsfatfb#*b ;0h41 l NOWllametN.; three Pair Oxford abocaftoeguna to ptjel Is1d.Pr lb. . et lee' Fonc °htes, hl0dt h be. ee |leP.r of ImmeO1eE4d ns swtocko widrens VloS, e ha Is. ?? sperm tI- Ol s wa,, 85 dl .heeps?, o' N.. Thee a , , ?? , aUlnmmr. dPA 1lpfjl.m kM 11r 1b2roe. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, HAYMARKET.-Lessee, Mr. lb Webster * Directross, Mize. Celest.-THIS EVENING will be arpeated tho ~elebrated AdeSphi drama of JACK SIIEPPARD. Prilutipal ciaranter by Mirs. Keeley, M~r. Paul Bedford, Mr. S. Emevrv, Mr. 0. Smuith, Mios Laura Honey, M;B SE. Cbaplin, &c. 'So coclucide with thc comledy of PAUL PRY. NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. No comnmunication can be attended to unlens ...