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... GLENTATNER GAMES. , 0. . The second annual gathering in this romani glen came off on the Ist instant. The day being favonrable't~eavCron- course of people assembled from the surrounding country. It is but justice to state that the Glentainer Games have few equals in this part of the country, both in regard to the num- ber of spectators, ats well as for the stout and athletic young men that ...

INTEMPERANCE.—The sixteenth annual report of the Edin- bargh Total Abstinence Society, which has just been pub- ..

... several queries on this subject put to Mr Linton, the Superintendent of Police in this city. Mr Lirton, in reply to the question, ** What proportion of cases requiring the interference of the police may have been occa- sioned by intemperance during the past year ?” states that the total number of persons (exclusive of those charged with beg- ging) apprehended and brought before the Police ...


... RTH RACE’ ‘Tavurspay, Oct. 14. These races commenced to-day on the North Inch. The weather was very favourable, being mild for the season of the year, and the ground was in the best condition. The num- hers on the Race Course were greater than is usually the case on the first day, owing, probably, to the circumstance of its being the half-yearly fast-day in Dundee, from which there were larg? ...


... NORTH BERWICK DIRLETON COURSING Sr Lecrr STAKE. 45 Paid Forfeit 55 Entered; irst Class. Mr Graham's bd w d Thimblerigging beat Mr Callander ns bd w b Mr Callander ns rd Peruvian beat Mr Graham's r b Equivo- Mr bk td b Retrogression beat Mr Gibson's bk and w Mr Deans’ fd Due-an-Dhurras beat Mr Gibson's f b Spy. Mr B. W. Ramsay's bd d Rupert beat Mr Bailey, sen’s., r b Cookey. Mr Deans’ r d ...