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... AT= EXHIBON SURPLUS lie secon'd report ot lileucommissio0015 of 1i51 beet isstied, by which it appears the ctOliS. i ave Ire p urchrjyed 1110 Groe 9l5u1s estate, at H1-Ide Palk, containing twenty !Keuncs and a hallt for which they have given ii Thd 1'ltoV have also passed a resolution au- ;tl outlay of a suml tot exceeding 150,000 I the iurplus in the purchase of laud, on the condi- that ...

Published: Sunday 05 December 1852
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1310 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... THE NEW LOCHINVA R. I. Caucasian Benjamin came to the West, Of Arabia's stceds his ?? Grey Vyviars was best But save his steel-quill, loi charmed weapons haal none, So he sat on St Ste1hen'os back-boeichos alone: Fierce invectives 'gainst Peel, for a start, lie did pen, And deliver them, too, did Caucasian Ban. II. Granby's efforts to lead them fell dead as a stono, So Ben marshalled the ...


... LITERA TUBE. Homes of American Autheors. G. Putnam and Co., New York. We are glad to see that American authors me lodged so well. There is not one of the Homes represented to us in the beautiful sketches which are scattered through this volume in which an English author would not think himself well housed. Mr. Everett's library, as it appears in the frontispiece of the book, is a room where ...


... PIBLIC _AxUSEDET. THEATRE ROYAL, DRURY LANE, XTThL OPEN on 3fONDAI Dec. 27th, with acombination of V attractions and novefties never 'ssrpzassed-Grsat na- tional Ohristmas Pantomime, with new scenery. dresses, trene- formatione, tricks, &c. Supported by the firet pantomuiii talent of the dav-A: domestic drama, im three acts, entitled llNCIJ: TOMI'S CAB[N- or, the Horrors of Slavery-HAtRkE- ...


... * CHRISTMAS TIDE. This is a book, not for one, but for many Phrist- masses, and one, too, beautiful for the drawing- room table, while it may well hold an honourable place upon the library shelf. The character of the volume is entirely antiquarian, yet, wonderful to say, itis never dull. Mr. Sandys goes back to the earliest days of Christianity, and collects with unwearied industry, and ...


... LORD CARLISLE ON THE POETRY OF ORA Y. SHEFFIELD, WEDNESDAY. The noble example which the Right Hen. the Earl of Car- isle afforded to the peers of England, two years ago at Leeds, when he gave two lectures before the Mechanics' Institute of that town, has been followed by men of such eexalted rank as the Earl of Belfast, the Earl of Ellesmere, Lord Montagu, and others, and it is understood that ...


... The new five-act play, called Might and Right, produced here last eveninig, may be described as the narration of an apocryphal event in early Russian history. The story in itself is fall of the dramatic element, and, had it fallen into capable hands, would have furnished opportunities for inter- esting analysis of character and effective linking of dra- matic incident. As it is, the legend has ...


... LITERA TUBE. The New Quarterly Review and Digest of Cerrent Litera- teere. No. V. January, 1853. Hookta-la and Sons. With the present number, the new Quarterly Review begins its second volume. The periodical has been long enough before the reading public to enable a tolerably accurate judgment to be formed of its merits. The abuses and short-comings -ad,, awi pucn suadmoa atp Jo ,A&vl ...


... - LITXA I CRITICAL .By GEORGE HENRY CRITICALHIES SIR BOENT PEEL, Bart. FRANCIS' THlE LATE I (DSRAELI, M.P. TRAINGIHT HON. BENJAMIN Parker and Sl, W es trand. Theearer shilling tvolumem and reprint, ditions, from Frae r's upuing C . Cti od for the public: that such bos cn h be obtained at all, the mr s that thir prce ised tnt m of the humble. Mr. Francis hasi earn snca t weii.earned celebrity ...

Published: Sunday 12 December 1852
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2340 | Page: Page 10 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... PRINCESS'S. - On Saturday the stage lost one of its veterans, in the person of Mr. Bartley, who for the lest half century has been one of the clever respectabilities of g.p. TheatrPe Mr. Birtley selected Fahktaf as the last part he would play, and at the close of the performance addressed a very crowded and enthusiastic audience as follows: Ladies and Gentlemne,-This night, 1fityyears ago- ...


... The following is a programme of the Christmas entertain- ments presented at the different metropolitan theatres on Boxing-night. DeaRy LANE.-On Thursday evening we attended, by in- vitation a private rehearsal of the pantomime about to be produced at this theatre, and which, we think, bids fair to attract better houses than Old Drury has been for some time past accustomned to see. It is from ...


... Oa Thursdray took place the annual dramatic performance in by the Queen's scholars, which heralds the approach of the a- joyful season of Christmas, and is preliminary to the dis- wv- persion of Westminster school for the holidays. The custom s, of acting a Latin comedy on such occasions dates from te nearly three centuries back, there being several notices of iy such representations at ...