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Daily News (London)



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Daily News (London)

Advertisements & Notices

... VOR HOBART TOWN Direct (a regular trader, ' to sail in September), the splendid new Britles-ballt ship AERWENTWAT`[W A I for 12 years, burden 300 ton, (belngig to Messrs. Richardson Brothers and (bo), RICHARD WRANRT MORE (late of the Calcutta), commander; will load in the London DocLs. This vessel is expected to sail very fat, as a ship oof the same construction has made the voyage in 74 daae ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HAYES, Seu., t e1)EN7TIST and CUPPXR, soItO m yearsestdablihed in Mlay'bbuld*ng, 6t, Matn's-lane, Ic taequan his paltients that he can only becoonauted at 1U. fioho. s qua~vhere he adhetes sri~olly to the rame mlodeate charges poadI s I seno prlnopls which have oharseterised his practie forr so maInuyyer. Etbllshed,172 l78.}1, Sc-uase. U1PFICACIOUS CURE for CORES, BUNIONS, ' iCALwOSIMlS ta.. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OYAL ITALIAN OPERA. OODVENT.GARDEN. WEUCRD PRICES.-POSITIVELY THE LAST NIGHT OF THE SEASON. LES HUGUENOTS. THIS EVENING (Wednesday), Sept. l, will be perforned Meyer- beer's gd opera LES HUGUENOTS. Valentins, Mdae. G1int; Margarita di Valol, Mdli. Angiolina Bodo (her second appearance n thst ohazaoter); * Dana ?? Mdii. Cotti; U bano, Ndle. 8egu; Macelin, Signor Marini- n Conte dl 8on Uri-, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DEBTRUCTV: FIREh i HAYDON-SQUARE D MILXNER'S HOLDFAST SAFFA-The rdsronget Safeguards Mvtas robtlery, or vis be of all elzee, at the depot, 4 -I U attac city!, Iendon, July 2e, 1362. ?? desrcte drein Haydoeusre on tho 15 Instaut, in which our entetk f ols, turpentine, crdcgeanvas, &a. ws destroyed, te U books and papers In our Miner's Safe were preserved UID h ,e safe was o.dugoutof the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... USTRALIAN oIE f PACKETS (to sail bartte'u F §e8C embHRDF SYDNdirect, the splendi edirenterthe Jsattyir At UiSTRALI~u LINE of PACKFT SHtaPS- c s HNYadCLVITTUMN, 61, Great st. Helw's, Baoesre. TTU fast-sailiusr clipper-bui~t ship. PR~ieNCEofr WALsES 2ton~s regt tbedre, .B DONALDt coaunander; lyingagt the Jetty, London Docs. i fte veshei, well kod ma for a ,i- litited hasme fpro clfs pralsres-o ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NATIONAL AN17-CORN-LAW LsAGUE.- PRIZE ESSAY. At b9LM N ot the COUNC1Lol the NATIOSAL ANTI-CORN. LAW LEAGUJi, held in H se Ul0ldi Meeteren the IOth ?? t, 1 w52, it resoiet to offer the aumof £280 br the BEST E3Y and the sm of £50 for the SECOND BEST ESSAY, showr. hgthe Bemlt of the Repeal of the On Lasandthe Fcta Moral, the Socal, the Commueonal, and the Polil Interesta of the lniteie Kingdom. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,USTRAIIA.-Fot PORT PHILLIP, MEL- , BOURNAEs lasnd tADELAIDE, the splendid first-las, ship ATALANTA. A 1, 1,800 tins, lying in the East India Import Dock. Captain A. VENT who has hbd much experience in the conveyance of passergers. fiis beautiful ship has full poop and 9 feet height in the 'oween decks, aftoding accommodatIons, and ventilation TneqAirMd end ?? are Invited to intect her. Hates ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1VNE-ART DISTIUBUTION and PRESENTA- TION of ON'E HUNDRED MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS; trfortes, Halrmuoni , Organe. and Serapines. to tbe purha oere o~ofOLlOWA'S CELEB~RAED ENGEAVVNGF, after Reolmel's Cartoosr~, Htampton Court rolwc,, andl other engravigs, at2la,. werb. r the eompletesert ul eeven, 6 guiicra,'whrhi may be seen from S to Idelly, atWtS Royal kt~ moniurn und Piarnoforte Saloo', 33, SOitJ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SOUND and WHITE TEETH are not only in- ~j dispeseably requisite to a pleasing exterior in both sexes, but the are pecllarly appreciated through life as a blessing highly eon. ducive to the porpoaca ot health and longevity. Among the various preparations offered for the purpose ROWLANDS' ODONTO, or PEARL DENTIFRICE, stands untrivalled in its capabllityofembel. lishing, purifging, and preserving ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~ONVERSION oif thz SPANISH DEBT.-The Queeo, sny aug ui t Siocrelu, by a royal drc cm unieated to mnc by hi8 Exeellerey the Idirtnter of t'inance, has been ploired to srant one mnonth as a Detf term for tbeo dmiosion to 'he convcrelon in London, ~aris, and Amsterdam, of the Passive Debt Bonds, and tbos vibou in reo J~onvaundr te ram ot Deferrd Debt Of 1831, and that tbis term tnusa be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... USTRALA and -the GOLD REGIONS.- AI'te u0V.NTALEXANDER LINE of PACKEEFS~-T call aoe, 0t Sept. the superior frlgate-built slip, PROGRESS, A I at ljyds,1,ootos urhe, W.H. THOMSON ?? I, dock inan few days. This vessel is well known for her very great specd, aod for her handsome model; she has very lofty between detd, feet high), and will be ventilated In every respect on the ,ea approved ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Q 'I AMUEL MATTHEWS (successor to Chas. Mac- lo ita and Co.), 53, Charing-crass, next door to the I'hlmnlt~ Fire Offlce.-STOlIM COATS, made to carry In the pocket, prlo two guineas, sent free by Post. Life Belts, of superior quality crm la. Wr. Potrtable Boats, Baths, Beds, and every variety ?? Rlln'ber Manulacture. THE SUREST WAY to OBTAIN the PUBLIC TPATRONAGE la to DESERVE IT. - As manl ...