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Daily News (London)



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Daily News (London)

Advertisements & Notices

... rL OOKING-GLASSES. -The COMMERCIAL .JI PLATE-GLASS COIPANY, rManager, CHARLES M'LEAN, 165, Osford.stree.t, and 78, Fleet-street (note the name and the unm. bers), very respectfully invite the Nobility, the Public, and the Trade to inspect their most extensive and magnificent Stock of CHIMNEY, CONSOLE, PIER, and other GLASSES, framed in every variety oi style; console, centre, and pier tables; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EOR PORT PHILLIP Direct (to sail in October from the St. Katharine's Docks), the new first-class clipper ship' WIT(Pt OF THE WAVE. This vessel is fitted with every re.. ecc: inaprovemestt, and will be fo'ard a most de-irable opportunity. 'Mer 'tween deck calbins ore thor~ronobhly vedntidlated, rand lopithe b' r f 1teig tpoa nn strliaae parto iicullaprloy lnvateirel to inspect tbe dietary sc~t- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ST. JAMES'S THEATRE.-ORGANOPHONIC 2 BAND.-In consequence of the extreordinary curiosity, iate. rest, and ?? evinced by the very fsasionable and unusually i crowded audienco of last evening, the Director has the bonour to announce that the Performances will be ropeated THIS EVENING and TO-MIORItOW. Doors open at 8 o'clock, to commence at Half. t past ic. Tckets and places may Le secured at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I L E S and V E L VE T S. o ~~~A L L A If und Co., 69 to 7 1, St. Paul schurchyard. 1Gth Sept., 1852. TMPOR1fANT SALE of SILKS, FURS, GE- INERAL DRAPERY, HOSIERY, and H&BERDASHERY.- Now SELLING OFF at a great eacrifice, in consequence of a DISSO- LUTION of PARTNERSHIP in the ?? firm of A. and C. STEEL, 61 and 52, HIGH-STREET, BOROUGH. In order that the whole may be disposed of in as short a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... QTEAN1 to CALCUTTA, na Care de Yerds, t eGENERAL SCREW g rEAM eSHIaPPING CGrcO AN,7, LINE of IRON STEAMERS, with Her Majesty's Mails. LINE __ ,, 5O CEaptains. g CALCUT7A ?? ..1800 Johnu Vine Haill . . ?? c. MtBIAUITUS - ?? 1800 Bieni. John Eldlr, ?? Nov. 10Nov. 1t BYDASPES ?? 10 Dees. 11 'ARGO ?? ?? Jan, 10 Jan. 15 These ships are divided into water tght and r roofco m eals, and Will carry an ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ST. JAMES'S THEATRE.-ORGANOPrHONIC L AJND.-In conseq~uence of the extreoydlnary curiosity, imte. rest, ard satisfaction evinced by the very fasbionable and unusually crowded audience of last evncuin, the Lirector has the honour to annoree that the Performances w.ll be rbpeated THIS EVENING (Situtd.y), Oct. 2. IDcors open at 8 o'clock, to commence at Half- ~adt 8. 'l icets and places may to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rTEANI to CALCUTTA, vi56 Cape de Verdsflr Z -ctcsion, Capc of Good Eope, Metirtts, CcSlon. nnd Mtadras. 5GBNEllUL SCREW SrS t SHIPIINC cob vaa U I of 1SQ' STEAMERS, with Her Majesty's Mailst,. Nasaa a ~Captains. a 011C1TTA . 1500 John Vine Uall . ?? Oat. 10 Oct. 15 CLSITIUS . 1806 Benj. John Elder, H.C.S. ov. 10 Nov. 16 UPASPES ?? 'lilt. - l l c 10 De. 15 ARGO . . llt. --J. Jan. 15 fboer shiap ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LTARVEY'S FISH SAUCE.-E. LAZENBY Li. and SON, having numerous complaints from families who are imposed upon by spurious imitations of their IARVEY'S FISH SAUCE, request purchasers to observe that each bottle of the genuine article bears the name of William Lazenby on the back, in addition to the front label used so many years, and signed E liabeth La- zenby. E. LAZENBY and SON'S ESSENCE of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (ONVERSION of the SPANISH DEBT.-In t ?? vith the adverti ement Inserted in this Journal, of ithe 4t inst, itis reminded to tho parties intercsted that the passive Bonds, as 'sell as those of the Dr~bt without interest, otharaisa the Deterrcd of IS3, awll be admiitted sor conversion at theo panish Financial ComnistsioR in London, until the 5th of October next, Wvhich term, CNewly granted by her ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FoR, PORT PHILL11P Direct (to sail in October F orom the St. Hatharine's Rocks), the new first-c scipr sip fel OF THlE WAVE. This vessel is titted it e-ery rlpe-, '26Pcuvement, and ?? a ,noet de~lrable opeuiy Thc'tyveer tech caibitis are thoroughly ventilated, and the bertha jitrd up on an entirely, new and improved principle. Famiices pro- .. 4og to Australia are particularly invited to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IT! FITTER!! FITTEST!!! VEX1RBS and ADJECTIVES, SORT T1M EaMOSE8 and coN'8COAT for AUTUMN FIT with exactness, eleg o d comfort* they are FITTER for this seaon than any previosuy produced; they are the FITTEST illustraten of E MO8SE and SON'S capabilities to desin the most ingenious STYLES to present them in the moat VARIEDVATEBIALS, the sounuest and meat artistic workmanship, end at the lowest ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BEULAH SPA, NORWOOD. - ANNIVER- SAIiY BEiTTivAL on TRURSDAY next -FETE RUSTIQUE (f a sahtmeno) ands1 Biliant Illumination and Firework Oats. rhalanx of ulent. E.xtraordinary combination ot Attractions. Eques. tian, Gymnastic, and Calisthenic Exercieas-Mr. J. Harwood and his wonderful Trick Mare Black B ?? and Qua- ?? Fresco and Sylvan Sports and Pastimes-The 3Ieoparicss and the Djgs-Grand ...