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Advertisements & Notices

... THE UNIVERSAL FRIEND, Ai EPPXCACIOiUt TRE~MEy AND CURE FOR THE PILES.-It isaB well known fact that this disagreeable complaint is one of v ery common occurrence in all classes of Society, and that its tediouis. painful, and unipiestacut concomitants are of the most distresaiing description. The Proprietor of the Remedy now offered to the Public, a Gentleman in private life, having bad numerona ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR SALE, a GREY HORSE, 1_ five years otd, 15j hands high, .wrrantod in every respect sound, good in double and single harness, and rides welL Also, a Tandem and Wheel Harness, iq bkoellent condition. Also, Haymads Patent Gig, in very good condition. .To be seen at Avisi's MEWS, Sonthernhay. DEVON' AND EXETER HORSE BAZAAB, AND VETERINARY INFIRMARY. -VOR SALE, by Auction, by Xl 31r. JOHN WARE, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WEOTONSUPEB.MAEE. ?I?ROPERTIES FoR MESIDENCE OR INVESTMENT. ? FARGUS & SON will SELL at the BATE HOTEL, WESTON- ?i.?.?,gen TUESDAY, the 2nd day of Nbvember next, at ts the Afternoon, 5ee?ctedseui.deischedDWHLLIN0USEkO0'WO VICTOICIA-CRESCENT containing three sit- (??eeo5 bedroOms, two kitchens, servants' hell, china- S?elltr, sad other requisite offices. With aGarden attached no.55w in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR GE STANDERWI?? ? G ACCOUNTANT, AUCTIONEER, & APPRAISER, HOUSE AND LAND-AGENT. I. MAIIV-iE- POIIT CIIUiCC0OYAIlD, BRISTOL nanTs COLLtCTEO, & EvEOTDEScRIPTIoo oc I'aosoorr & sTocK vAtOED 1IJTILK.-Persons requiring a suppIy9f?NEW .J.V.L MILK are requested to apply to Mes?(PE0OTOR and BAIIREII. Ii), Wineatreet; Messrs. H. & T. PR 'TOll, Catb5?.4 orat the Dairy, Walls Court-focus, Stoke Gitford ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHOLERA AND BOWEL COMPLAINTS IN an GENERAL. it DICEY AND Co's TRUE DAFFY's ELIXIR.- wi This most excellent Medicine has been faithfully It prepared for upwards of a Century, from the purest Drugs and S Spirita that can be procured. at the Originral Warehouse, No. 10, e Bow Church Yard, London ; ond has been attended vvith the h fullest success in the cure of Spasme, Pains in the Breast, the hi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... wALTON CASTLE FARM, NF OLE\EDON,-SOXERSET. o I), LET. from Lady-day next, this desira- I t, ., orn and sheep FARM, situate only one mile I O and from the Clevedon Station on the E F' oter Railway, and twelve miles from s .1 ,prising a good Farm-House, with complete f orna;l) 0ltli0 cottages, and 500 Acres of Land, er' lt A-cres are Homestead, 159 Pasture, 256 Xi . -r@9l {4 Acres Down. The Soil ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I 1E AA HOLE or PART of a neatly FUR- T N,,IED HOUSE to be LET, on the Aixnn5GTON Ter-le nto(lerate. v mr. 1. w. H XRRIS, draper, 194,High- street. 1 l.t\(iFORTE FOR SALE-A BARGAIN. Elim-; fl Rosewood Boudoir Cottage foc -T 1;,ouforto. by an eminent London maker, sweet . I tone, nearly seven octaves, and all the latest E *prw~. ?? who are in want of a genuine nuenut will it a bargain The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (I EHAMPTON. IV Ci L E T, fiom Lady-Day next, the J pp;.'MISE S now in the Occupation of Messrs. ?? aid Smith. co'mprising the Old-established * ious Drapers Shop, the front having been Sit ,. ?? Iuilt. with Dwelling House, Store House, Po , j etar~le. Lc. situated in the centre of Fore- a and \1o'i'C'i ion ;o be made to Mr. MILLETT, of cell to b the t isi ,! septem ber Q nd, IS5Q froi Ms ) V ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *}O5X 6R] TION .:OOMS, EXZETTER. J.lie ble.i5 ! tadat &ale by Auctin of RABL OIL - i NAINTIl'S; by the most emineni Modern DutCh ?? as'JO K-KOOK, f TSCHELFPHOUD, tc. kc,, anid among the Old Masters,- seceral specimens of high clt ;Pie'in~s by' Pyisocke r, M~oncheron, Gerrard 1 3g8L&SE PRIDDHAM has the honor 1VA toinform the Gentry and Connoisseurs of Exeter and its Vicinity, that he has had ...

Advertisements & Notices

... roe, vith FOUR- HUNDRED POUNDS.,! and W1JANTED to BORROW the above 'Suim the. on ample Freehold-Security, in the city of Exeter.' iji. Apply (pre-paid) toV. V .; Flying Post-office. - tbe stt B3ANĀ¶EAS, ME9RCHANTS, and OTXI _R8,. nct. are strongly reeomtuended to use fiRLlNG'S. and METALLIC INK, which is prepared expressly for Steel in- Pens. lurt Manufactured by H. 3. T~itran, and gold by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEWTON ABBOT. AGRICULTURAr, AND LABOURERS FRIEND SOCIETY. THE Fourteenth Anmaufl PLOUGHINGk TKIATCH of this Society, will take place an Tnuas- DAY, the 4th day of NOVEMmER next, on Land in the occupation of Mr. Murmix, near the Teigubridge Turn- pike Gate, in the Parishes of Highweek and Teigngrace, near Newton Abbot; the ploughing to commence at ]1 awm. An Ordinary will be provided at half ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OTICE TO GA O N H. HARRIs most respectulynfrsS IES Brist1ol and 1Cliton tbat, after Tventy.Fn- er drciF end Wanoco &8 HALE' s, BrassfoanderhhaCnue atlor on hils own account In the same Lin edWo~~ats fitted. Old Gus-work Cleaned, or Bro deult e - No. 16, LOWEIC CASTLES ETRitj N OTICE.-I, the unders ~JsPrEL ;,ilate of No. 8, L0*ER BE~ ELY.PLACF IU Botand ssMaeeryrq DEBtTS owan tothiuatebe a~d t ...