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Leeds Mercury



Yorkshire and the Humber, England


Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Leeds Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... ~Zadlr tv aUttetol. 2',frn;JlN1 vT101L.:llti) 1EtIfiNITURU. BEiDS & PIDflNG, CIItIEY (LAS.(II P.AINTHINGS and ENGRAVINGS. DIN F~ ~Ei VCE.C~iINAGLASC, & IiAICTIIPNWVAI't. DINFti'i DAS CLO Sc~OWItR HATH., KITCHEN UInSil, DASvdf Chars Gas ittings, and other uteful lot-r. nldlftm ItARKER F010 intratucted by a gentle- no 0., IIT.sidsncR , toLL liI I A U II I'IN. will re, ~~1)E FTHlE MODERN~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AVERy EIXG'ANT WA1.,LN UT 110 AWING tIO SUITE.. EXCELLENST ?? AN) MAIVIO '.NY FITl1tNI- TURK , 114) ?? FlICTINGS, PlkNUO lOI'J'i, C1U-i- NEY GLA~SE'. aicd other ?? lots. THlE AMt'6i.-(lA Li,, ALLION-dTRtIET. ldeqsc~ 11'iEt 51111 11ARD1411 tc.r reeppctfilfly to snnlonrc~i their intenctions of olfericig for SAILE ho UBitJLII Ali0TLON,I at thea Music Ila)], Albioct-streat, .i.cjois, on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1,TGLASS INSURANCE COMPANY. Ij ~~pplCSS, 53, LIfdE-ST11ERT. LONI)ON.-In. ~ 1I..Act of ?? £10o,000. .roael~ established in London, bas for its aobrect the pis Ij 0101 owoeyg of Plate Glass from the Varios r isks to sa0oncme is exposed ; and at a cost scarcely worth con- .jcj llhe15 at heearliest request of many influential S~p Illsvereoledand alre prepared to extend ?? ~ lslaig parts of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RIELIGIOUS TRACT SOCIETY.- I he FOltTY-EIGHTa AN NIVEtSAnRY of the LEEDS K.TIyRy or the RELIGIOUS TRACT SOCIETY, will be jivl; Ijijodav. the Fifteenth of November, in the Music. Hal, toeld e ut'eet.'when a brief Report of the operations of the ,oriet -1 be read. Altioell-p w e Jr AFFEdRY. the Agent of the Parent Society, Tbe eveal Miniaters and Friends, will address the meeting. edeh procr~t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... X.Or~e. of APLUI ationl ta ivarI tucII RADFORD, W.,iKiIFIJELD, AND GREA' B NOIITHURtN DIUECT RAILWAY.-(New railway frO. the GreatiNorthern Beltway at or snear iDoncaster, via Wattf field. to the Leeds. Brad ord, and Ilawlax Junction RAsilsAY A Wortley-pow51r5 to enter into working Arlrangements with th satd companies-poWerr5 to lease or sell the line to any rail wa company, and to enable such ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [ADVERIIS9MVNT I AIAEEICAN TRVE3.-Scieltiflfc travellers hte remarked that the mountains and rivers of A merioa arc apon a more grand and magnificent scale than those of tbe olj world, and that her treen and vegetable ?? hI ,a corresponding superiority, in the luxuriasce of grewtl( and medicinal oefficacy, not found in those of other region,' We Are inderted to her for some valuable additions ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Is [ADVERTISIIUENTS.] e Ihe misery, the disappointment, the interminahle ex.. o pense of in- lectual ' plynic-takinig, are now happily super. e seded by tho use of fslessre. 1DU B5.iRY'S RtEVALishA f ARAlJ1CA FOoD, which, by a pleasing and natural action on o the system, removes chronic ann exhausting disease. and replaces languor ana pairs by vigour and health. Those whom e it has restored ...

Advertisements & Notices

... price 9B., 8vo.. cloth boards, with PORTRAIT, rE; LIFE OF EDWAtRD BAINES, Tb late M.P. for the Borough of Leeds. an BY HISi SON, EDWARD BAINES, London: LONONAII & CO. ?? Naweesac, Leeds. m4 n~i; OPENING of SALEM CHAPEL, LEEDS. I After being greatly improved, enlarged, and beautified, above ehapelwas RE-OPENED for PUBLIC WORSHIP 'at5e clnoes~ing Sesvices of the Re-opening will take place TO- i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1~~EAFNESS.~~Mrs. H~ALL, Gate-Foot, New dr 3111. ner Heml~rIt, sabeen perfetctly) CURED in two a Viits rof a ?? It, titoued with flieit Au vin ?? r 2 ITU ?? Leeds. tic N.IA. 6ee first page. 14 AIPROVED GLSSl? ed .1 ?? ?? 7 Vic., c. fS. JAy)IrS WINTErIBOTJTOM becls leave to ?? attentilon of solsurners to a Glass Stepper which bo ?? lately Oe~ tered, tatd whisso posststsce numerous 11dyvtltas vr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I anEraISaMIENT | LV JMPORTA!;T TO ALL WHO SING,-Fr4Dm S. Pearuall, Eaq.a Lt Yicar Choredot licblihed Catbedral:-`-A lady of distinction L .having pts ,teo out to rnoe te quan ties ot Dr. LOCOCIC'S I i S lr.A;OhL3C WASIEiiS, lwas induced to malke trial of abox and front this trial I am happy to gixe my testimonial in their Li oivour. A ttid by allowing a low 01 the Wafers-takoen in the M ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T.EEDS NORTHERN RAILWAY, -At 4 LA ea Steeing of Lancashire SharehOlders, weleb at the claten- idon Reolam, Liverpool. CHIARSLES HIOLLAND, MEs., in the chair. It was uoanrimtorly ?? the Lancashire Shacbo bolders of the Leeds Normtern Railway desire to ?? ' rdial shnks 1o0 EDWIN st ARD JACKaion, ESQ., of Nor- ton. oS ck t belOn.Ti'r s, fiord hiser, ismires III atten t ding this sreelng. an f(or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE~ COURT OF BANKRUPTCY FOR P ESDISTRICT.-In the Matter of MARY *fTrE LjU w~nd HENRY HAR0TLEY, both of Halif~x, t o T~'y~f york, carrying on business in co-partner- ~ecOl .ty er and printers, under thre style or firm of t~nre~ r~lY ?? Mr. Commissioner ~,sel.TlieCour has ppoited the Thirleenth Decembelrr nextf ?? Acouts f te Assignees; and the Fourtfeenth 5adt jto ?? of ?? and declare a First ...