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Yorkshire and the Humber, England


Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... 211EW AND ELEGANT IMI!ItelYIOIENT colunecl.ed wil 1 .IiNTA1, SUUI LRuY ba beell ?? by J~jR. £MKkELL, ~VIIIO1ON DEiNTIBI', No. 8) SI M~ ~~~COUKIRIDGIS.-S'r)IBlET, S0 ICOPPOSITH TO 0110 CAroT11lt CHAPrLI, LanD8. vi it is thle conlotracltion fl0 an etirltl~y lOW. Ilorcription 'ilARTIFICIAL 1I3,'E1 Nu, beaatlflly eiamolled anid of them05i n.exquisite ?? jmrt of at Tooth to a cou~piete 1o lset. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lie Axn v'riu~m.ETr. ry It is one of the peculiar duties of the conductors of a ofnew SPApcr 1o poilli out to their readerb AsI~t III .g of real nierit, especially whlenI that i-a ?? le which is uscea by evecry sue, t-more or less. We refer to the GJ,1.SOI'iSL LATNTLTA1c,I of Which, WL believe, is almoslt nuriverea~ly nsest, andu We DaVe Te- great pleazure Iin bearing our testimony to its ...

Advertisements & Notices

... costic )at ;IF1RISTMAS, ANCIENT AND MODERN. men fly Lo I now Is come our joyfull'st feast I Let every man be jollie; k ay 'Eetth room with yvle leaves is drest, triou Arid every poste with hnilie: 1oal Now all our neighbours' chimneys smoke, And Christmas blocks are burning:. %A a Their oveara they with bak't meats choke, V Ire And all their spits are ?? Ballad. P. Bi d, For the amueement of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... q-, AIWAY PASSENIGER ASSURANCA ., PANY5 .-UEpowered by Special Act of Parliament, ?? radteet, London. 01 i Cls AGAINbJ RAILWAY ACCIDENTS can now ILL xtl,5 With this L'oupany, inot only for single anil doubieW !!-Oiectce ad by tile year us heretofore, but also for terms of H1 o~re Xl(ire fo a temo five years' premium £3 10R. BE iiir do. tell do. jets 0.1. t. L 111,£I03sor tbe whole of life. by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1153ttr inannnacng hathe as ucceded in eff~ering an et~ag~flQ wih to bov ceebrt' ad unrivalled par y sysrlet to tv- A CN CS,5T ?? Fellows' tiall1, at OIL Santis Esa fs, Deesaln- liriet'Ie, 15-52. oas MEMABERS OF THlE ENISLISHi GLEE & MIADRIGAL UNION:- MRitS. EN' DRBItSOW HN, MISS5 Al. WILLIAMS, wit AIRl. LOCKET, M Il It. HO 0B BS, - It.E PHLII LLPS. Adwri~-osf-frrVoit suits 33., back seats 2s. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIIE MUSIC BALL. o ?? ES.bmit for PE It.'IPTfis SALE, At tie AND Nalt, Atbion-atroot, Leeds, oi 1 ?'ursdapv, aoil F~ridaey, the 151h, lgf/h 'anl 171/i duae 01 ,,Dvce;0ey itest., AN extensive dSbET )NO A1. WATCI1ES. JEWELLkIltY, AND 131JOIUTEIIE, F forming the rem it nilg portion Of the fattliousble and costly 1, stc ftile tate firmu. ~mC.sur illindla Allt Longbottom, o Brisgateo nd Vicar-LtnG ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [ADYERTlSasoEN7S.1 HOiULOWA1'S PILL.S, A IVONDEIFVtL UiVEDI' INDIOGNTLON, B3ILIOUS COMIPLAIt?4T, A:: CK I ) Thomas Goodman, Esq , Baker-otreet, 1'oitnm L 1 - for many years suffered from isdigestiol aind fretJ attacks, anit, was veryseldom free iyo-n rEvcrSiCF ltl' Lie bad consulted the most euinent phyticiad. Ut of the motoopolis, but could derive no ?? rbo U b~e' their rernedies; at last, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Wi ANTED 10 lURCHASE, THE GREAT ONSLOW CONSOLIDATED MIN ' 6ho TO l,ftf TONS OF TIN CEIPPINOi OR REP uoy Tenders will be received by letter. adsr~sse, HARRISON & BIOERETON, 6, IWater-slree _ _ 37, LOWERHEAD-ROW, LEED8. TO HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTERS, ARTISTS, AND OTHERS. Messrs. OLIVER & SON respectfully announce that they b received Instructions from Mr Jobn Wales, (whoon ace,, of iliheaith is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Onl aceount of whoml it May concern.' Sir 'onfllMadaj, next, the Sixtrh insutant at twelve o'clock, at the tie P .Brokers' Sale RtOOM. 25. ItOtlile-strest, Liverpool. about! Tule t5BGS EG ?? I Ai5 WOOL, dantrgitby Boa water, ex - rnipress, trom Alextitdrim. mn Apply to IV. (iitlAyE 6: CO)., Weol1rokore, Liv-rpeot. sent - - ?? ?? fall,) ~ ?? I EAF±NESS.-Mlyr, J. CULLINGVOIRTU1, 16, gofts D ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L1'LEY CEI&RITY.-The ANNUAL MEET- f l of this Irstit tion will be held in the Courtbouse, , o Wednsolay next, Decenlber I'wenty second, at elevent ?? lin the forenoon, to exhibit tile accounts of 1852, and to tolejt other business of the society. Oil' JOHI'N SNO'WDEN, Ron. SeC. VicaRage. December 14, 1WO. ?? ?? CHARIrY BALL,--'IrHE AN NUAL BALL for the Benefit of the House of Roco- te ...