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Yorkshire and the Humber, England


Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... L .EEDS BOROUGH bE2SSIONS.-NOTICE is ~ JU hereby givee, that the NEXT GENEIRAL QUA1(II~lt .L SESI-IlONSF 01 1IIE I'LOACK FOR T1,lEilt~iROUill OIF LEIORIIs, t1101 in tie county of York, will be holden boefro raJ,1AS FI11W,41R ELLIS, Esquire, lioerdtiC of thle sold llorotull, at tlbs Court floulSU. inI Leads(1 lfoiesaid, oil Wednesday111 i/lle iTwIely141 ev1441 dalS or ocoberl11 1411, twum VII ...

Advertisements & Notices

... o BE SOL, a goo ' ond-hand 16-Horyae ~0 ?? eetand Williams. Alsotobe LT t( ~~w~tt with thout a full set Of Worysteds cbnry. ,rd F0 r.'i siAS BIIAND, Bets Mitll, Keighley. II tARTlLEPOOL.-TO BE SOLD BY: Pf RIVATIt CONTrRACT, SEVERAL ACRES of van.t W ,,II~NG GROUND.In lots to stilt purchasers. The jkblt dtil jndla'ely cantiguions to the docks, and adjoin Ii Vond 11 ?? Wtlt the streets ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Salco to~ Ruction. N11W WORtTL !Y, NEAR. LIMOS. Sly Messrr TlfI'JPtR & jjARKElR (ly order of the Morttealtvel, at thle hovilstof Mr. Glover, thle Wellituiton IIotel. Welling. %I. stifect. I,oildl, on l~ed. esday., the 'IMMs day of Noembebr. 51152. at six o'elnek In thle veving. subject to ouch cooditions as will be-!hen and there virwoiicd. AI those TwO FREEHUOLDW~ESSUAGES ALr dwclitI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... oat lie ?? VERTISEMIENTS.] the It is one of thle peculiar duties of the conr~uctors of a lyI, ?? to point ou~t to their readers antythintg of real merit, the le',ecally ?? that is sin article which is usedl by every one, emore or less. We refer to tiie G(tIFW1nser PATrENT STAssCH, is 'Itleh, we believe, is almost unliversally usred, rind we have the great pleasure hi hearling our tes'imlonY to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Oni , Wedneday, the 'Twe,,tielh qf O~clober, 1652, at the 111111 of Corn- W unerco, T'hreadnfleediO~-strO,-t..LonldOn, the followiog ',toud, stl. viz.:- Btii P0 BALES COLONIAL WVOOL, no kj'votTUG xL *, UiWAS171ED. in Avdi' few ITALIAN ,. if lauided in time, i For CAtal91Og's and further particotars, apply to [DUTTON and HllNUKiN B~rokers, 811 4, SAnibrook-court. liaoingball-straet. lth At the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ng- with tile rare treat ivhich had been affordled them. t.Eo Ace _ - Great hi iS ADV~ItriSEMIENTS. Eelzd: ill GOUT, RiiEUM/TASMJ, RIIEUMATIC (fOUT, &C.-The excit- Lwnve miing causes of these coamplaints may be traced to any general Lanea derangenment of the systern; frequent sources o0 their appear- Leeds m nr, asce :ore cold, bruihas, free ?? in wines, tpirits, and L'po rere highly-spiced ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4pu1i~cNoturo. B.EDS BOROUGR SESSIONS.-NOTICE is J.dhereby Fiveri, that the NEXT GIENERtAL qUARTER ' 1l118lONS D1 'll IT, PEACE FOR THE LiOROUGH UP LEED'S, thle in tie co~unly of York, will be hohien before Taes,&se FLOLVstt ELL11,s, Esquire, Recorder of tile sii~d Borosseb at thre Court House. Ic Leeds aforesaid, onl ffedtieidioy.. the 7tiwenty-seveeish day. of oilotCrntaxi,. at tweivS of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ale of handlsomet modern 1IWUSnUIIULI) FURNITURE, Valuabl. 4-iRAND P'lANti-FfRTEt, by Broadwetids. Imnd- somte CtIIIslIli.' (il,ASS, elegtant GIIRANIDULE, Eight ?? Skeleton Al imepie.o set of superior Telescope Dinin 'raies eslosd iulbea h, rdoome RosewootiCbefltchxier, set of fille1on,tback Chaire, 00goalt Su~tiIte len Vouch and Esev chair ?? .u~tifttl Luo TIables 01n pillar anid claw. S VON ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Iof --Sir Robert Peel.-Pneflu. UP~E ItvostitT MCBLIUtNIE, a Baukrupt.-TiO lI E SOLD BY TEINDERb the Whole of tho SfOCR.LIN., TRADF. SH-OP FIXTURES, and EFFECTSi or the above, named bankrupt. woo has lately carried on the business of a grocer, &ce, at Wethetrby. Sesled tenders for the same to be forwarded to G. W. b'ORSIMAN, Esq., Official Assignee. or MelSsrs. OLIVeRL & Soitt, Atutitonserp, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0 7!X~ and may be entered on immie- ffO ~~8lA CIER'S SitOP' II(tUSU, arid ?? a~l aond Ofa ?? p~ltiic thrlelrghlarea IC ~',jjuato other particotars apply to Mlr.l HaO id. 8.iOP. In one of the princiwel streets, ba~ .1~ loose0 in t he H air D)ressineg rand r ht, ?? 1 ,LIbe Siveua. Adoress X. Y., i4 A ith immediate possessiosl, ant excellent T0 white SVONE HltUSE, havitiit five roorns onli J.. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... On Monday. October 2.0th, thle Hall on t near Blackburn. To Millers, Millwrighots, Broilers, and Otberi u. r ,ed of valuable Mlachi1eryY. Mlill Gearing, Shafting I, tu Grey Stones, &C. &c. Dy Mr. W. KIRK respectfully announces that hie iS av r le Silt inastrctions to 6ELL BY AUCTION, OR Aoi, bed Twvesly-Ii~fth, 115,oil the premises 0; thle Bolio hi5 ve DU, Itislton. on the road ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I - ?? at attend a ;ha3 TO CORRESPONDENTS. Medicin /1*ad.-We tansot give the information desired. personal h Joscph Mljisoit-'The two offices are the same. of The money aeas by Conscience hae been r ctived. by We are unable to find room this week for a letter of Onc O the ike (Handingley aud Burley) Sanitary Coainsittoe. If possible, it l -iO thall appear in our Dext. to troi ate XO notico ...