Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. Afl Coxmmuniaotions, and articles of Intelligence, intended for c publication, require to be authienticated by the name and o address of tho writer. Unless this is attended to, Corres- I pondents may rest assured that no attention wiU be paid r to their communications. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Pri: ICIlSON X wvho applied to Advertiseme nt No. 260, in ' I ?? of Friday, 29th October, and whose address is r ]stelt5l'e-l Stret, is desirous to have all INT'ERV IEWV with the Al)El-' ISER. ~IlssgwI v (;th Nov., 1852. LANDS OF OAKS11AW. rES A LANDS, &c., liaving been Sold privately, the r xll there tlllot PubI tlhlicoup Onl thle 18th current, J previo ertaiSvrtised, will nit 770t plae. g s. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DUMBARTON SHIRE. ARABLE FARA TO BE LET. TrinCfor lodging Offers limited to 27th XNorember carrent. r 11F FARM of WEST BARNS OF CLYDE, containing T -bout 97 acres Scotch measure of Arablc Land, and about la 20 acres of leadow Pasture, along the River Clyde, will be F Let onL Lease, with entry at Martinmas as to thc Arable Land, F ,, Nlvitsulnday, 1853, as to the Houses and Grass. The Farm is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SELF-SUSTAINING TROUSERS. A FTER a lapse of several years' close study to X Trousers Cutting, BROWNE and PAYNE have arrived at a new principle for Cutting this important article of Dress. The improvement effected is by means of a band attached to the Trousers, which secures'to the wearer a perfect fit about the Hips and Waist. To Equestrians they will be fo greeable, as tbeyr need not have the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PARISH CHURCHI. O-MTORROW, SUNDAY, tire 14TII INTr., SERMONS T will be Preached, and Collections made, in aid of tie Sunday ani Infant Schools; in the Morning by the REV. S. HASTINGS, B.A., Curate, and in the Evening I by thc REV. A. T. ARMSTRONG, MA.t, Incumbent of I; St. James's. Contributions will also be thankfully received by the I Curatc and Churchwardens. 13th November, 1852. ST. MARY'S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MR. G. W D;. RaElNOLDSS PUBLIOATIONS. The follewing Popular Works are published every Suturday mont- g at Mr. ReyneldssEstabissmacent, No. 7, Wellington Street North, Strand:- T Weekly One Penny-Monthly Parts, Price Sixpence, E Y T 0 L D S ' S M I S C E L L A N Y s Of Romance, General Literature, Science, and Art. CoNDss aTW as GEOaGe W M. REYNOLDS. This is the largest, cheapest, and most ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MR. G. W W. REYNOLDSS PUBLICATIONS The following Popular Works are published every Saturday morr- i g at Mir. Reynolds's Establishment, No. 7, Welillaga Streetvorth; Strand:- I. Weekly Oto Penny-Monthly Parts, Price Sixpenca, R Y NKO L D S ' S M I S C E L L A N Y Of Romance, General 11tersture, Science, and Art. CoesncT: as GEonRG W Mii.litotn. This is thelargest, cheapest, ard nost ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DRURY.LANE.-| Al. JULLIEN'S LAST ANNUAL SRTEES of CONCEPTS previous to bis departure for Anfrica. PROGRAMME for THIS EVENING, Friday, Nov. 19. PAaT 1.-Overture, Eiryairihe, NVeber; Quadrille, from Jilitiens opera, Pietro i Granide, Jullieri Solo, bassool, Non partir(Leave Ilie not), froni tire opera, Pietro il GIande, performed by . Banu- i maim (Iislirsst appearalice ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1EEDS MEtCHANICS' INSTITUTION andi L ~~~LITERtARY SOCIETY. LECTURES. Ol WFEDNESDA Y',3 Novembfir 241A and December I'c t. by DR. RMN1101iOL StiLGEl. on the KINGS and COURTS of the ElGHITERENT11 CENTURY. 'The j~ec'urea commence at eight o'clock. 'hl Monbsler., arid Srs.scribcer (ire requrired on al oct ?? tO thoir hurrstiriott '1ich'el- to obtain admoission to tire LlfcOitres. TEIISIS OlF THlE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORR0lSPONDEr;TS. W. gh. DxaewffAa.-W have only roomfor the conclud- ing paragraph o f our correspondent -`Open the Crytolpaaceonthe Sabbath, and you will require te adtda-tnalalabour of seie hundreds of working men; you Will, doubtless, afford a precedent for open ing other public institutions, and thus call into requisi- tion the labour of hundreds more who now esayoy their Sabbath day'o ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Aberdeen Bible Society. rIE ANNUAL PUBLIC MEETING of this SOCIETY -will 1 'be held iu1 FREm TscuscrY CnIUciSH, Crown Street, on the eoening of WEDNESDAY the 10th November. f The Chair will be taken at 7 o'clock. I All who fcol interest in the Distribution of the Word of Life c mong thoeHathen, whotherat home or abroad, are earnestly requested to be presont. A COLLECTION ivill be mado at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -uI ! ?? El NOTICEg TO SHIPPERS. 19 Ctlue? CADIN PASSAGE ?? TW ENTTYFIVOEPON5 ?? ?? SSCOND CADIS PASS ?? FRIF'TEE COfDS THRDEE POUNDS PER TON MEASURESILNY. I TO NEW YORk., TY1SND N CIIIBP CADIX ?? POUNDS. NE Ssesw~ CABIN ?? POUND. MO RATE 0t' F'eluoIIT: CO FOUR POUNDS PRi TON Freight on alI Parcelr Five Shillinigs each, and upwrards, YO accordi og to size. .- PARCELS for ...