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Hampshire Telegraph

Advertisements & Notices

... TEETH. deli 14 R - T. GODFREY,. SURGEON DENTIST, of Ale jy 151,'Margaret-street, Cavendish.sqsuare, London 9 offih acqu aints his Patients,' Friends,, and the. Public by I generally,'of the county, that in future he will attend as tbolows regularly througliout the year. 'PORTSiOUTE. - Wednesday, October the 13,h, -arid the' Stcond Wednesday in every monrth, at Percy 'Cttage,''Landportircoad, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE REV. WILLIAM HETHERINGTON'S CHARITY TO THE BLIND; _ Established 1774, AT CHRIST'S HOSPITAL, LONDONx. W17HEREAS the above.named Gentleman, in his y life-time, enabled the Governors of this Hospital Bi to pay Annuities of 101. to each of 50 Blind Persons, in re the hope that his example would be followed by other benevolent characters, the Governors give this public th notice, that, from the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SUNDAY AMD DAY SCHOOLS, SAINT JOHN THE EVANGELIST, FORTON. 2 7jHE ANNUAL SERMON for the Benefit of the 2 -L above Schools, will be preached on Sunday morn- I 3agOctober10, 1852, at the Church of St. John the Evangelist, Forton. by the Rev. J. P. Waldo, B.A., I Curate of Trinity Church, tGosport. S ^ Approfriate Choral Services and Anthem. l Divine Service will begin at half-past ten in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Sale of Condemnied Hospital, Stores, and Dispensary Bottles and Jars. IsotRoyal Hospital, at Haslar I 8th October, 182. ~d 1'fO be SOLD here by PUBLIC AUCTION, o * Wednesday next, the 13thOcitpber,1l852,'4t2 S 'o'clock at noon,-A quantity of CO N Dt N NPI tHOSPITAL STORES, compaising artieidof Hobot, s woollen, iretal, wood, &c.; and also a uniy f5r viceable dispensary jars and bottles. 0 All ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DAGt F.BUEOTlE YPE G0:L11EIy, fi 44, PENNY STREET, PORTSMOUTH, C ; - Establisheds Seven Years. y ^ JR. DOWLE, respectfully thanks the PUBLIC for a MYJ their support, and informs them that he takes e these faithful portraits by the most improved method. Prices considerably reduced, b TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. A ILL Persons having any Claim or Demand on the A Estate of HENRY TAULBUT, of Fareham, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ' ;-PO R TSM'IOUTH' SEAMEN AND I AUINBS' 'ORPHAN SCOOI r HE 1GENERAL ANNU4L `lEET1NG-Of i thc So scribers and Frietnds of the above Institu- tion will be held inrthe Queen's Rooms, on% Thursday, D OCt. 21st., ,182, the anniversary of ?? of Tra. r falgar, at twelve oclo on wich occasion thebchtidren - will dire together'. Admiral Sir Thomas''Briggs, G 'II! G., Wil take the chair, at 12 o'clock ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - + BOROUGH OF FOUTbi! tt II. TO THE BURGESSES OF THIE WARD OF ST. GENTLEMEN, T5oitAS. H AVING been informed that Mr. Galt does notin. v 1 tend again to offer himself toyou as a Candidate for the Town Council, and having been solicited by many p influential Burgesses to allow myself tn be put in no- nt mination to represent your interests, I beg to announce it myself as a CANDIDATE for your ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .!t Jbli ,~vCA0 ' TlEq.,'L Surgeon, GOSport. b 1 pfeiisedto -2ccept oulrtigra l thanks for your tit invicluable- 'nd unremitting attentions to our deo cd ceased Father during his long last illness, if MVe'believe thatyourogrcat professional ability,tact,& i skillin alleviating his sufferings, were (under Provi. it dence) the sole' means of prolonging. ,hialife many *; monrhs,'anid formwhich ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J6H$:KIDD sUROON,R.N*,~DECEAL~Ei ALLOH rN'K 'IS~ ~ Ohns~ upn ile -Esate of this. ;A : :ic. are' r ed e'the Parlicul. minareh. - Er Be ONS ha ig an ClT' ni on th e Edtateof the, TEIof Ne ?? ?? dleceased, are reqceiteD to send thenoee canmconain to t-ne ExecutW. I eassrs. C and F tr re , ham, Dorset; SalicitOrs.- Warehab, 28th October, -1852 AUTHOR'n EJJIE,1ON . NCLE TOMs CCABIN, byHliARET*:EE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Atl NOTICE.. R H R. OUGHTON, AUCTIONEER,APPRAISER, be'j &c most respectfully informs his Friends and ec the P'blic in general, that he is REMOVED from his late Residence, No. 1ii, Union Road, Landport, a few doors farther up, next door to the Ctown Tavern; where t he most earnestly solicits their future kind patronagest and support. Su m, t AlMI LJLINERY. pu M ISS HOUGHTON, grateful for past ...