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October 1852
5 22 8 23



Yorkshire and the Humber, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... ill OLD, DR. JACOB TOWNSEND'S ?? GENUINE ORIGINAL * UNITED STATES' SARSAPARILLA. fIS COMPOUND SARSAPARILLA T Of Old Dr. TOWNSEND has nothing in common ,,,h preparations bearing the name in England ox era. Preparedby one of the ablest American Chemists, having gained the approbation of a great and respectable body of American Physiciansand Druggisis, 0oiversally approved and adopted by the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? htifpptnt, , TEAM TO ST. PETERS- . BURG (carrving Post-office Letter Bags).-The V i C 'T O R I A, JOHN HUJRST, Commander, is intended to leave Hull on SATURDAY EVENING, October 23rd, after Nine ?? BROWNLOW, PEARSON, & CO. 4 IVERPOOL BLACK BALL US >,& \N I J LINE OF hip Qa AUSTRALIAN PACKETS. asips. Tons commander. To sail For South sea ?? .1800 ?? Brett, 1st Oct., Port Philip and Sydney. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W I N T E R F A S H I 0 Nls. LONDON TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, 3, SAVILE-STREETT, HULL. R WELLS respectfully announces to the Clergy, Gentry, and Inhabitants of Hull, the Rpt. * iEast-Riding, and Lincolnshire, that be has just returned from London and other Markets with a choice and extensive Stock of GOODS, selected from the leading Emporiums of Fashion, suited to the present Season. THE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , ,ThScdrlaieoutg. IMPJTANT DECISION IN' CHANCERY ONE OUSAND POUNDS AND DAMAGES ! ] HE Advertisers having obtained a Writ in Chancery in rausa WOTHERSFOON V. MILNE, whereby they can hereafter proceed against any Party who shall attempt to sell any Starch in imitatiou of the GLENFIELD DOUBLE REFINED POWDER STARCH. It may be considered a tribute to the unrivalled merits of the above Starch, that ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOROUGH FUND. iTHE RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURE OF T HE CO R PO R AT IO N OF HU L L FROM THE FIRST DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1851, TO THE FIRST DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1852, LUDGER POLIO. DR. 320.-TO GRIMSBY RAILWAY COMPANY. For Amount of One Year's Rent Charge of Property SonId to them nr LIME KILN £ s. d. s a. d. CREEK in the Lordship of Myton ?? 600 0 0 LESS-One Year's Income Tax ?? 17 10 0 -- ~~582 323.-TO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I - ?? at attend a ;ha3 TO CORRESPONDENTS. Medicin /1*ad.-We tansot give the information desired. personal h Joscph Mljisoit-'The two offices are the same. of The money aeas by Conscience hae been r ctived. by We are unable to find room this week for a letter of Onc O the ike (Handingley aud Burley) Sanitary Coainsittoe. If possible, it l -iO thall appear in our Dext. to troi ate XO notico ...

Advertisements & Notices

... o BE SOL, a goo ' ond-hand 16-Horyae ~0 ?? eetand Williams. Alsotobe LT t( ~~w~tt with thout a full set Of Worysteds cbnry. ,rd F0 r.'i siAS BIIAND, Bets Mitll, Keighley. II tARTlLEPOOL.-TO BE SOLD BY: Pf RIVATIt CONTrRACT, SEVERAL ACRES of van.t W ,,II~NG GROUND.In lots to stilt purchasers. The jkblt dtil jndla'ely cantiguions to the docks, and adjoin Ii Vond 11 ?? Wtlt the streets ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .%AltoIn b uctian.- NEW WORTLEY, NEAR LEEDS.. 33y Messms H~It,~ER Is HARKER- by order of the Mortgaagee). A at the house, of ,ibr. Glover, the Wellington Hotel, Wetting' ton-street. Leeds. on fl'edesuday, the Third day j yof Nvcabfr, 102 at six o'clock iii the evening. subject to such conditions as will be then and there produced, ALL those TWO FREEtiOLD MyESSUAGES O' ~or dwelling-hou~ses. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... uild I ave alto toa ij ru .t> eon, lie ll gain of handsome modem IloEi 110 US l: ll U~} tiRMTtJR. it-valan hi PIAN~O.F()RTE, by llroadwoods, hanedsom Ives si~lljlNEY rJ L A SS, elegant OtttANiiit9LE- DiAWViNG hius PiN~iNG, alid LODGING RtUOb SIiT11, lIRANPAREINT , tldSisNt. aillNA sERVtCES. ?? ts I~SE d of otler desirable Pli0Pi31TY and Ei'l£CTS w sled lessrrs TIrPeER & BIRtKi£R respec'failly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S 8 a '2 '4 a '4 * * I B I t S I it 1? I II a r r C C C C I: ii .1 t a a I I t .5 WIRREAT FRIEE.TRADE BAINQUET, FAHE- GLiTRADE HALL. MANCHESTER.-N~ovember 2nd, 1852. ~Tbe PubliC are rospectfsillY Informed, that a FREE TRADE BANQUET Will take place in 'he Free-tradto Hall, MhAnchB1tOY. kon 7Tuscday, the Siend of .Noerieber. The following guesto have accepted the Invitation of th89 Council of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ng- with tile rare treat ivhich had been affordled them. t.Eo Ace _ - Great hi iS ADV~ItriSEMIENTS. Eelzd: ill GOUT, RiiEUM/TASMJ, RIIEUMATIC (fOUT, &C.-The excit- Lwnve miing causes of these coamplaints may be traced to any general Lanea derangenment of the systern; frequent sources o0 their appear- Leeds m nr, asce :ore cold, bruihas, free ?? in wines, tpirits, and L'po rere highly-spiced ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~jkSLYN MISSIONS.-The THIftTY- 1i~s~' ANIVE SARY Of the AUXILIARY SOCIETY, for the LEEDS DIS- atsild ix o'clock intho avening ; and bt IC,11 lon Fuesdeay,thle Twenty- Eoq. IrotZ~ndon, to expected to pneelde. 1.~CE1f tle NNIVERSAiIY will be as followS; ;e2wsl-furlt& of Orlober, SERMONS will be preached in 6,lU~VIWls CHAPnL. ?? lou, by the R1ev. G50ORGE OSBORN of ~.b h tV. JAB. DIXON, D.D., of ...