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December 1852
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Glasgow Herald


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Glasgow Herald

Advertisements & Notices

... HIGii SCHOOL OF GLASGOW. TO TEACHERS IN AND AROUND GLASGOW. T tht e request of a few Teacbers, Mrl HUTION ISON will AO'? ol oi the 11th hint, a SA'TURDAY CLASS, for SYMMETR IGAL and 1'ERSP' TIVE, DRAWING, as Taught in the Normal Schools for several ycars past. The CoCore qualities for the examination of the Government In - spetors. The collection of Statuary, Models, Drawings, and Diagrams, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DESIRABLE INVESTMENT. ADJOURNED SALE OF MILL, INN, &c., AT DUMIIARTON. TrIe r MILL AND INN AT REDUCED UPSET PRICES. There will be exposed for Sale, by 1t.ublic Roup, within the Court llouse. IDmbarton, (o1 Tuesday the 18th day of Jana- cr1y n11Xt, It One o'clock Afternoon, in terms of eiesolitions I or Acts of tile Magistrates and Town Council of the Burgh of Dujmbarton, tihe following ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIE SALE of SUBJECTS, No. 23 WILLIAM STREET' CALTON, Advertised for the 8tb instant, twill not take pioce, thel Property having been Disposed of by Private Bar- gain. December 2, 1852. LOST, A LARGE BLACK DOG, with Tail arnd Paws tip'd with A 'wihite, about 16 montlls old, of the Newfolundland Breed; answers to the lname of 'l Money. Wihoever has found the above, and will bring it to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1SPECIAL INTIMATION. - T1IE ANNUAL INVESTIGATION OF S THE CITY OF GLASGOW LIFE ASSURANCE AND of REVERSIONARY COMPANY, to r TAKES PLACE AT 20TII JANUARY, 1853. tim ARTIES about to ?? ASSURANCES are rcninded A r that all Prol)osals lodged at 011y of th/c Comlwany's OficsesA on or before pre 20TIl JANUARY NEXT, Liv wvill be entittle to tb BonIS tsien to be (lecIried. TinE ]BOnUsES VEST ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THlE ANNUAL GENERAL COURT OF PROPRIETORS la ii ?? ri ci ~ COTT NUNION FIRE AND LIFE INSITRANCE fi S CON1 P N Ywasheld wvithin the Company's Office, No. L lo 47 Georga Street, Edinburgh), onl Wednesd~ay thle ist dlay of k December, 1852,- g a WILLIAM MAODnONAml, Esq. of Powderhiall, in the Chair. wV ' A Report by the D~irectors, giving detailed statemcuts of tl thle Companuy's transactions for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ON V'l,-I Tms DAY, .AND SLE T1o-7ffoitiow. EX'rENSIVEI SALE OF BOOKS, Beingj the Librorq# (J ri p~y'iair rJcetzed, reninvedl /N'rim a C'oeiifeyg .lfrilSamoi to then G/oidon S'treet Siili ?? C il venli'jece (ij'itie. E~ 115 11. CAM1B 1 PBLL &E CO. beg to i at! mate that tlmry iii will Sell, by Aucotionl, lwithin thleir Roonus, 42 Giordon Street, onl '1'iteaday, 7th lDoecrher, at 12 Wo'lock, a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I L fSBE'IS o2 ILA ST~l'EET, 1' ,T N, A iveptkisd for the 811 iiistaint, fill iist takC 7,, tlie Propierty baying becit Di.9posed of bjy Priv'ate Bar- Iiweenblocr 2, 11h52. COW STOLEN. RZEW)ARD OF FIVEP 1'UN D S. - b~idaig- tbce iii dits of the 2-Ithlito 25tl No0- le'I vondier last, at 11ROW)\VN and \VITE 'i FLEC1( KEDll FA% ?? C' IV W Nas l'eloeiousiy Stolen firni a field ait Sheiep II ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CITY PAROCHIIAL BOARD ELECTION. THlE STANDING COmmirm'yrEE of RATE-PAYERS 1 be to reminid their CONS'T'Il'UENTS that the AN- NUAL ELECTION of MANAGiElRS of the POOR will take )lace (on TUESDAY next, according to Advertisement publisheld by the Inspector, alnd the following Gentlemen are recommcnded for the respective Wards, viz. WAIRD 1. MIEETS IN ST. Joii0S CIIUIRII AT Tmzi O'CLOCI;. Mr. ...