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Advertisements & Notices

... rL OOKING-GLASSES. -The COMMERCIAL .JI PLATE-GLASS COIPANY, rManager, CHARLES M'LEAN, 165, Osford.stree.t, and 78, Fleet-street (note the name and the unm. bers), very respectfully invite the Nobility, the Public, and the Trade to inspect their most extensive and magnificent Stock of CHIMNEY, CONSOLE, PIER, and other GLASSES, framed in every variety oi style; console, centre, and pier tables; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EOR PORT PHILLIP Direct (to sail in October from the St. Katharine's Docks), the new first-class clipper ship' WIT(Pt OF THE WAVE. This vessel is fitted with every re.. ecc: inaprovemestt, and will be fo'ard a most de-irable opportunity. 'Mer 'tween deck calbins ore thor~ronobhly vedntidlated, rand lopithe b' r f 1teig tpoa nn strliaae parto iicullaprloy lnvateirel to inspect tbe dietary sc~t- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, HAYMARKET.-Lessee,I Mr. B. Webster; Directress, olme. Celeste.-THIS EVENING will be repeated the celebrated Adelplsi dm5ra55 of JACK SHEPPARD, Irincipal characters by Mrs. Keelcy, Mr. Paul Bedford, Mr. S. Emerv, Mr. 0. Smith, Miss Laura Honey, Mlss E. Chaplin, &c. To conclude with the now drama, called THE WRITING ON THE WALL. Principal characters by Mr. Wright, Mr. 0. Smith, Mr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ST. JAMES'S THEATRE.-ORGANOPHONIC 2 BAND.-In consequence of the extreordinary curiosity, iate. rest, and ?? evinced by the very fsasionable and unusually i crowded audienco of last evening, the Director has the bonour to announce that the Performances will be ropeated THIS EVENING and TO-MIORItOW. Doors open at 8 o'clock, to commence at Half. t past ic. Tckets and places may Le secured at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TA~tuIt AUSTRALIA.-TheRoyal Mail Steam *Shi 1LiSOURNE JAM5ES ARTHRiu Cox Commander, is An ShiP to plyloutl. There are a few berths still dis- n o l'er tl;c first cabin, early application for which should be ea-1 eValteii, jun., 17, Gracchurch-strect, the agelit to the n C Wlalltial Jul)- -IEAMi to CALCUTTA yi CAPE de VERDS, t SESoN CA PE of GOOD HOPE, MAURITIUS, ASCEtNSd M 'ADRAS.Tho GENERAL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW BOOKS AND NEW EDITIONS. PRINCIPLES of POLITICAL ECONOMY. By JenEx STyART MILL. Third Edition, 2 vots. teo, 30s. The present edition los been revised thromghout, and several chapters either materially added to or entirely recast. Among these may be mentioned that on the ' )eans of abolishing Cottier Trenantry.' the slggeetionls sontained in whicsh had reference exclusively to Ireland, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I L E S and V E L VE T S. o ~~~A L L A If und Co., 69 to 7 1, St. Paul schurchyard. 1Gth Sept., 1852. TMPOR1fANT SALE of SILKS, FURS, GE- INERAL DRAPERY, HOSIERY, and H&BERDASHERY.- Now SELLING OFF at a great eacrifice, in consequence of a DISSO- LUTION of PARTNERSHIP in the ?? firm of A. and C. STEEL, 61 and 52, HIGH-STREET, BOROUGH. In order that the whole may be disposed of in as short a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, HAYMARKET.LeOssee, Mr. 1H. Webster ; Directress, Mine. Ccoleato.THIS EVENING will be repeated the celebratod Adelp' drama of JACK SHEPPARD. PPrIncipal characttrc by Mrs. Kjeeley, Mr. Paul \edtrd, Mr. S liEm, Mr. 0. S mitt, Miss t aurt HlsoneyrMi E. Chaplin, &e. Tro ~onclude wijth thle now droums, called THE WRITING ON THE WALl. PricipaI COaracters by Mr. WriS.t, Mr. 0. Smith, Mr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Olt PORT PHILLIP direct (calling at Dart- Ito embark pa~seugers), the splendid noew, fast-sail. lwilt hI l, Ll l'OlE, A i, 1,850 tons-, B. D. FREEMAuN, fl oihlt ?? of great experienre in the trado) ;load. Ider (0 etlli lll alider 1 .itlr~CDueks. This inagiiiflellilt passenger ship, i it, I Imwb- .,v, of Loadoil, will sail for Melbourne and ,d b%&s 0foctober. ?? poop is fitted au-th every ...

Advertisements & Notices

... QTEAN1 to CALCUTTA, na Care de Yerds, t eGENERAL SCREW g rEAM eSHIaPPING CGrcO AN,7, LINE of IRON STEAMERS, with Her Majesty's Mails. LINE __ ,, 5O CEaptains. g CALCUT7A ?? ..1800 Johnu Vine Haill . . ?? c. MtBIAUITUS - ?? 1800 Bieni. John Eldlr, ?? Nov. 10Nov. 1t BYDASPES ?? 10 Dees. 11 'ARGO ?? ?? Jan, 10 Jan. 15 These ships are divided into water tght and r roofco m eals, and Will carry an ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, HIATYIAARRET. Farewell Season of lir Ben. Webster, as Les3ee and Manager.- Mir Barry Sullivan will appea' as EVELYN. IN Monday, October 4th, Sir Edward Bulwer ?? Lytton's celebrated Comedy of MONEY; in which Atessrs ParselleLambert, Leigh Marray, Buckitole, Barry Sullivan, Ben. W~euxwer, IHowo, Rtogers, J. Bland, Clack, Caulfield; Mes- dames F~isilliane, L,. S. Buckiughar, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CGOISTIC to SOPHISTRY, PCRCj r,C and EuirIsl! 147 W~oodcuts, 41 Cases, trols. is. each; by post, i5. fd. f-\ SINGLE and MARRIED LIFE. UY ?? To be, or not to be, that is the question. By R. J. CULVERWELL. M.D. 11S411, M.R.C.S. (1827), L.A.C. s204)1; 25 years Medical and Forensic Referee in those matters. ?? of Pubertyand Corresponding Associations -Dfties and Casualties of Single Life-Marriage ...