Advertisements & Notices

... PARENT BOARD OF IRIS MANUFAC- ± TUBE AND INDUSTRY, 2, ESSEX--BRIDGE. MANUFACTURE MOVEMENT. The Parent Buard will hold a Meeting this Evening at Eight o'clock preceisy, at which the Members are particularly requested to attend, at the Council Rooms, 2, Essex Bridge, when a summary of the week's business, will be submitted, which proceedings will be found interestibg to the true friendg of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?AME LISTS. 1852. FOR TIlE COIJNTY OF SUFFOLK. P1RST PLBLICATION By W. MAXNI', Sutnrion Irawiesi. PERSONS who have obtained GsrlE CERTIFICATE2 for the Year 1852. Its, (I) GuN ERA!. Cirse'ritccAns at £4 Os. lOel. each. Sir It. Flubs. 'STile. ?? Qiferel, floury 'St. Xlailliow, ILeloIrIt, Aiderson, 1. . i?osoestrte 'Sit/roy, lord Chico. I.. Essbort, Alelerin,,, F. . Shetie toed. ?? Bunion. Corks ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~~1FAV SILVER PAP~~~~~~~ER - HANGINGS. - COTEELBROTHERS I1 ppori~lt',yto,,n .. that the NEW SILVER PAPERS are now ready. As works of art these Pape Ie3early are , adaptable either to tse D~rawing or Dining Room, sAnd are aboat the same price as FlockPa . ror eltdPbn ma~de to the vartety of BEDISOONLAnd Other CHEAP PAPERS. There aer still on band a few odLt P 00sal 1R0' het~lialf the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I URNTISHED APARTMENTS. DB\W'ING ROOM, with BED -OOM o .,le same floor, in a ParvAft FAXUY, to be ?? rEflittS MODERATE. YonR Bun.Drnos, St. Sidwell's. ?? pply No. TO PITALISTS, GOLDSMITHS, SILVERSMITHS, tlAL AND NVATCH MAKERS. . 2R. SOBEY, \S t;~ rnany vears enjoyed 8 most valuable r csi'ouo but from a long continuance of il 1lth cncelpefled to relinquish entirely the retail trade. !, sorc ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MR. G. W M. REYNOLDS'S PUBLICATONS. The following Pop Works are published every Sclturd:ay morn I ag at Hr. Beynoldcs'sEstablshment, No.7, Wellington Streetxorth, Strand:- I Weekly One Penny-Monthly Parts, Price Sixpene, r E Y N 0 L D S ' E I S C E L L A N Y R Of Nomance, General Literature, Science, and Art. ComesncTED BY GiORGE W H-. RMsSaOuSs.i This is the largest, cheapest, and most ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PItNCESSS THEATRE. .Under the Management of Mr. Charles 3ean. toN ronday, September 20th, will fe performed the new petite U com0dy of The PRIMA DONNA, TheCORSICAN BROTHERS, and A ROLAND FOR AN OLIVER. Tuesday, The PRIMA DONNA, The CORSICAN BROTHERS, and A ROLAND FOR AN OLIVER. Wednesday, The PRIHA DONNAI The CORSI- CAN B12O HERS. and A ROLAND FOR AN OLIVER Thursday, The PRIIfA DONNA, The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LONDON TAILORING ESTABLBISIIVMENT. WELLS, REUIMENTAL 5TAILOR, HATTER, &c., has just received, in great variety, f, all the N~ewr Materials for GENTLEMEN'S SHOOTING DRESSES, in Coatings, Waistcoats, Trowers, &e.; and also the Reversable WATERPROOF COATS, so mcnh admired for their adaptability for thepresent Season, and particularly for Gentlemen Visitors to the Sea-side. OBSERVE-3, SAVILE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ' CORRESPONDENTS. S. R.-NO. .A C~onstant Beador, (iantatwig.-A regulalr rcrb. A Pausenger hag not forwarded hts nlaic and adt7ra7s. Julius Cwesar.F-Yte in the autumn of the year l6, B. C. Veritas.R-Apply to Mr. Calderwood,, at the Concert.hall. Joe Beetea.-We have no record of 6uch transaelions. A Redresser of GrievancOs should fornsard his naume and address. SJ. L.-The Sirius ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DEBTRUCTV: FIREh i HAYDON-SQUARE D MILXNER'S HOLDFAST SAFFA-The rdsronget Safeguards Mvtas robtlery, or vis be of all elzee, at the depot, 4 -I U attac city!, Iendon, July 2e, 1362. ?? desrcte drein Haydoeusre on tho 15 Instaut, in which our entetk f ols, turpentine, crdcgeanvas, &a. ws destroyed, te U books and papers In our Miner's Safe were preserved UID h ,e safe was o.dugoutof the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHURCH OF ST. WALBURGE. HE BAZAAR now being held at the Exchange l iRooms, Lune-street, CLOSES, finally, THIS DAY (SATURDAY), at Eight o'clock pin. Admission, 3d. This day is published, price is., A LETTER TO DR. LYWN; PLAYFA1R, C.B. F.R.S. B EING a Medical Commentary on the Results of the D Recent Analysis of the Buxton Tepid Water. To which are prefixed a Statement of the Improvements now in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BLACKBURN. WANTED, STEADY, active YOUNG IAN (one who has A served his time to the trade), as Counterman and Salesman in a Grocery and Provision establishment- Refqrence will be required to his last Employer. Address, pp., to P. D., Post Office, Blackburn. BAZAAR. A BAZ-x&R will be held in ST. JOtN'S SCOOL Roo, 1. BL.LCInURN, on WEoNrSDAY, TnunSDOA, and Fat- T)AY, the SIXTIr, SE.V-'NTir, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRESPONDENTS. The W'elsh lines of Llewelyn Twrog stand over till ?? week. Tlle communicatiofl from Lianberis, ?? re- ceived, as all such favouirs are, shall be made avail able iu a future number. As we have noticed the death of the Duke of Wel- lington, in a special article, we have cancelled the mentioln of that solemni event, which appeared at the head of the letter of our London ...