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Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. TrHIS EVENING (Monday), 22d November, 1852, the performances will commence with Shakspeare's Play of THE MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM. Tfiesvus, Mr T C King; Egeus, Mr Bromley; Lysander, Mr George Vining; Demetrius, MrJ, ebster; Bottom, Mr Robson; Oberon, Miss Lanza;, Miss Ilarring- ton; Puck, ?? Saunders; Wood Nbph, Mdlle St Louin. A Pas Seul by Madlle. Ernefine St. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHEAP AND EXPP1DMTIOOUS PRINTING, C HENRIE'1' .x -STREET. The Public are requested t I , Eider the advantages to be attained by sending their Ordw* to the Printing Establish- ment connected with the General Engineering, Geological Survey and Valuation Office, 1 and 16, HENRIETTA- STREET, DUBLIN. The style in which Gena± Letter Press and Lithographic Printing is executed in this ant cannot be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HE PRIME MINISTER OF ENGLAND T Has THIS DAY Patreonised and supported THE NATIONAL BALL OF IRELAND. LORD PALMERSTON Has likewise given his Patronage and Support to t THE-BALL. $W. Remember THE BALL iates place under distingoished Patronage, ON THIS (TUESDAY) EVENING, NOV. 23. The arrangementa are all completed on a style of msgim- ficence not beretofoe -surpassed. The numerous issue of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. TlrlS EVENING (Monday), 8th November, 1852, the performances wvill commence with Shakspeare's Play Of THE MIDSUMMER NIGE DR l* Tbr-us, Mr T C King; Egeus, M roml Lysander bir Grorge Vining; Demetrius, Mr J abater; Bottom, Mr Eobson ; Oberon, Miss Lanza; Tit a, m1;s TTarring- tPo; Puck, Miss Saunders; Wood Nyh, 3dlle St Louin La Cracovienne, by Mdls t Louin. To be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SELF-SUSTAINING TROUSERS. A FTER a lapse of several years' close study to X Trousers Cutting, BROWNE and PAYNE have arrived at a new principle for Cutting this important article of Dress. The improvement effected is by means of a band attached to the Trousers, which secures'to the wearer a perfect fit about the Hips and Waist. To Equestrians they will be fo greeable, as tbeyr need not have the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WTE HAVE AN IMMENSE STOCK or' R E A D Y- M A D E CLOTHING: in all Sizes, - to suit all Classes. OUR PRICES Graduate thus:- Top Coat, in various Fabrics ?? 16s, 17s fid, 26,to 40e MIorn~rgreoats ?? , ?? ?? 17s 6d, 20s, 25s, to 4 Frockgbt;'' ?? '20s, 25s, 80e, to as Dre6soa~ ts ?? ?? 80s, 8s, U40s, to 60s VESTS and TROUSERS equally Cheap. ,,Every article is distinctly marked at fixed prices, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. THIS EVENING (Frida.-), 26th November, 1852, the performances will commence witb Shakspeare's Play of THE MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM. Thesgus, Tdr T' King; Egeus, Air Bromley; Lysander, ir George Vining; Demetrius, Mr J Webster; Bottom, Mr Bobson ; Oberon, Miss Lanza; Titania, Miss IHarring- ton; Puck, Miss Saunders; Wood Nymph, Mdlla St Lonin. To be followed by the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE ROAD TO HIEALTHi. U OL L OWAY'S PILLS.- Cunr, OF A DISORDERED LiVER AND BAD DIGESTION.- 'Copy of a Letter from Mr. E. W. Kirkus, Chemist, 7, Preseot- street, Liverpool, dated 6th June, 1851:- To PROFESSOR HOLLOWAY-SIu-Yortr Pills and Oint ment have stood the highest on our sale list of Proprietary Me- dicines for some years. A customer, to whom I can refer for any inquiries, desires me ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. THIIS EVENING (Thurstday), 4th November, 1852, the performances will eommace with Knowles's Play of VIRGINIUS. Virginiu4, MAr T C King; Lucius ICI;is, Mr G J Vining; Virginia, Miss Harrington; Servia, Mrs H Kirby. Valse de la Rhein, by Mdlle ErnestirSt Louin. To be followed bv the Comedi ta of FAINT HEART NEVER WON IR LADY. Charles I. King of Spain, MicS C Sauner; Ray ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of NATIONAL DEMONSTRATION at In favour and support of as IRISH MANUFACTURE AND INDUSTRY air On TUESDAY; 23rd of NOVEMBER. ot eyw T3H GRAND FANCY AND FULL-DRESS BALL, Wil take place in THLE ROTUNDO, I51 On TUESDAY EVENING NEXT,-Nto. 23rd, Under the patronage of he Their EXCELLENCIES the LORD LIEUTENANT and er COUNTESS of EGLINTON, of The LORD MAYOR and LADY MAYORESS, of . The Right Hon. the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M NUFACTU' E MOVEMENT. THE PARENT BOARb ve IRISH MANUFACTURE AND INDUSTRY Will meet THIS EVENING at Eight ?? precisely. It is arranged that Dr. HAYDEN will take the chair. Communications of great interest will be read from Noble- men and others. some in reference to the BALL, which takes place TO-MORROW (Tuesday) EVENING, November 23d. The arrangements are all completed on a style of magni- ...