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Advertisements & Notices

... ASJSTRALIA.Th dste of DI- ~'~~Ct~elthe DELAIIDS is now iv~ed tor the DIAL is 'Aclioitdet, ,and tho 14ttlifrom Pllymouth. Goodgimust' IyL~et-isber frslis 1,0hto saurday, tie 4h t td oste ' LIONb, jun., 17, Gracechurch-street, aett ?? Ioya Mail Steamn Navigation Company. ~FADELADE STEAMER, for AUS- TI1ILlA~i~lediiE Pasengrs re informed that the J~J~~d~c'N oftlt fis Seamship are niow ready. ?? ' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LEWES, UCKFIELD, anid TONBRIDG) LWELLS DIRECT RAILWAY.-(Power to enter into Ai r angemeonts with the London and Brighton and South Coast., an Soutti-Eastern Railway Comtpaoide.)--Notico is harelsy given, titi StAPPLICATION will he made to Parliament iii thle Session of 185' for leave to briiig in a BILL to incorporate a Company for thle pul V. pase of constructing a railway with all necessary ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FNGLISH annd AUSTRALIAN COPPER COM- -a/A EjPA.NY-. OWEIL tr URCHASE CBRTAI%.N LETTERS IjU PA'Tl.NT raid to GRtANTI ADDITIONAL PO WERS to the C0.Nt- CURAT 1'ANY BNT NO'310F' IS HIEREBY GIVEN~tbat APPLICATION 1%inticaded STOCK to be V-sale to PARIJ AMEN T, in the crt ningiceoln, for leanve to brhsr NOTD to a BILL to enable Ca' Briglbhand Austxalian Coppor OnrMPany to ho-e to ho xi come the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MEXICAN DEBT.-NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the lIOLD.RS ot ME.XICAN STOCK, that iu con. formity with the last orders received from the Mexican government, the 1st of Apfil, 1853, is the day fixed to CLOSE the CONVERSION of 1851- and that in consequence of this notice, the Old Bonds vhich are not presanted on or be ore the said lst of April, 163, can- not be received afterwards at this agency, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PORTIJGUESE LOAN, 1823.-The IIALF- p YEARLY DIVIDEND, falling ilue ol tile 1st of December next, will be PAID, by order of the Imperial Brazilian Govern- lent, by Sir ISAAC L. GOLDSMID, WILLIAM KING, and WIt;LIAM THOMPSON, Agents, at tie Counitingliouse of Messrs. Thomnas and Williall KIng-, 37, ?? Bread- strect, oil that day, and every succeeding Monday, Wednesday, and Satuerda~y between the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... oil CA-L CUTT-A -Direct, the -,well known fastr et 1iNtl ~no with sp.-iertor Psc enermostn fer passGRErs, I saI c-T caerLI cand o iStDNtuEl.-FI or feiueht of ptsae applyt tor t. ?? pasnged Co., g 2, St. P vtoer~ll, s oe bill ro rt of D YOLN 'cole tle, Ceave ?? bill he foll bed byue o ea the dAlliance. 1,TRALIA.- ~O T ALEXANDER LINE A ,~~ILsaSlp'.-NTirs tRoGR8 Pasenerspe PROGES W. comade, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... KILEENN and GREAT SOUTHERN and HOUSES.-CONSTRUCTION of BRANCH to MOUNTRATH aind CASTLETOWN STATION.-CONTRIBUTION from BARONIES. -RUNNING POWERS over GREAT SOUTHERN and WRSTEtII RAIL WAY.-And AMENDMENT of ACTS). NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that APPLICATION Is intended to be made to PARLIAMENT In the ensuin session for lenve to bring In a BILL to revive and oetend the powere or the Kilkenny and Groat ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TONDON and NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY. mm' LA (AMENDIMEIT of ACTS; tAILWA.Yfrom near TIlINGo toil OXFORD; with BRAINCHES at OMPORD). I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that APPLICAtION lisntended dot toho made to PARLIAMIENT, lathe neat sesson for an ACTtis sitr, Mo aend, extend, enlarge, or to repeal all or some e# the p Ier ac r- . ~titofe the several Aete of Parliament. or some of thc~olo UPg,up relating ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRESIPONDENTS. ,cxonqni~rer..he is still litble. lA Cendta ConfessIon is declined. fthe letter of A M~erchant shall be forwrorderd to the writer. ?? Old Suboeriber.-W0 ?? seenO no notice to that ejfect in the American papers. A Constant Header, Staffordshiro.--W'e really cannot informn yol. Irnquitre from eome exvperienced builder. E. W. Preston.-Th~e ship Bank of England ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PORTUGUESE LOAN of 1823, at the charge of P the Brazilian Empire. Mewsrs. N. M. ROTHSCHILD and SONS beg to inform the H1OLDERS of SPECIAL BONDS of the PORTUGUESE LOAN of 1823, that they are autberised by the Brazilian Minister on behalf of the Imperial Brazilian Government to REDEEMi on the let December Roat, Nine Hundred and Sixty-four Thoxsand Two Hinudred end Fifty Pounds, Portugue-e Bocids ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW THUICE-A-WEEK PAPER. earnest desire having been expressed, by a large orumber of persons resident ina various parts of the country, for the publi- cation of a Journal, appearing at convenient intervalo, which should contain all the political, eccleslastica!, and other matter of general interest to be found in the columns of The Morning C1hronicle,. but in ouch a form aso would admit of its ...

Advertisements & Notices

... eATUDAYEVENNG OONOEiRTS, ^ Co~ERT-~llLLORD NĀ¢ELSON-STRtEET. On SAToROAY StfxT, the 20th instant. AlSmaS-S: MISS EYLE9, MISS H. PHILLIPS, (Daughter uf the celebrated Henry Phillips), aud PROGOtASI SI ?? L-Duet, I wvould that mny love,' Miss Phillips and iis Eyles. Song, Should he upbraid, bliss Eyles. Song, orer the wa ter to Charlie, Miss Phillips. Song, REvan- '*nce Miss Eyless Song, ...