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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR THE BENEFvT OF MNR. PAUL BEDFORD. THEATRE ROYAL, I{AYMAR1(ET.-Lese, Mr. II. Webster; Direetreos, Mase. Oeelele,.-THIS EVENING ?? be ?? the vclebratet Adulphi dra)a sf jACK SHEPPARD. Principal charseters by Mrs AMr. Paixl Bedford, Mr. S. Emiery. Mr. 0. SimiLb 'Misg Laura H oney, Miss E. Chaplin, &c. Tro 'cunclude with thc new% drama, called THlE WRITING ON THlE WALL. Priliciltal ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3 :1 I I I ie actually ?? efiore tie scorks are csiuinincied, aisd onl more C tliail half its auiiiotit tile ilitarest is biunitel to I per cent., leaving the surplilus reveille fir (ivisioti ?? the ordiniary sharcihollers. Tho railay runs through a level cohuntilty. nlong thie valley of G the D-le hI so hiich arc siti-ateil nanl Ilourishindg ithustr lal sta- j bhishniients, aid it firins a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, HAYMARRET.-Lessee, Mr. B. W~ebster ; Directreas, mace. ceieste.-TIIIS EVENING will be ropeated the celebrated Adeophi drama of JACK SHEPPARD. PrinciPal characters by Nrs. Keeley, Mr. Paul Bedford, Mr. S. Emecry, Mr. 0. Smith, Miss Laura Honey, Miss E. Chaplin. Re. TO rconclude with the new drama, called THE WRITING ON NVE ALL. Principal chlaracters by Mr. Wrighit, Mr. 0. Sumith. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STEAM to AUSTRALIA.-TheRloyal Mail Steam S Ship MELBOURNE, JAMES ARTHUR Cox CoItmander, is now cn the East India Doulke, and wvill POSITIVELY LEAVE on the oath iost. There are a few berths still disengaged in the firt cabin, early application for which should be made to C. Walton, ion., 17, Gracechurch-street, the ageutoto the Company. O TEAM to CALCUTTA via CAPE de VERDS, , ASCENSION, CAPE of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IDUKE WELLINGTONS fublished a DOURLE NUSIBR l ofteILSLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS price is, contain15g tbe LIFE of the NOBLE DUKE, illustrated With the olwi splendid ENGRAVINGS :-His Birth-place and Riitfllisiof hg Family, in Ireland-Battle of Talavera-Tlee Storla naei of his Passage of the Douro-Waterloo: The FarmihouseoOf Bad ;Os1 and at them- The Old Guard never sunren Ap Guseds French ...

Advertisements & Notices

... mIO the HOLJDERS Of SPANISH PASSIVE .3. BONDS.-LAST DAY for the CONVERSION of the PASSIVE DEBT-rhe Committee hereby give notice to the HOLDERS of PASSIVE BONDS that the CONVERSION of these BONDS will FINALLY CLOSE in London on the eth Octobernext. hose holders who omit to send in their Bonds for Conversion on or before the abovo date will have to send them to Madrid, which will entail a heavy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Age when Dtof Sum IOrigina R~educu~ed 3 isPolicy.wasAsured. IPremim nmum for the issued. IDpOY-JICurrent Year. 20 £1,000 £19 6 8 £1012 8 30 Onorbe. 1,000 24 8 4 13 8 7 40 fore 12th of 1,000 1 10 0 17 6 6 50 May, 1847. 1,000 42 16 0 23 10 3 60 1,000 66 11 8 86 12 6 Agents In India-Messrs. Braddon and Co., Calcutta; Messrs. Bainbridgo and Co., Madras; Messrs. Leckie and Co., Bombay. MICHAEL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Antagonistic to Sophistry, Prejudice, and EsepirlelfiSn 147 wood cuts, 41 cases. 2 vols., is. each; by st, Is. 6d, ON N SINGLE AND MA EDIEJ) LIFE. To oe or not to be, that is the quastion. C By 11. J. CULVERKfELL, M.D. (1841), M.R.C.S. (1827), L.. (1924), 25 years Medical and Forensic Referee in these nmatters. Progranme :-Advent of Puberty and corresponding AOOocta ?? and Casualties of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STE3AM to AUSTRALIA.-TheRoyal ?? Steam, Ship MEi BOURNE, JAESi AnrTIUR Cox Commander, is low in the East India Docks, and sill POSITIVELY LEAVE on the th inst. There ar ea few berths still disengaged in the first bin early application for vhich should be made to C. Walton, un., 17, Gracechurh-street, the agentto the Compally. OR PORtT PHILLIP direct (to call at Dart- i mouth to embark ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, HAYMARKET.-Lessee, i Mr. D. Webster; Directress, Alme. Celeste.-THIS EVENING will be repeated the celebrated Adelphi draima of JACK SlEPPARD. Principal characters by Mrs. Keeley, Mr. Paul Bedford, Mr. S. Emery. Mr. 0. Sia bliss Laursa Honey, 'Miss .E Chaplin, &e. To conclude wihtenwdaa ald THlE WRITING ON TIIE WALL. Principal ebseseters by Mr. Wriglt, Mr. 0. Smitli, Mr. S. Emery ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IiONVERSION of the SPANISH DEBT.- NJ In conformity with the advertisement inserted in this journal of' the 4th instant, it is reminded to the parties interested that the Paissive Bonds, as well as those of the Debt without in- terest, otherwise the Deferred of 1881, wvill be admitted for conver- sion at the Spassish Finaencial Comsmissioni in Londons until tlso 1th of October siext whc em ewly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ELBOURNE-,-This MAIL STEAMER for j AUSTRALIA will NOT LEAVE BLkCKWALL BUOY ntil Elevots o'clock on 17hursday morning, the 30th inst. Pas- sengers J.Ainlig in London must embark one hour previously. Specie call be shipped in the East India Docks ulp to WVednesday oon. CHARLES WALTON, Jun. 17, Gracechurch-street, London, Sept. 25,1852. ITEAMT to AUSTRALIA.-The Royal Mail Steam -7~ Ship MELBOURNE ...