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Advertisements & Notices

... -E PENINSULAR and ORIENTAL STEAM i NAViGATION COMPANY book passengers and receive N.rels for CEYLON, MADRAS, OALCUTTA, PENANG 01odlanrP and HONG KONG, by their steamers, starting $ GAPkUT HMp'lTON on the 20th of every month, aend from hon So about the 6th of the month. SUEZ on ?? on this ine will be despatched from South- A er Alexandria on the 3d October next, in combimation with aOpte,, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THKATRE ROYAL, HAYMARKET.-THIS EVENING will be repeated the new drama, ogled TlE WRITING ON THE WALL. Augu~tns Trotter, Esq., Mr. Wright; Tobias, Sr. 0. Smith; Richard Oliver, Mr. Emery; Bob Smithera, Mr. P. Bedford; Lady Elton, Mr, L. Murray; Margrette, Miss E. Chap- lin; CarlottaSmithirni, Miss Weolgar After which, the comic opera ef GOOD NIGHT, SIGNOR P'ANTALON.' To conclude with the farce ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A VALUABLE GUIDE FOR INVALIDS GOING TO MADEIRA. PI I jADEIRA: its Climate and Scenery. Con- ijJ taling Medical and General Information fot invalids ed an Visitors; its History, Appearanoe, Vintage, Geology, Natural Hig-. tory, Ike.; Boarding and Furnished Houses, Manners ?? Population, and numerous other Tables; a Tour of the Island,. &i By ROBERT WHIETE. In poet San, with a new Map of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'r'i ROYA HAYMARKET.- 'Dr B WEBST1R. DireCtresS,Madame CELESre J ?? p,,ny for a few nights more. Recovery at ilxc: ?? of Jack Sheppard. The manage. rmlCY pleasure in arinoancing that Mrs. Keeley. ; SrIfl recovered from the effects of her late accident, Pr;i1^ syppesr in tie character of Jack Sheppard on 01or' seday sept. 6, and during the week, will be presented smloe,- celebrated Drama, in ...

Published: Sunday 05 September 1852
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 4912 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... I .0 I i I 11 i II Ii k I I i I - i I I i ansunted to£1,7 per utile, sti ci-, i i this case, woul give a profit uo vards of 10 per cent. on the guaranteed cost of £10,000 per utile. It is apparent, hoowever, that the receipts on this line may be expected to exceed the average of the 300 miles of Belgian State railivays. First, because the local populatiou ila | the district traversed is more ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MR. G. W M. REYNOLDS'S PUBLICATONS. The following Pop Works are published every Sclturd:ay morn I ag at Hr. Beynoldcs'sEstablshment, No.7, Wellington Streetxorth, Strand:- I Weekly One Penny-Monthly Parts, Price Sixpene, r E Y N 0 L D S ' E I S C E L L A N Y R Of Nomance, General Literature, Science, and Art. ComesncTED BY GiORGE W H-. RMsSaOuSs.i This is the largest, cheapest, and most ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PItNCESSS THEATRE. .Under the Management of Mr. Charles 3ean. toN ronday, September 20th, will fe performed the new petite U com0dy of The PRIMA DONNA, TheCORSICAN BROTHERS, and A ROLAND FOR AN OLIVER. Tuesday, The PRIMA DONNA, The CORSICAN BROTHERS, and A ROLAND FOR AN OLIVER. Wednesday, The PRIHA DONNAI The CORSI- CAN B12O HERS. and A ROLAND FOR AN OLIVER Thursday, The PRIIfA DONNA, The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OYAL ITALIAN OPERA. OODVENT.GARDEN. WEUCRD PRICES.-POSITIVELY THE LAST NIGHT OF THE SEASON. LES HUGUENOTS. THIS EVENING (Wednesday), Sept. l, will be perforned Meyer- beer's gd opera LES HUGUENOTS. Valentins, Mdae. G1int; Margarita di Valol, Mdli. Angiolina Bodo (her second appearance n thst ohazaoter); * Dana ?? Mdii. Cotti; U bano, Ndle. 8egu; Macelin, Signor Marini- n Conte dl 8on Uri-, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ST JAE S'S TIEATRE. King street, St Jamles's. T II E F I ft ST PERFORMANCE of the T OILGANOPIlONIC BAND, or an Orchcstra wvithoot illeruments; reprcsentmg by els human voice only, without any haellcanicel aid *rhatcvr, a complete orchestra, both wind and strnuged instrumetts eoen tynibals acid drums, as also the musical box, bagpipes, ac. will talee place at the above Thentre, en MONDAY, Septr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rIARYLEBONE THEATRE. Lessee and Manager, Mr. E. T. Smith. THE most elegantly decorated theatre in London. Engagement T of Mr. Buchanan, from America on Thursday next, for one night only. His first appearance in Macbeth. On Monday, Tues- day, and Wednesday, the celebrated nautical Drama (by T. Towns- end, Esq.), entitled The LIFE RAFT, with new scenery and effects. After which the screaming ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C OPATRB' (ROYAL MAIL STEAMER).- pl FNGERS joining this ship at Plymouth, must do so V pr., fo.MORROVW, Tuesday, tihe 7th inst.. ty Three p.RD ?? FBY and DAVISON, Brokers. l St e, 1552, 113, Fenchurclh-street. ?? SEIPPE3RS for MADRAS.-The T °IFALG2n J. H. TAnoR Commander, will OIECEIVE ?? TI IENT~ OOonS in the East India Docks u'4til Tuesday, Yi1 ?? to F. Green and Co., 04, Cormhill. ~ ~Ai to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR HONG KONG}: and CANTON .s1wiR have lmmcdiate elespatch), the d elsndldamftuder (who wel acuaitedwit th Chnes ses);to oadin (he WestlIndl Docs. he biphasjus ben lunced fon the yard of messrs. Duthe, a Abedee, haing een uil cx ~fqr~l~e~j~trade. -Fr regt or pssag apply to W. 0. Y SuNl' ; court,oornhlll; ,TEAM to CALCUTTA, . 00C6A da Verds g eron, af Good en , The GMEN AL SC STEAK SHIPPING ...