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Advertisements & Notices

... M'JULLIEN'S LAST BAL MASQU1R.- M e THEATRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE.-M. JULLIEN tes; tile Isolour to annOulicO that bhis Concsrts will terminate on iSturday, December 11, and that his last ANNUAL GRAND BAL ZIASQU E will tako place on Monday, December 13, and most posi. tively be thle last ball in this country previous to his departure for Aestria. Tickets for the ball, 10s. OSd. The prices of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JULLIEN'S LAST ANNUAL SERIES of! M ?? EltTS oreioreu io bil I'etmrture ror Ausnricm I TiEATRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE. LASr M EEl BUT ONE. PROGRAMME FuK TILS EVP:NINO (Fridav), Dec. S. PatAr I.-Orertmre, loonera (Ist lime tbis sFeaonj, (Peethoven) -Q adril c, inin lulietO' Opera, l'ietro ii Grande.' solos by M. Ilerret, M. Baumiann, N. Clin1ce. Mr. ILazarui, MW. Reatusat lierr aoreliF, M. Prtpete, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ~ - -- TEAM to CALCUTTA, vi3 Cape de Verds, Asaenaiofl, Cape af Good Hope. Mautiin*, Ceylon, and ?M4tras. .i TheGENERAL SCREW SrEAM SHIPPING COMPANY'S LINE I of IRON STEAMERS, with Her Majesty's Malls. Z6Axit Capitaln _ ?? _ _. I QUEEN OF THE sOUTI ?? 1 77 GeorgeHyde . Dee. 1 HYDASPES ?? 18 G. reig .Ian. 153 Jan. 1 ARGO . 18(1 I1 Soele .e b. 1. Feb. i3 i LADY JOCELYN ~~1800N. Stewart .Aar. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NgOTICE TO MAkRINERS. '.,ECK OF HASINGS. TSIN1 Ty.IOCSE, LONDON. Dcc. 2, 18592. eg~trebgi ven, that a GREEN BUOY It W ,reck has been placed ahout ?? ~~ or it vessel sunk about V, miles EL;-i1-W lie 5ej tohe a~ nd of5th hotel ate, .W r wlleatve Lofdno hrdy the Pror a l1ar, ?? Ps-.d.N.E .obrllA ?? andlci powerflnew si rety dasteam. ~o'Jt~Y in :ce t I dia Docks on Sb as taturday, the Ofth, ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. I REV. JOSEPH SORTAIN'S FUNERAL SERMON FOR THE It DUKE OF WELLINGTON. L Now Published, price Is., H T NIE LAST CONQUEROR. ' 1 ASerruonoccas ioned by the Death of the Duke of Wellington L preached 1in North-strect Chapel, on Sunday morning, Nov. 21, fr 1852, by JOSEPH SORTA IN, A.B., Trinity College, Dublin. R. Folthsorp, Brighton; and Longman and Co., London. fl OST-OFFICE LONDON ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7F INE- ART MANUFACTURtE.Mesmr. Nor A: LKINOTON and Co. respeotllully oilcit the attention of the g Nobililty, Gentry, Amateurs, Artists, And others interested In the mn advancement of British Art Manufaetore to their In~creasing Ditt, COLLECTION of STATUETTES, VASES, &e., Ste., published ex. Ditt clusively by them. in Bronze, bilver, sand Gold, fromn the antique and PI seleet works of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S NcW Barlington street. MR BENTLEY'S NEW PUBLICATIONS FOR DECEMBER. I. CAPTAIN THE HON. HENRY KEPPEL'S NARRATIVE of the VOYAGE of the M2F.ANDER to the INDIAN ARCHl- PELAGO. With PORTIONS of the JOUR- NALS of SIR JAMES BROOKE, K.C.B. 2 vols. imperial 8vo, with numerous plates, 36s. II. RANKE'S CIVIL WARS AND MONARCHY in FRANCE in the 16th and 17th CENTURIES. Being a History of France prin- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F¶HAULES SKIPPER and EAST itvite 1I attention of Public C rapanie', Bankers, thcha-e, and Etporters to their nevINVENTED PAP merhatsna roe ?? Boaks. *ThbeendurIng quality of tiseP nearly ec 'In lty ?? ?? nearly cosal to parchment; and at effictnally secures Aeertnt uoc) from the seriou defect of the leiees falling away from the bin lg,& Tuese Account Books are not higher in prix than ioor, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. CONFESSION AND ABSOLUTION. On Monday, Svo., Is. 6d., s LETTER to the DEAN of EXETER, 5: a A Sermon preached by hito in the Cathedral on ?? 7i i' and since published. By HENRY Lord Bishop of EXETEB. John Murray, Albeniarle-street. Just published, price Is Gd., LETTERto the Lord Bishop of CHICHESTER, A ASSIGNING his REASONS for LEAVING theCIICH of ENGLAND. By ROBERT BELANEY, M.A., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUbVERMACHER'S P&TENT POATABLE THYDROIELECTRIC CHAIN for PERSONAL _ USE.-Immediate BeUc from Acate Pains. Radical Cure ot Rheumatic, Cattarrhal, Neuralgic, Spamno it. Nervous and Fucc- tional Diso'ders, within an Incredibly short space of time by this simple and patniess remedy, which can be freely tested before-hand, at C. MEINIG'S hbad depots, 103, Leadenhall-street, and ?I, Rogent- street. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N OTICE to SHIPP5ERS.-Per Steam to the I Cae.- All jAPPLICATIONS fr IXNN kGE per the Owneral a~rrow Co'oo'srn'o fnlle atermer BOSPHOIWu st be mrade set later I thii'i l :li)} DAx, the Ot1s it-t., wher thle opace vwill be aldtrttd to the ( gjaxeit-lt apfliranl.-.BALFOTJR, LAIIINO, and OWEN, Brolkers a of the (ornp ony ._ __ _ __ _ __ _ ?? _ __ ?? _ D.k'1D ST'EAMI COMMUNICATION with I JL AUXbTr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A COURSE of LECTURES, explanatory of thel ,OPINIONS held byl1U;I1'dRIAN CL{RISTlIANS, ig intcnded 1to be delivered by the Rev. HENIIY SILLY, at Carter-lane hapel, Do t ,rs' Comonns, on the fellowing SuNDAY EVENINGS: Dec. 5th-The t'stimonv of Chriet to the Supreicncy ol Gad tce] Fathmr.-Jobn siv. 2S. Dee 12th-The Mosaic Sa riliees an i their relationto the Death of Chuist.-Ps. IL 16,17. Dec. ...