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Dublin, Republic of Ireland


Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... WATERPROOF, AIRPROOF, AND GUTTA PERCHA. A MANUFACTURERS. ELVERY AND CO., Elephant House, 46, LOWER SACKVILLE-STREEPT Post-Office Side. The only House in Dublin where Ladies and Gentlemen can get fully supplied with every description of WATERPROOF GARMENTS. Reversible Alpaca Coats and Capes. Silk Coats-Weight Ten Ounces. > Zephyr and Swansdown Coats andar Pilot and Blue Check Coats andeO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TrHEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. THiIS EVENING (Monday), Ist November, 1852, the performances will commence with the Play of Cardinal Richelieu, Mr T C King; Count de Barradas, Mr Bromley; Chevalier de Mauprat, Mr G J Vining; The Sieur de Beringhen, Mr J Webster; Julie de Montemrar, Mrs H Kirby ; Marion de Lormes Miss Bellir. After which the Favourite Interlude OUR NEW LADY'S MAID./ The Baron Gnston ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SELF-SUSTAINING TROUSERS. A FTER a lapse of several years' close study to X Trousers Cutting, BROWNE and PAYNE have arrived at a new principle for Cutting this important article of Dress. The improvement effected is by means of a band attached to the Trousers, which secures'to the wearer a perfect fit about the Hips and Waist. To Equestrians they will be fo greeable, as tbeyr need not have the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HEATRE ROYAL, D UBLIN. TfilS EVENING (Tuesday), 2d November, 1852, the performances will commence with the Comedy of THE SERIOUS FAMILY. Mr Charles Torrens, Mr G I Vining; Captain Murphy M~aguire. Mr J Webster; Amninadab Sleek, Mr F Robson; Mrs Ormeby D'Almine, Miss Castleton; Lady Sowerby CreafllY, Mrs Parker. Valse dale ?? by Mdlle Ernestine St. Louin. Tu be followed by the Celebra~ed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MORROW'S BRITISH AND FOREIGN ?? NASSAU.ASTREET, MB. THACKERAY'S N EL, SIR FRANCIS B. HEAI U 1t IRELAND Have been THIS DAY received, the immediate perusal of which may be had by all First Class Subscribers to this Library. HAMILTON MORROW, BOOKSELLER, STATIONER, AND LIBRARIAN, NASSAU-STREET. November 2d, 1852. W EBB AND COMJ? ANY'S 1 TAILORING AND - M GENERAL OUTFITTING a*MfEROOMS are now ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. THIS EVENING (Wednesday), 3d November, 1852, the performances will commence with Shakspeare's Tragedy of MACBETH. Macbeth, Mr T C King; Mucdtff, Mr G J Vining; Lady Macbeth, Mrs H Kirby. Valse de la Rhein, by MdIle Ernestine St. Louin. After which the Interlude of THE RAILROAD STATION. Sampson Jones, *r F Robson; Jack Robins, Mr J Web- ster; Mrs CLarles Smith, Miss ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GRAND NATIONAL DEMONSTRATION In favour and support of IRISH MANUFACTURE AND INDUSTRY. On TUESDAY, 23rd of NOVEMBER Next, HE GRAND FANCY AND FULL-DRESS TL BALL, will take place, under the patronage of Their EXCELLENCIES the LORD LIEUTENANT and the COUNTESS of EGLIN EoN, The Right Hon. the LORD MAYOR and the LADY MAYORESS, And the Nobility, Gentry, and Traders of Ireland. The entire suite of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. THIIS EVENING (Thurstday), 4th November, 1852, the performances will eommace with Knowles's Play of VIRGINIUS. Virginiu4, MAr T C King; Lucius ICI;is, Mr G J Vining; Virginia, Miss Harrington; Servia, Mrs H Kirby. Valse de la Rhein, by Mdlle ErnestirSt Louin. To be followed bv the Comedi ta of FAINT HEART NEVER WON IR LADY. Charles I. King of Spain, MicS C Sauner; Ray ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ELVERY AND CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 'NT AT ERPRO OF, AIRPROOF, 1V . .AND GUTTA PERCHA MANUFACTURERS, 46, LOWER SACKVILLE.STREET, Post-Office side, The only House in Dublin where LADIES and GENTLE- MEN can get fully supplied with every description of WATERPROOF GARMENTS. Waterproof Alpaca Reversible Coats and Capes. Waterproof Silk Coats weighing 10 ounces. Waterproof Black and Grey Alpaca ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. THIS EVENING (Friday), 5th November, 1852, the performances will commence with the Dramatic Play of PAULINE. Count Horace de Bouzaval, M C King; Lucien de Nervel, Mr Hamilton; Pauline, M udson Kirby. Valse de la Rbein, by Md1le- estine St. Lonin. To be followed by the Cel ratd Drama of THE CORSICAN OTHERS. Mons Fablen dei Franchi, Mr King; Mons Louis dei Francbi, Mr T C ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IRISH SPIRIT TRADE. A Public Meeting of DistiUers, Merchants, A Traders, Agriculturists, and others interested in the prospetity of the Irish Spirit Trade, will Ield at the CHANIBER OF COMdMENCE, on SNE A he 10th C Instant, at THREE ?? precish tt the purp of sp-I pointing a Deputation to wait on a 4sncellor the Ex- I ehequer, praying his immediate cons seratjo ithe very h serious grievance ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. THIS EVENING-, (Saturday), 6th November, 1852, the performances will commence with the Dramatic Play of RICHELIEU. E Cardinal Richelieu, Mr T C Kitng; d eeda Mr Bromley; Chevalier de Mauprat, J Vinrng; The SieurdeBeringhen, MrJ Webster; J deMontemar, Mrs H Kirby; Marion de Lorn's, Miss Bl r1.- - After which the Favourite telunde of THE RAILROAD ST TION. Sampson Jones, ...