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... it ir ylCOmmissiorsersrfor the Exhibitiona of 11351 issued ;thersc ondReor on Tuesday~. Their flirst Report, which was y dated the 24th April last, it will be recollected, announced that Pr sthey were engag.ed in making the necessary inquiries onl thle sub- 0n L. ect of the disposal of thre surplus funds aris-ing firous thre Exhi- u' b ition, hraviun- previously prayed to be invested with ...


... I . - Itt I'l ._ c od _ - - -- I- - ?? Dwlop) Street 'i'heatrhe.--Since we last noticed the perform- ances in Dunlop Street Theatre, Macklin's excellent Uoumedy, ' The Alan of the World, has becn put on the stage, and we think it worth while calling attention to the circumstance, be- cause of the exceedingly perfect manner in wshich the prineipal part, Sir Pertinax Macsycopibant, was ...


... As Essay ow Porrrr. By E. S. S. Dallas. London, 1852. pp. 294. Ite Wr confess we opened this book with some misgivings. gtle seemed most unpromising, We have ever had an in- sinctive borror at the man who would pull to pieces a beautiful flower, or matilate the form of some fairy insect, that he might ยข asin retarn for its ruined charms, with a catalogue of class, family, order, genus, and ...


... Tie VISION OF TilE NEGRO SLATE-A Religious Melody y y written by E. Fitzball: composed by G. A. Macfarren. i London: Rust & Co. e UNCLE TOiM's GnAvi-Written by W. Alexander: Music ar- s ranged by M. Wilson. Glasgow: W. & Ir. B. Alitchison. ;. ST. CLARE TO Hisi DAUnoTEn-Words by Q. Q. C. S.: Music B arranged by Al. Wilson. W. & H. B. Mlitchison. r THE DEATH OF UNCLE Ton-Written by H. H. Norton: ...


... POET RY. TIHE DYING YEAR. BY DALMOCAND, AUTITOD.0 OF POEMS ANTID ESSAYS. The dying year !-remnldful phraso! If ilalifiurcul ini tile lonecly ho(io It conjures uip forgotten days, WVhen folly o'ei thoe lhert had polver. Thc dying year !-tlic mother wailed TIle babc that to licr bosom clunlg, But who its little breath exhaled- Ab I sileit now thait prattlitg tolgue. The dying year !-the ...


... POETMY THE MURDERER. [IN tile Aberdeen Journal of Decembser 3, 1754, it is stated that tile body of a boy, who kept cattle oin tile Hill of Foudlilds, 1i and who bad been missingl for some months, wits at lenth ed found by means of an apparition, or voice, which directed his oF mother to the place wholo his murdered body wits hiil; aud vi that the boy's master fled the country when this ...


... F I N E A R T S. WEST OF SCOTLAND ACADEMY'S EXIIIBITION.t FIF1'tl NsOTICE. 457, ' Blind Giris Reading ; 458, Allegory-The Blirtb I of Burns; 471, ' Taming tih Wild Horse ; and 476 (not in I the catalogue), A IHcad of Michael Angelo, arc by the late James Filileno The first of these wvorks, whichl weas formerly I kniown as The Blind toaching the Blild, was modelled and east inany ...


... LIT ERA T UR E. OURt IRONe ROADS-their Hlistory, Construction, and Social Influences. By Frederick S. Wiliianms. London Ingram, Cooke, & Co., 2127 Strand. S, Tins volume, wvhich is got up with much care, is very creditable le to the prolific press of Messrs. Ingram, Cooke, aind Co. (fThe illustrations, of which there arc upwards of three dozen in Inthe volume, are exceedingly useful inl ...


... PO.1'iBY. VERGISZ MEIN NIa}T. FrRO1 THlE GERRA.AN Forget meo not! 0 loved one, whom my tonguo Now may not )name * D For whoin I wcave this song, To whom my love proclaim. In toars thy absence oft I mourn, With prayers I watch for thy return Forget me uot ! Forget me not!- Wlhin, in thojoyous crowd, Young bllnds shall wind A crown of honour proud Around thy brows to bind: My guardian spirit ...


... POPULAR ENTERTAINIMENTS, Ipouter Street 'Jheitre.-Durhig lest week the now' Christ- Mmo P'antomimce, ' The Great Bed of Ware ;or the Golden DayS of Unoil Queer, Bees, liets been und1fer rehleariial lit this theatre, and weI are happy to knelw that every thiing which tlce resources of the Dunalop Street hollse would permit, and the ex- n cellent taote hi sceccic unibullislctnents Of Mr. ...


... SONG oi, TIIE GOLD DiGGE's BiBIDE. Glasgow: J. Muir Wood & Co. TIIE GOOD RIIEIN WIXE. Words by James IBid. Music by J. Gray, L'Enfant Printer, Ratlibone Place, London. TIIE BACiImIoR's DREAM. Words by Thlomas Hood. Music by Gcorge Buckland. London: George Case, 32 New Bond Street. TIIE Il lsil EXILE's RETURN. Words by MrIs. Wellington Boate. Musio by Stephen Glover. London: Robert Cocks and Co ...


... . TII LIVES OF THrE B]oTHInS HUNmIOLDT. London: Ingraimn, Cooke, & Co., 227 Strand. Tnis volume of biography ought to find a ready sale in Great Britain, whoere for so long a period the illustrious brothers, ?? and William llumboldt, havelbeen held in the highest e estimation bv men of science and letters. To Alexander HIum- e boldt science and philosophy uwe many of the most recent and ...