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Advertisements & Notices

... FOR CHIEDREN CUTTING THEIR TEE:TH. \3OTWITEISTANDING the number of clieltp e. ii paratious that have latterly been forced uoin- t .; pttblic by parties jealous of the great sluccess of tb0,oorigiiugl and 't higbly valuable preparation, Mrs. JOHNSONl3 £MERICAE :1 SOOTHlING SfRUP still standc unrivnlled, from the simple fat that it contains no narcotic nor any dangerous i6gredient whatever, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1 ~NOR.TH DEV-ON. [ rNPISHED or UNFURNISHED r S ?? rA(>E to be LET, for a Year, or any longer r ile Ctage is situated 2J miles from a good i ad three-quarters of a mile from the Sea: ' itiung-rootis. 4 bed-rooms, and a dressing. I ?? ud offlces, men-servants' rooms, gardener's * r ;!1! d g q narden, stabling, &c. Land may be rented 3 it:;i7,ed asod good shooting in the neighbourhood. I -. ' Mr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C 'HEAp BOOK ESTABLISHMENT;, OPPOSITE THE DRAWBRIDGE. / T.F OLioOVE rcspectfully solicits an tinspection oS hs mis- celtaneout5 Stock ot l3OthsS. Svi51C5 iho is ttoW ailins sidsrabi y below the signal prices. cotn~sti91ttg 'rieetoeicsi, Mledieat, Cieadsio, auid Mathematical Works. ricteriat looks. flnd Books for the Drawing-roosn Table. Psiveflti Bloot s, Ftnd Itooks for I'reseltst. Avscieril ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THJE CIRCULATION TE, BRISTOL MERCURY, I ,As shown by the OFFCIAL HmTRNiSapleuded t 0IbC Repo led the Parliamenistary U(Joinittee on Newspaper staulPso during the year 1850, to . 'TWO HUNDRED AND SIXTY.SEVrN THOV1ThAND Giving a Weekly Average of upwards of 5d0( The following Figures, as given in the Retur3. sbOw lb, relative positious of the Mercury and MirrOr:- 2tl7.000 I BIBTOL TEXRCUbgY .. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E GA14T MUSLINS. ,NEW GOO&DS ?? 1852;- 20,000 PIECES' 1 of. B AZORINBE OBGANDI, and FRENCH MUSLINS- are now offering at 2s. 111d. the dress of eight yards; or any length out at4id. the yard. They are beautiful Goods, fast colours, and eannot be replaced at is. the yard. -Merchants and large buyers will find this a desirable opportunity. Patterns sent free. HOOPER, MUSLIN PRINTER, 52, Oxford ...

Advertisements & Notices

... xiuomento* ~ ATE -ROYAL, nfrdtatthis Establolshlment is now Pubi1i~i~~ It A~ ~eComencerrient.' Uo111rt ~E, t 4;PIT, IB.; C, tL~liEt 64. vetgNtSept. 27, tePerformances will c-gm- Ol I tr Tragedy Of ANE SlORtE. -OIidn r. JOHN HlOUSE. tefollowed by the adietoi Bai.lot entitled, tewol C~onclade with the Grand Romanetic,~eo-r OTWD A0li, O TIMOUR THlE TARTAR. TU.,)yEvening,' Sep. 26, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EFFCTSatPEMROK-PACE, CLIFTON. ~5'SSRS. FARGUS & SON will SELL by AUCTI0N, 0on the Premises, on TUBSDAY Next, lh~i 2t L(8Tsbdib HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, CHINA and GLASS. pLATED AeRTICLES. a few PAINTINGS, mcnriualisiea55UtftiiproduCtlionsci~rd. r ok b~rIlliant-plate Upright Chimney pW~kl 0 timasm.Curtains. with Gilt Cornices. 613 ,hiitesevood CHAIRtSendCOUCH, covered, tomateb, I d~i~t~twed Lo, litd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N FURFURS, 'VVINDEAT AD TAYLOR, G22 AN 63, HIGHS S TREET, E ;SPECTFU LLY announce atthey are R now Prepared to O fft a n an d ESTIRELY NEW ST K OF FURS, 11all the adv cntageeof~ od fl thathas recently hn lace in the prieof ofst descriptioms; and having e a l m ufactured in th e best possible w ay, from e ases Ines, and can -csoonfidenly reommend them n to the atte adno ucaes FURS CLEANED AND ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WSIIrFELD,-DEYO1; V 0 Lw LET. a most desirable RESIDENCE, j .,rp ?? ining and Drawing-Iooms, Six Bed- | o ooln, itchens andallconvenienrt- K ,h~ll5nn~ Stabling fir three Horses, and double ?ti~ljIOt e. together with Kitchen and Flower GIraens, ?? and Orchard; and, if required Six,Acres of uj5te tand, 'c'Ands beanitifal and e3tansive views, Tie 0ove CA0 lsppliea with water, is within fif'e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t BENJ. SPRY STOCK; f STOCK AND SHARE BROKER BRISTOI4--- Begs to Inform his Friends and the l'ublic that lie has REiTMlOVED t the Offices. in ALBtOX-E:HA~ ifiltF recently occupied by BIVWt C(.-TsTACL, who is ro~tirIn frorstih Business. t GLOJI l&SUIA.NCI-; ObFICE, - go't.. FIRE, LIFE, AND ANNUITIEq. Mr. STOCK's Agency Business wcill in future be colnducted in ALnION-iCHAmssris. r FAANCING, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,~BRISOL STOL ~ 13pwiot MIRNOR N D'RTS1 1, javour Of I el~~ OhANuEe to jr Chrisgtm5ast m tofI~ e 3leturn eisho the Iledttve ~ssrsL ~ M kY~.cssn the drs,,sioat Otff 1IOMAS EADES, ~~BarestdtCi ifthh flIEMA.T, and 0 'G. (WSIM LL -MlLL- A.gj cLe AN, ND:begsRA EM~sorh IsGRAuIONess isI.CErStestetistldo t aeshertlutot Andasmstral es are eotersaotlyonierr4MIalyg,h. f01 fore o a,','Nhr Bertheesrl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... '-~~ By rRIVATE C N~ T se, t ryeach.B Rus No cte atet'.22pP5k.streetBrIstOl.-' SO2,B PRVTE T Sr~OLD BY arI7 e cnt.a1r gh't of]l the ,sentall is cmmaning espetabl gn afn'ts, d situated bidgI 'Prothle archaseiltoney may re Oilo ~fg~gO. iv about300 Tons 0). 6OD (bN rstquaily inassorted sizes, at Moderate pricee, UP fib we wih tade allo~vances.-Apply to PEARSE in ~ Of lt~,Ic~ccen~o,22,Chapel ...