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Bristol, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... B R E1 E M A N 's1f L'i FOREIGN & BBITISR SILKt, SHAWL, LA~ AND RIRA\ND WAREHiOi7SE.- JOLI.Y a SON beg to invite an inspection of their STOCli of SILKl, I SHAWLS, LACE, & IIIBANDS, which is now fully assorted withi Oioods of the richest description, calcuiated to maintain the welil established reputation of their Predeceseor. JOLLY & SON (late FRiEEalAN). 43. COLLEtiiE-(}REES. C!ELTNGOFF, AT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?TST0L AND WEST OF ENGLAND' ? OAN & DISCOUNT OFFICE, 4 BRISTOL, 511Y,$ grOll \Villcil may be iad in a Form of Ap lication, as itilos'. The vales of ouCh all Institntis? to t11 ilavieg l?e IF telepotllts a t1eto5jema?'1bO of vast importance, Ils tioe I ll??tol5 ?i%?r0?ved) ellebieS tile Poor Man to avail ilimeelt Of ito as well Cs tho Tradesman and Malsufacturer. cr0,? 0'oC LEWIS SOLOMON, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ____ 3)rnnmfze to be itet t; rpO GROCERS ADOHR The Preis ar comEdiu, and situated in thbest 811 Town c threrel) ismls everyt faclity faor carryiang 001 is i; pcitedaov any ther retail I~trad 1 avd uane110 4sle r. prtaoiclars piy pest-pidef~t0 em i-nt very / sB. Fes-om ,UT WArLESer - i TdmtLETlE and may LET eneed it T beLETanly CLIFTe -po CoTTGE us 5hd fl b-edrooms, attcs kitcheni I{fbuEck ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -? BRISTOL MERCURY, ?1J?WESTERN COUNTIES ADVERTISER. IA5?5?g of TEE AIERCffRY, as shown by the OFFICIAL - ??efl5ceLATded to the Beport of the Parliamentary Committee fb0?e, oppe?1?, amounted daring the last year (1500), to AND SIXTY-SEVEN THOUSA?j, t?TW9?lsuA WEREL! AVERAGE OF UPWARDS OF ? Ito ?,e?ng Figolvo. asgivelt in the Returns, show the relative MercsSt' Mirror:- DIlISTOL MEECUltY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?de0 Lj?j ?nctwn. and ExtenslvO Stock of CUT GLASS. ?SSRS. FARGUS & SON beg I to that they will submit to rUBLIC CQ)IPE- J. ? at the TEMPLE-GATE GLASS-WORKS, ?gest the 8th of November, and four foilos?-ietg daja? ?ar:tOn of the valuable Stook of richly cut G 8l?St?oeo handeoflie Bronze CHANDELIERS, p.?ree large snperbtY*ettt Glass BOWLS, tSES and TABLES, and other Effects ? to late Firm of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _Xotfte?. ?PHE Corporation of ? in the eiuney of MonmonJJl are deniroos ol OttO, eli the security of tho Cos?ll.House Building, ? .?I3tt0, for tile Term of Seven Years, at a rate ef intertot not coB litg£4eoerceet. per snnum.-Appscation to be made to 'I11 ti? WUOLLETT.ltoq.. Tows-Clerk, at lois Offices, at the Cenoocuhieth _Newport,_Monmeuthohire, 10th Nov., 505. HE Commissioners for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEIATR-ROALBR-ISTOL. Boxrnc 612. a; Uprraz 110±60. Is.d. Gd:PIT, I 5.; GALLERY Cdi VOIPTIVUED .SUCCiSS 9F UNYC1,E TO Ads C BIN.' On MSONDAY &: TU¢SD1Y EvenIngs llov. 13tb an 16th, will be presented. 3 TOM's CA B Or, LiarE AN~oN Tuer LoDveY . I .Dramao dA Three Arts found~ed issetile Pepal aand Celebrated W mork of the aie falameqare, oy M fs. Jlesr~t miles fel Sowee. The Xe.Y Scenecry by SIr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... u o 4T SALE OF CEINA Atim EARTHENWARE dESSRSRFAR US & SON beg 'tnou'tnu til t thteY will eubmilt to PUBLIC COitIPidTITI *S at 1 pn . 4, Cd t RE.STREET, Ondays.N Nextt, C by have erceived from oue 0f the meat extensive -rl'' neiea Masufact~ltrls In Stibrdeshiro, Msiwe~eds1 handso0ame ioDINI6t So~EUV~ICeEnSts of Modern and Te nd lreaktfast Servicea tihatuber Services, a varlety 0 f X¢: a al Jaro ...

Advertisements & Notices

... U ?jn?tira?e Qlornpaflfe%. t??UAL LIFE ASSURANCE, QPEN TO ALL CLASSES. cOltOp-STISEET, AGENT of the - ,jtJ. ? begs to inform the Pub that ilrJ',?f?h6lti(S' (1?l)vltlchherepreseflt5 in Bristol m be con. ti9?Zi1tite AS5oc?. Clerks only, it ie not 55; and tha Persons ? illICIt their Lives, ?vlll find very peceho, tO i'n?,orteeat ?o%? 0f lesliiihrd ieji pesfect security, los tAo oeieleot Cles*s? ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... hereby ? ELLENOR CONS FANCE, as I ?5t bts she may Contract after this Notice. L' JAMES CONSTANCE. 10th November. 1852. L' prreby given that, ptireuattt to isis Act of Parliament ? l? ?1?1 yeat' ?f the rnigtl of his Majesty George th for enabling the of the Co ?e' ?tiniSd is tue city ef itrietel, to sue be seed its the e ?tlo? ett?fl?i' tise ]tegulaiitjis of tits said Itooms it the tOgutatiotte ...

Advertisements & Notices

... o. to - GUIDE TO THE OP MON1I?Y. 5? New and Improved Edition, with isssportnnt Additiom * Isilnes, Railways, &c. ' Just PublIshed, in Bye, Price 105 Od in Cloth or lie td A TiIEiVIISE ON INVESTydRET it fleirs??aPo?uiarEx?oaltlon of the Advantages and flisaas?? ? ByRonasu'AxTnna WARD, SolicItor ?aotfe?, Botheaitaiiot and Lawyer will find the most d volnmc.-?egal Obaeriier. ??t5ia5? V ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?trahct ?omptutte%. ???UR1TY TO EHI'LOXEIiS. bile Instl tistlens. Clerks. Station-Mastere, Hail- tet51l??Banhe0te?ClSrk5, Travellers, and Others. ? 1G?ESLIF? ASSURANCE GuARANTEE COMPANY, 12 LUDGATE-HILL, Lehdon. or ?ornted tinder Act of Parliament.) OF TRUST. ?' Cd. per cent. upwards. No charge for stamps. In the GuarAntee I'remlnns where a Lile roace end Guarantee are combined. lIFE ASSURANCE ...