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London, England


London, London, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... A USTRALIA.-MIUNT ALEX2ANDER LINE of PACKETS SIIIP.-Notice to Passengers per Pa OdtsE8, or pORT PllLLLIP and SYDNET.-In ?? othe request of mney to the paisengers gcincdby tbli vessel, she eill Dot piave the Eset India Dcoabi utl after te ray of the fneral o the Duke ot Wcaingtond All baygage ?? be reouledb to be et the decks on or before the 17thinst.-WIy. HUTCHISON and Co., 1, lchee.rourtc ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SAUNDERS and OTLEY'S POPULAR NEW WORKS. 1. MR CARLETON'S NEW TALE. RED HALL. By the Author of ' Tracts of the Irish Peasantry.' II. THE HON. MRS ERSKINE NORTON'S NEW WORK. T H E G 0 S S I P. II1. THE MANUFACTURING INTEREST. In 2 vols. THE VICISSITUDES OF COMMERCE. A Tale of the.Cotton Trade. IV. THE WHITE ROSE OF THE HURON. By Gennoniw-A 1LucNnot, Author of thc I Voyage of Life.' In 3 vols. V. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L ONDON AND WESTMINSTER. THAMES2 JURAILWAY. (FOR MAKING a6 RAILWAY ALONG sed AlovE thO CHANXEL of the TUAMES frain LONDON.IBlIDGE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE'N. tibMtAPPLICATION 15 intended 'A to be made to PARLIAcIEN T ins thevusouing Session for af ACT for . incorporatlega Coinpany lder the title of the London snd.West- Manoter Thames Hda wray Company anod to AclthlmI such Company to %make ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VOR BOMIBAY D:>irect (to sail 25th November), co tbe 11 kln wn rver-built shdp CIEPFrAIN, A I for I vesi s'2 toK regi-tf 'Ioading in the Ldondon Docks. This shi cas~c~en accommodation tbr passeners, and does not oarry or l0 ?? riglht or passage apply to W. 0. YOUNG, , STRALIA.-MOUNT ALEXANDER L1N A of PACHET SHIP.-The PROGRESS, A I at Lloyd's, WV B 'iSIOMSON, commander, for PORT PHILLIP and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M JULLIEN'S LAST ANNUAL SERIES OF ft M . CONCERTS (for ons month only) previous to hiz Departure a for America. THEATiRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE. PROGRAMMiE POlA TILiS EVENING, Saturday, Nov. 13. C PART I. Overture, Enryanthe Weber)-Quadoille, from Jullien's P Opera, Pietro it Qrande (Jutlien)-Duo, for two Vio!lins, (Molten, a hauer) execu-ed by the Brothers Mollenhauer-PIolka, Juno t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Antagonistic to Sophistry, Prejudice, and Empiricism, 147 Wood- cuts, 41 cass. 2 vols., Is. each ; by post, Is. 6d., 4N SINGLE AND MARRIED LIFE, To be er not to bo, that is the question. | SBy R. . CUI VERWeLL, M.D. (141), M.R.aS. (1827), LA.O., (1524), 25 years Medical and Forensic oeferee in these matters. Programme :-Adventof Puberty and correspondisg Assoc- ?? and Gasualties of Singlo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... URKISH LOAN.-Notice is hereby given, that iT a MEETING of those interested in this Loan will be shortly ?? biv Messrs. C. DEVAUX and CO., for the purpose of giving suchinfomaton uon he objet asbOYservO to protect their igstand also for Uthen phurpos~eef apspointing a Commnittee to take such n~easurc9 as thoy may (lean neceosary for that purpoose. Thi delay hieb haa token place has been solely ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIEATRE ROYAL,_ DRURY4LANE.- ' MJULLIEN'S LAST ANNUAL SERIES of CONCERTS previous to his departure for Amerlca. VENING, PRO0GRAMME for THI EVNNSaturday, Nov. 20. PART I.-Overture, 11 Flauto Magico, Mozart; Quadrille, from Jullien's opera, Pietro il Grande, Jullien; Solo, bassoon, Non partir (Leave mo nat), ?? opera, Piotro il Grande, performed by M. Banimann, JuIllien; Valse, Roso de blai, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0-PCESTER and HEREFORD RAILWAY. ~ ~(NCORPORATION of COMPAN Y for makine & RAIL- ~ 'gnwoRCeSTER to HEREFORD, with IORAI' ORtES to V,6J(I'STER and to the SHREWSBIURY and HEREFORD R ,,,rind 1VOUK~ING ARRANGEMENTS with the MID- ' ?? f) DO ad NRT WESTERIN RAILWAY Cx ?? to PA ELlA OIEIT in the nextisie.-n for an ACT t le,,r.Atc1 compuray for the purprose of masking aod msalntalnen is isi ilrr~rtii ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ie THEATRE ROYAL, DRU AYX A at T M. JULLIEN'S LAST ANNUAL SERIES of CovCE~jT re previous to hit Departure to? America. ae 'LAST WEEK BUT TWO. e PROGR&MME FOR THIS EVENING, Friday, Nov 26. PAXT I -Overture, -Efinont (Beethoven)-Quadrftle; fro r-a I eooTyH ullien' Opor $Pletroi Grande oosy' arretM. Baoo'an at M.*Collitet, Mr. Lazarue, M. Itemusat, Herr merigM.Pr,, 1 *- end Big. 1COM ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL. DRURY-LANE. T . JULLIEN'S LAST ANNUAL SEUIES of CONCERTS previous *o hie Departure for America. LASr WEEK BUT ONE. PROGRAMME FOa THIIS EVENING, Tuesday. Nov. 3$. PsARr I.-Overture, ?? Midsummer Night's Dreamt (first time this season), (terndcisotn)-Quadril e, lrom Julien's Opera, Pietro il Grande Solos by M. Barret, M. Baumann, M. Collinet, Mr. Lazasus, Mi. Remusat, Herr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TOCKPORT IMPROVEMEN.A~T SK 1IENT, REPEAL, or CONSOLIDATO fACS X 'TENSION and ALTERATION ofBORROWI p 0 uand for OTHER PURPOSES). NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that APPLICATION is intended to) be made to PARLIAMENT in the present session for an ACT to' aleamend, extend, and enlarge, or to consolidate, the powers and provisions Of the two several Acts following, or one of them, and to miake fiurther ...