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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... 11 I - i 1- Catlc.e JohnVineHall. 1,800 Oet. 10 Oct. 15. bmauritits Beecj.JolnElderH.C.S. 1,00 Nov. 10 Nov. 10. flydaspes - 1800 Dec. 10 Dec. 16. Argo ?? 1,800 Jan. 10 Jan. 1 6. These ships ns' divided into walter-tight aced fire-proof conmpart- iments, and cvill carry an experienced surgeon. The cabins are lfully furnished with bedding, linen, drawers for clothing, wash- leaed lstaeds, &c, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R OYAL PRINCESS'S THFjATRE, Oxford- la 9A ?? the ma iameement of Mr. Charles IKean.- This Theatre W'ill OPEN for the season TO-MORROW, Saturday, SePt, 18, when will be performed a new petite coinedy called THE | rRIMA DONNA. After which, THlE CORSICAN BROTHERS. Fabien and Louis de! Frauchi, M9r. Charles Kean. To conclude I with the farce, called A ROLANI) FOR AN OLIVER.-ThG Box- office is open ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO MARINERS.-WRECK IN THE BRISTOL. CHANNEL. TI1INITY-HOUSE, LONDON, SEPreMsaE 15,1852. N OTICE is hereby given, that a GREEN BUOY m larked WRECIO has bees placed about 30 fathorns W. N. fromu a vessel suuk isi the Bristol Channel. ?? bioY lies h)i 3 fathoms at low water spring tides, with tle fsllowilg mlark arid coflipas5 bearinr s, viz.- ' 'l-Wtst Patch Buoy on with Bsrnbeck Island ...

Advertisements & Notices

... '-,TEAM to CALCUTTA vift CAPE de VERDS, S ASCENSIoN, CAPE of GOOD HOPE, MAURITIUS, 05YL.N, anid MADRAS.-The GENERAL SCREW STEAM COMPANY'S LINE of IRON STEAMERS, with her get'Mails.. Departure Departure Name. Captains. Tons, from from E.lDosks. Plymouth. hlutta JohnbVinelHall ?? 1,800 Oct. 10 Oct. 16. ylsritihs: Bernj.JohnElderII.C.S. 1,800 Nov. 10 Nov. 16. Bydaspes , - 1.800 Den. 10 Dee. 15. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, IIAYMARKET.-Lessee, I Mr, B. Webster, Directrees, Mine. Celeste.-TillS EVENING will be repeated the celebrated Adoephi drama of JACK SREPPARD. Principal charuatemg by Mrs. Ieeley, Mr. Paul Bedford, Mr. S. Emery, Mr. 0. Smith, Miss Laura Honey, Miss E. Chaplin, &c. To conclude with the comedy of PAUL PRY. ROYAL PRINClESS'S THEATRE, Oxford- !treet.-Unider the Manages ent of Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0ONVERSION of the SPANISH DEBT.- %J In conformity with the advertissuient Inserted in this Journal of the 4th instant, It is reminded te the parties interested that the Passive Bonde, as well as those of the Debt without in- tereat, otherwise ?? Deferred of 1831, will be admitted for conver- ion at the Spanish Financial Commission in l ondon until the 5th of October next, which term, newly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B1TEAM to CALCUTTA via CAPE de VERDS ~ ASENSONCAP ofGOOD HOPE, MIAURITIUS, CEONnd MADRAS.-The 4GENERAL SCREW ST2AX_' SHIPIN COPAN'S INEOf IRON STSAMtERM. with her -ails. Departurel Departure Name. Captains. Tons. from from .E.l.Doclis. Plymouth. ?? John Vine Hall ?? 1,800 Oct. 10 Oct. 18. esauritius Benj.JohnElder,H.C.S. 1,800 Nov. 10 Nov. 10. Hydaliplis - 1,800 Dec. 10 Dec. 16. Argo - 1,800 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. Modem Furniture of a very superior character, nearly nEW, a beautiful Cottage Pianoforte by Messrs. Collard, several othern by eminent makers, a complete Drawing-room Suite of the lbe't Parisian manufacture, Chinaney Glasses, and nusserous or.a- mental and useful Effects. M ESSRS. OXENHAM and SONS will SELL M by AUCTION, at their Rooms, 353, Oxford-strect, sil the Pantheon, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i1 I1LIAN LOANS.--The TWENTIETH DIVI- IDESD on the SIX PER CEN'T. LOAN, and the ELEVENTH DIVIDEND on1 the THREE PER CENT. LOAN, both falling due ol the 30tb 5nst:t, :sAl be PAID oil tilat or as'ly succeeding day (Tuesdays and Fridavs excepted). betweell the hourn of Ten and Two, at the Coulnthi,-hlusO of BARING BROTHERS and CO., 6, Bishopsgate strect WILItiin, shere lists may be obtained as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I 1JTi-;TLXAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM N '&\IGATION COMPANY'S LINE of IRON SCREW p',.NmE1SR.-For SYDNEY, calling at the Cape of Good Hope, & ge'se Sound, Aldelaidc, siad Port Phillip.-Tiho splendid Oucai shll MiELBOUiINE, 1,800tons, 300 horso power, JAsMES IeTilCe CoX, Coumander, will be despsatchied from Londoi onl the l;g, Seiptenlber, and from Plymouth oil the 3d October; to load the East India ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR THE BENEFvT OF MNR. PAUL BEDFORD. THEATRE ROYAL, I{AYMAR1(ET.-Lese, Mr. II. Webster; Direetreos, Mase. Oeelele,.-THIS EVENING ?? be ?? the vclebratet Adulphi dra)a sf jACK SHEPPARD. Principal charseters by Mrs AMr. Paixl Bedford, Mr. S. Emiery. Mr. 0. SimiLb 'Misg Laura H oney, Miss E. Chaplin, &c. Tro 'cunclude with thc new% drama, called THlE WRITING ON THlE WALL. Priliciltal ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3 :1 I I I ie actually ?? efiore tie scorks are csiuinincied, aisd onl more C tliail half its auiiiotit tile ilitarest is biunitel to I per cent., leaving the surplilus reveille fir (ivisioti ?? the ordiniary sharcihollers. Tho railay runs through a level cohuntilty. nlong thie valley of G the D-le hI so hiich arc siti-ateil nanl Ilourishindg ithustr lal sta- j bhishniients, aid it firins a ...