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Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... I - ?? at attend a ;ha3 TO CORRESPONDENTS. Medicin /1*ad.-We tansot give the information desired. personal h Joscph Mljisoit-'The two offices are the same. of The money aeas by Conscience hae been r ctived. by We are unable to find room this week for a letter of Onc O the ike (Handingley aud Burley) Sanitary Coainsittoe. If possible, it l -iO thall appear in our Dext. to troi ate XO notico ...

Advertisements & Notices

... oat lie ?? VERTISEMIENTS.] the It is one of thle peculiar duties of the conr~uctors of a lyI, ?? to point ou~t to their readers antythintg of real merit, the le',ecally ?? that is sin article which is usedl by every one, emore or less. We refer to tiie G(tIFW1nser PATrENT STAssCH, is 'Itleh, we believe, is almost unliversally usred, rind we have the great pleasure hi hearling our tes'imlonY to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... s-riwK BXCHANGE HALL, ALBION JFsss.~O .,d lflednesdatv Evetksssq, First and carreptfully informed that TWO OrtAND TIM .is N~Tl NT AL CO)NCEIt'S will be given as, ~ %s cwcooccaion the CARP8N CER lrA'11IA thte'I ?? pets~l5O5 n the Patent Coiscertina, Plane Forte, '~isello.) will iuev's the lsonour of appertttc. hel' ,.~5lesor~dseats, Is Eid.; aecsssad ditto. IsR. t tbird j5,'ioe thalf-pust ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 04 ?? ricrt, Me ThtrdfNOrrib'r. at Onze Oclock, 3.0 BALES FAST INDIA WOOL. Ii ,. HIALF FIN B SEBtVIA. DO. 22 , NAPLES ISKIN DO0. 17 *, HYE SKCIN D1). Apply to T.& Hi. LlI TLEDIALE & CO., Brokers, 13. Exclheiige Pluildinne. Liverrioel. Oft Ivej,1sday Nonvember 7 hiA. at two o'clock, at &the breasess Sale itoomn, 25, Temple-street, Liverpool. 4(0 BALES 611ANISQ. FR4ONTIER.I and LIEBON WOOL. 300 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 21 OonlSolDOO mode'rtl 1OUSEIIAOLD FURNITURF, ROO vauble GRAND l'INI)-FOlRTl, ?? l~roadwoostl, 1)3051- some CIII1INEY GL1A6S, elotititt GIitANIJOLF, Eight By 3 lbay sltoictun Timepiece, Sot of supterior Tlelscopu Moistli 'TabIO, oicloeit idelseeri , it ii d.onto (i ewool C]iertcilier. ;et of balloon~back Cllitil., elegant SlItho~rlotid Cotich and ci A I)IN4NRI ll R:V ICLF, ex cellent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BURNLEY, LANCISHBI-R n1. Extensive and valuable Copyhold Estatea on Sate. 'THE very valuable E ST A TE S of SMe Howard, Esq., in the Vicinity of Burnleczpt, Mansion House and Gmounds, Farms, and Buol~ding Lrt Lot 1. All that MESSUAGE or Dwelling. house aid les. ment, -called Harter Cdough, situate in flabergham. Eaves1 near Blurnley. with barn, shippon, and other buildings to' and gardens ...

Advertisements & Notices

... gro De kct. Elthe SHO-(P and HOU(SE, No. 6, iPOP El, Leeds. APPlY at No. 5. to Messrs. IIOTHAM lase, a ?? FA~iLY D..~ituted ittititwo miles of Leods, Sur- ~~ or a~~~bout fiv5 acres. Attached ~ sar ~,05Vineree.stables, coach-oanes, Ste. ~ ~icttLeeds. ifV i god OUSE adSHOP, with . inthe Centre of liotlhwoll. Rent low. f ~tey~ ~ Itothwell. near Wakefield. ,.E oo FAMILY HOUSE, situate in nerrC ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L .EEDS BOROUGH bE2SSIONS.-NOTICE is ~ JU hereby givee, that the NEXT GENEIRAL QUA1(II~lt .L SESI-IlONSF 01 1IIE I'LOACK FOR T1,lEilt~iROUill OIF LEIORIIs, t1101 in tie county of York, will be holden boefro raJ,1AS FI11W,41R ELLIS, Esquire, lioerdtiC of thle sold llorotull, at tlbs Court floulSU. inI Leads(1 lfoiesaid, oil Wednesday111 i/lle iTwIely141 ev1441 dalS or ocoberl11 1411, twum VII ...

Advertisements & Notices

... o BE SOL, a goo ' ond-hand 16-Horyae ~0 ?? eetand Williams. Alsotobe LT t( ~~w~tt with thout a full set Of Worysteds cbnry. ,rd F0 r.'i siAS BIIAND, Bets Mitll, Keighley. II tARTlLEPOOL.-TO BE SOLD BY: Pf RIVATIt CONTrRACT, SEVERAL ACRES of van.t W ,,II~NG GROUND.In lots to stilt purchasers. The jkblt dtil jndla'ely cantiguions to the docks, and adjoin Ii Vond 11 ?? Wtlt the streets ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rIlk, CH~ART1EttitL) bAiNK OF ?? T AUSTfIALI5,1 In0 C III SA. to besincorporatedl ly RoyalI Charter, by which tile liability will be limited. I Capital £1l,U0liJilM siterling hI 50,f 0 share. of £20 each, With power to iicroea tilea somte to £C3.tilt,Oli sterling. lirp usit is tier c ont. T. A. Mitchsell, Esq.. M.P., tirts of lesSrl. Sampson, Ilitchell,A eand Co-9h, New Breast-street. Jamei ...

Advertisements & Notices

... &-,,.i,1NBIBLE SOCIETY,- 11LEEDS AUXILIARY. as ~~~PATRONS, Right Rev. the Lord B~ishop of Ripon. ti~ht Hon. the Earl of Ilarowood.1i bv oit ttlfy.T~BIIC ANNIVERSARY or ?? TfO vol in the Music Hall, Alibon street, Leeds, on ,11N ltjllie Turenfiet in rstasnt. ?Odltilhl. T. BAINES, 5I.P., has kindly con. 1~clt ,the choir. tdO oe jA3lES A. PAGE, MTA., sector of Tintwistle. l~'ti'o society for 1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e NEW HOPS! NEWHOPS1 NEW HOPSI61 HOP WAREEIOUSE, 30, TOP OF CALL-LANE, di THREE DOORS 'FROM KeIAXGTs, LsgEEDS. r BAKIE WELL FLETCHER, EIOY MERCH^iT, * begs to cgl1 the attention of his friends and the public- in general to hiseST O CK of NEW BOPII which he is ena~bled to offer on the very lowesi terms. The favour of a call will oblige. e T EEDS MUSICAL UNION.-The FIRST Y L DRESS CONCERT ...