... 'WELLING TON. (From P1'anc.) All bring their tribute to his niame-from her Who wears the crown to him who plies the spade Under those windows where his corpse is laid, Taking its rest at last from all those years of stir. Years that re-moulded an old world in roar And furnace fires of strife-with hideous clang Of battle-hammners; where they loudest rang, Ills clear sharp voice was heard that ...


... Mr., JOHN WILSON CROKER'S ODE TO THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. ?? Ode was sung at the dinner given by the gentlemen connected with the East Indies, to the Duke of Wellington, on Monday the 11th of July, 1814]:- ODE. Victor of Assaye's eastern plain, Victor of all the fields of Spain, Victor of France's despot reign, Thy task of glory done- Welcome from dangers greatly dared, From triumphs with ...


... 'THE DUKE AND PRINCE ARTHUR. An engraving, which would be interesting at any time, but which at this period of national regret at once acquires an especial value, has been published by Messrs. P. and D. Colnaghi. It is from a picture painted by Winterhalter, by the express command of her Majesty, to commemorate an incident of the 1st of May, 1851. This was the 82d birthday of the Duke of ...


... FIAE_ ARTS. NEW PORTRAITS OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. Mr. Grundy is now exhibiting, in his rooms in Rcgellt-strcet, a picture which was painted by Mr. T. J. Barker some time before the Duke's death, but the interest of which is now likely to be greatly enhanced. .11r. Grundy contemplated a companion picture (with a view to the issue of ra uni- form engraving) to Delaroche's Napoleon at ...


... . ?? OF BOOES. ?? HISTORY OF THP1 RESTORATION OF THE MoNArCUY IN FRANCE. A DE LAMSCATI-NE. Vizitelly, Fleet-street.- The third volume of this, highly interesting historical work has just been issued by the Messrs. Vizitelly, and comprises the principal events subsequent to the battle of Waterloo, and the restoration of monarchy to France in the person of Louis XVIII. The style in which M. de ...


... E. [SELECTED.] tS- BtALLAD. Like thunder.peals, o'er land and sea nT inS BfThe voice of freedom now is calling; T Before the trump of libertyt b-S The citadels oikings anre riling.e The MiOntmoronei's rank is pa'st - 4e The Counde dead-the Bourbon's flying, . 6 In beeps, like worthless lumber lying: se VY All man-made titles now are gone, In ad Like leaves by winfry tempest strown. ta Ile ave ...


... REVIEWS or NOONS6 THE QUEENS OF SCOTLAND END ENGLIsH PtixcEsSms. AGNES STRICKLAND. BZackwood, Edinbus'rgh.-This is the third volume of what promises to become a most pon- derous and somewhat tedious work. The book, contain- ing three hundred and seventy closely-printed pages, is devoted to the reign of Mary Stuart, the unfortunate Queen of Scotland. Certainly, a very interesting period of ...


... BLEMEZ iVtTA Y DRA WING SCHOOLS. The Department of Practical Art has just published a useful little pamphlet, containing the addresses delivered by X the superintendents, on the necessity of acquiring a power of drawing forms, directions of the steps required to be fol. t lowed in establishing elementary drawing schools or classes r in connection with this department, the duties of the mass- ...


... SONG AND CHORUS: TO BE L.EARINED BY MR. LUCAS AND THE IRISH BRIGADE, And Siotg by them at the Opening ofPrtrliasnent, to the tulle of the Vicai of)iBray. SWEET Protestants attend to me, Dear goose, and gull, and pigeon, We. want to have equality In matters of religion; But what that means let me expound, And don't suppose we hate you; I'll tell you how-should we get ground_ We mean to ...


... LITE'RATURE. LIT bli1 ut ' t. Th Nio uately.eresand 1)igest of current Litera- ait ruture. Yes. 11. and Ill. London: Hosni~iiandanf 'soah, Old Bond-strflt ft. The idea of the New Quarterly Review is an excellent one. ra Steeringdcearof the theoretical or practical politicat,or literary- political essay s which constitute the staple of the leading quarterlies, the present candidate for popular ...


... LI1TE?IATU?E, Tianta YnAas tie Euaor-a; or Places I have Seen, and People esi I hare Met. By 'IV. Wells Brown, a Pugitire Slave. With an a Memoir of the Author, by W. Farina, Esq. London: I-lw tha C. Gilpin, 5 Biehopegace Street Without Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd. Ri lien pr4found anci-siarery feeling produced throughout the Ierrgcia and breadth of the land by Mrs Scorve's uncle Tom's Ba Cabin, ...


... D- I- SELECTIONS ,r FROM THE ,dNEW REVIEWS & MAGAZINES. S.I_ . _~ nevi ?arnt (From the Dublin University Magaztice.) God ately AN AMnERICAN TABLE D'HOTE. pr duce Having seen on a card at the Irving House the following remo Idid notice, Dinner at two and half-past three, I had asked a a cl rem, negro to inform me why two dinners followed one another so ami hing closely; he informed me that ...