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Caledonian Mercury


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Caledonian Mercury

Foreign Intelligence

... Joreciqn AMERICA. The Asia arrived at Liverpool on advices from New York to the 20th 4 morning, bringing The intelligence from Havannah is of the 15th October. by the * Black Warrior” and “ Crescent City.” The officers of the former had been treated with marked courtesy; but the cad- tain of the latter had been a second time prevented from land- iug or communicating with the shore. The Captain ...

Foreign Intelligence

... Foreign FRANCE. Pants, Thursday Eveni -—Twelve o'clock was the hour for the Senate to meet this y, but more than an hour before the senators began to arrive at the The in attendance were the cardinals, who wore their robes; the other members wore their full dress, civil or mi . At noon the attendance being complete, the took the chair, and the proceedings 10 members ited on the table a were ...

Foreign Intelligence

... Joreiqn FRANCE, Panis, Thursday Evening.—By a decree of the Prince Pre- sident, dated yesterday, the tables for the levy of 80,000 men for the army of the class of 1852 are to be published on the 30th of January and the 6th of February next, and the drawing by lot of the 80,000 men is to take place on the 28th of We read in the On the ist of January, 1848, the effective of the army amounted to ...

Foreign Intelligence

... Foreign FRANCE. THE VOTING FOR THE EMPIRE, The Moniteur of Monda contains 37 5 and | from east, west, north, south, all to the same effect, that the le are voting with enthusiasm for the Empire. ‘oniteur of Tuesday gives the definitive result of the election for the it of the Seine :— Number of electors inseribed 315,501 Voters . 270,710 Oui 208,615 Non 53,617 The proces verbauz of 90 rural ...

Imperial Parliament

... Emperial Parliament, HOUSE OF LORDS. Tuvrspar, Nov. The first session of the new Parliament w ‘as Oo ned this day M jesty in person, —though strictly » peaki ing, the busi- py t may be said to have begun on the day ap- pointed by Royal proclamation for the first meeting. The morning was dall and loomy, and 1 a torrent of rain fell during the progress of the Ro: Owing to this cause there was ...


... Lee It is gratifying to find that the directors of the North British Railway have at length seen the error of their wayie and that insteac of repudiating their preference stock, as their recent doings led the public, and their own shareholders in particular, to believe was their intention, they are now pre- pared to proceed to Parliament,— First, To remove all doubt on the subject, by ...

Taxation.—A Parliamentary paper has jnst been print showing how the taxes are raised. In the vear en z t Sth

... of January the duty on spirits was L.1.427,532, ou fo- feign spirits, L.1,097,920, on ram, and L.6,030,324 on Br tish spirits. On malt the duty in the year was L.5,030.569— on hops, L.426,241—on wine, L.1,776,247—on suger and molasses, — on tea, 1..444,670—on tobacco and L.4,466,469— L.166,780—on cheese, corracts and 1.521,765—on corn, L.504,921 — on silk, L.213,710 — « paper, 1.934,567—on ...


... NORTH RBRITIL EFERENCE Since our last, the redoubtable Mr Brewster, who has the merit of having frightened the Board of Directors out of all propriety, and of having, through their instrumentality, kept the preference shareholders for a month out of their lawfal dividend, finding his case untenable, has withdrawn his action The directors, therefore, having no further pretext for retain- ing ...


... LON ON GAZETTE WAR OFFICE, Nov. 26. Regiment of 1 Assistant-Surgeon Boate to be Assistant-Surgeon, vice Logie, Promoted on the Staff, Nov. 23. 3d Foot.—. Assistant-Surgeon Edgar Dumaresq Batt, from ha be Surgeon, vice Reade, appoited to the 6th Foot.—Captai a Henry Philips, from haif-pay unattached, to be Captain, vice Cruice, who ex receiving the ditle- Feace— Lieutenant Henry Pratt Gore to ...

Foreign Intelligence

... OVERLAND MAIL. Letters and by the Marseilles rowe, iw tion of the Overland mail, have been received. The dates ate —Bombay, Oct. 1; Calcutts, Sept. 20; and Oct. 19. The latest accounts from Rangoon extend to the 1 tember. ‘The only important intelligence that t Oth A ib au order of General Godwin for/an immediate advance on Prome It runs as follows:— “The Major-General com: to resume active ...

Foreign Intelligence

... Forciqun on Parts. Monday FRANCE. . — The Moniteur i the address of Prince Jerome to the Senate; the President's mes- ings of the Senate of the 4th, 6th, and 7 The sage; the ition of the 10 senators for the establishment of the empire; and the of the commission recommend- a Seat af te Fetes ts Gv th ie which has ready been published. The of Prince Jerome is, in some respects, an echo of the ...

Foreign Intelligence

... Foreiqu Lutelligence. be INDIA AND CHINA, The Overland Mail has arrived. The following summary of intelligence is extracted from the Bombay Times of October 16:— “ The intelligence sent by last mail from Burmah extended to the 12th of September, the latest since received comes down to the 26th, On the 25th, the Peninsular and Oriental @om- pany’s steamer Oriental had arrived, quite unex edly, ...