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The Examiner

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... NEW BOOKS AND NEW EDITIONS. PRINCIPLES of POLITICAL ECONOMY. By JenEx STyART MILL. Third Edition, 2 vots. teo, 30s. The present edition los been revised thromghout, and several chapters either materially added to or entirely recast. Among these may be mentioned that on the ' )eans of abolishing Cottier Trenantry.' the slggeetionls sontained in whicsh had reference exclusively to Ireland, and ...

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... iJ -IOMAS H-OOD'S GRAVE.-ThC publica- itis in Elioz Cook's Journal of Lines written at Keasal- greenl Cemetery, has induced llulaorous ceaders to express an eartest desire to asvist inr~ssing a fund for the purpose of placing r memorial ovcr th1e remains of,, Poor 1-ood. Many a lbust of ?? has echoed above flood's Comic Annuls from the lips of all clasoes. For many a year lie checred our ...

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... NEW WORKS TO BE PUIBLISHED THIS SEASON. i. The EDINBURGH REVIEW, No. CXCVI. soo, price Six Shillings. [On Wednesday next. 1. Joseph de Aloistre. 2. Life and Letters of Mr Justice Story. :s. Japsf. Tr aits of the Irish Peasantry-Carleton. S. Cholera arid Quarantine. G. Representative Relorml. I. Miss Pardoe's Marie de Medici. s. Artillery and Ships of War-Sir I. Douglas and Colonel Chesils' . ...

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... (4ALLERY of BRONZES d'ART, cormprisinig \-A a complete collection of the Mtathematical reductions, Ify 3. Collos, from the chefs d'oeuvres of Alntiqie and Mtodern Stlatnary in the Louvre, ?? of Nastes, B ritishl ituseum, Gallovito of Florence, and, c. to ehvch a Cocil ?? Was awrarded in tho Great Exhieiet!., togczeleci with numeou-s arficles of file art afld utility, illn edelahrs, ...

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... A FAMILY residing in a large HOUSE, in the best part of the WEST END of LONDON. which, rem the diminution of their number, has become nsore than is reloired fortheir own ereupation. desire to meet with a GEN- TLEMAN who would like to REi.SIDE with them. References required and riven. Terms, 3001. to 4001.-Address, B., care of itlosorO Watkins and lHooper, Solicitors, Na. 11 Sackville street, ...

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... s New Burlington atreet. NEW WORKS JUST PUBMIIS1ED BY MR BENTLEY. J. The PRIMEVAL LANGUAGE. Part II--The Monuments of Egypt ; and their Vestiges of Patriarchal Tradition. By the Rev. CHARLES FoasTER, Rector of Stisted, Essex. Svc, 21s. Also, Part I of the above work, including The VOICE of ISRAEL from the ROCK of SINAI. 8vo, with large Chart, 21s. I1. ILLUSTRATED JOURNAL of a LAND- SCAPE ...

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... 13 Great Marlborough street. C: OLBURLN AND CO.'S NEW PUBLICATIONS. The Right Hon. B. DISRAELI'S POLITICAL BIOGRAPHY of Lord GEORGE BEINTINCK. Fifth and CheaperEditiou, revised, in 1 vol. post So, 10. 6d. bound. II. The BARONESS D'OBER- KlRCH'S MEMOIRS; illustrative of the Secret History of tbe Cowurts of France, Russia, and Ger- many. 3 vols. 31s. 6d. We commend these ebarmingrolames most ...

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... THEATRE ROYAL, HIATYIAARRET. Farewell Season of lir Ben. Webster, as Les3ee and Manager.- Mir Barry Sullivan will appea' as EVELYN. IN Monday, October 4th, Sir Edward Bulwer ?? Lytton's celebrated Comedy of MONEY; in which Atessrs ParselleLambert, Leigh Marray, Buckitole, Barry Sullivan, Ben. W~euxwer, IHowo, Rtogers, J. Bland, Clack, Caulfield; Mes- dames F~isilliane, L,. S. Buckiughar, and ...

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... GALLERY of BRONZES d'ART, comprising a3 complete collection of the Miathematical reductions, b;y Id. Cellos, from the chefs d'oeuvres of Antique and Modern Statuary isn the Louvre, Museum of Naples, British Museum Galleries of Florence, and Rome, BC. to which a Council Medal Was awarded in the Great Exbibition ; together with numerous articles of fine art and utility, incandelahras,eiooks ...

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... ALLERY of BRONZES d'ART, comprising M b complete collection of the Mathematical reductions, by M. Cellas, from the chefs doesuvres of Antiqee aned Miodern Statuary in the Louvre, Museum of Napeles, British Museum, Galleries of Florence, and Rome, Utc. to e -tich a Counecil Medal was aoeearded in the Great Exhihitiin * together with numerous acticles of fine art and utility, in czendelalerae, ...

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... CGOISTIC to SOPHISTRY, PCRCj r,C and EuirIsl! 147 W~oodcuts, 41 Cases, trols. is. each; by post, i5. fd. f-\ SINGLE and MARRIED LIFE. UY ?? To be, or not to be, that is the question. By R. J. CULVERWELL. M.D. 11S411, M.R.C.S. (1827), L.A.C. s204)1; 25 years Medical and Forensic Referee in those matters. ?? of Pubertyand Corresponding Associations -Dfties and Casualties of Single Life-Marriage ...

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... Now ready at all tie Librarics, in ,ols. M3RS TROLLOPE 'S NEW NOVEL, UNCLE WALTER. M Trs Trollope's best novel isince ' Wilow Barnaby.' Sh1e seiecs the amused attention of the reader in chapter tics flict, acci retains it to ?? tim ?? '-Iorinig ClcroniclC. ,, IUcle AVAilr ' is an adnirctily constructed and exceedingly etertlucinnpc nooel. It assurcs Mis Troliope more clivic ccr in htr ...