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Caledonian Mercury

Foreign Entelligence

... Entelliaence. — — OVERLAND MAIL. We have received by way of Trieste the following telegra- ic message in anticipation of the Overland Mail:— “ Trieste, Austrian Lloyd’s steamer Egitto ved here yesterday, Sept. 29, at 9 with advices from Bombay to ie Ist of September. “The Governor-General returned to Calcutta on the 6th of “Commodore Lambert, accompanied by Captain Rundall, of the Engineers, ...

Foreign Entelligence

... Joreign kntelligence. (From the Times.) We have received our letters and papers by the Marseilles route, dated Bombay, September 1 ‘The Burmah reinforcements were all on their way to Madras and Calcutta for embarkation, and transports were being hired for their conveyance to Rangoon and Maulmain. “ Emigration from Bombay to Australia was about to com- meuce. Lpwards of 150 soldiers are suid to ...

Foreign Intelligence

... FRANCE. Paats, Thursday z. —The most inte resting topic now s is that of the succession. Whe in political civele: be called to succeed to the imperial is the person that will he continued celibacy of the President, crown in the event of t or in ease of acvidents? Such is of a marriage without Issue, no one, except, Louis the quesiion i, but to which Not only can no answer be given Napeleon ...

Foreign Intelligence

... Foreign Entelligence. INDIA. Letters and papers have been received by the ion of the overland mail. The dates are 4—Calcutta, Sept. 7.—Hong Bomaay, 5 15.—Sinee the of Pie lat 24. few events of note have occurred Nothing decisi: has of late taken in Burmah, which is the scene to which all eyes will be directed for the next few months. But rations are being steadily and energetically made for ...

Foreign Intelligence

... FRANCE. THE EMPIRE, It would now appear to be beyond doubt that the manner of proceeding with reference to the establishment of the Empire (which may now be regarded as a fait accompli) has been de- cided on. Counting with certainty on the ready assent of the Senate to the jected change in the form of Government, the President or proj Ministers will not be under the necessity of making any ...

Foreign Intelligence

... CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. ARRIVAL OF THE HADDINGTON. The Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navi shi Company's on Captain Bradshaw, arrived at Southampton free Suez and India. She has brought no pas- sengers or cargo, and comes home to receive new boilers and to be thoroughly overhauled preparatory to fresh service in the Indian seas. The Haddington has experienced very bad weather on the a home. She ...

Catevostan week's quotation of the or- dinary stock of this railway company recalls to our recollec- tion the ..

... state of affairs of that company not fifteen months ago. Then, the stock sow selling at L.53. with buyers, could not fetch L.20—a rise of above 100 per cent, or double what bas taken place in any other railway So great a rise, with every prospect of a dividend, can only be accounted for the change of direc- tion, and the confidence which the public have in the resources and the futare ...

Foreign Intelligence

... FRANCE, THE PRESIDENTS ENTRY INTO PARIS. It is a curious coincidence that the ve day fixed by the President for his triumphal entry into Paris is the anniversary of that on which his uncle landed as a captive in the island of St Helena. The preparations made to receive him were of an unusually magnificent character, and far exceeeded what any man living had ever seen in Paris. The whole line ...


... 1852, Receipts. 1851 Bristol and Exeter, L.5,079 4 9 L.5,160 Holyhead, 4,029 14 10 3,055 Dublia and Drogheda, - 1,153 8 11 1,020 Eastern Counties, 18,142 14 2 17,725 East Lancashire, 4,567 2 2 4,224 Eastern Union, - 2,501 17 10 2,257 Great Northern (and E.L. 14,940 1 13,034 Great Southern and Western, 5.327 16 4,746 Great Western, - 20,935 13 21,162 - 15,815 Lancashire and York, 17,220 ...

Foreign Intelligence

... Forcign Entelligence. FRANCE. Pants, Sunday, Oct. 24, 5 Senatus Consulte of the 4th of November is much discussed and much speculated in political circles, It certain that some members of that body desire that, in order to avoid all discussion, one sole article to the following effect, shall be submitted to the The French Empire shall be hereditary, in the direct line, in the family of Louis ...


... TESTIMONIAL TO GEORGE DUNCAN, MP. FOR DUNDEE. (Reported for the Mercury.) Some time ago a very general feeling was expressed by the inhabitants of Dundee that a substantial testimonial should be presented to George Duncan, Esq., representative of the burgh in Parliament, as a mark of their approbation of his valuable public services, for the great interest which he has always manifested in the ...