Advertisements & Notices

... H U N T I N G E Q U I P 3HI L S T. TRiE MlEAMBE1Rsi OFr THE DOWN IIUNFt CLU THE ARDS HUNT ULUB, THE KILLULTAGII HUNT CLUB, OLD ROCK AND CHICHESTER HUNT CLUB, THE MONEYGLASS HUNT, And the other Hunting Clubs, in the North of Ireland, are ?? informed, that we have received our Newv Assortment for this Season, of DOUBLE-MILLED, WATERPROOF, SCARLET CLOTH, DOWN HUNT DRAB CLOTH, WHITE ELASTIC ...

Foreign Intelligence

... Joretqu PROCLAMATION OF THE FRENCH EMPIRE. Pants, Thursday Evening.—At this hour we have already lived just twenty-four hours under the Empire, and the brief | ceremony that took place last evening at seven o'clock, in the | Chamber of Deputies, was ratified by the official acts of this morning, and again confirmed by the military spec le which closed at two o'clock this afternoon. He that was ...

Advertisements & Notices

... eorntilu, -WATCHES.-T. COX SAVORY and Co., 47. Cornhill, London, submit for selection a most complete STOCK of first-class PATENT DETACHED LEVElt WATCHES which. being made by themselves, can be strongly recommended for accuracy and durablity. A written Warranty i, given with each. PRICES YMiOUNTED IN SILVER CASES. Patent Lever Watch, In double-backed, engine-turned case, the movement with the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE ADELAIDE Steamer will be entered out TI THIS hlORNilNG. l Dec. 2, 1S52. C. W. T. 7 APID STEAM COMMUNICATION with k J At'STRIALIA.-The large and powerfal new screw steam-ship A ADELAIDE, 1,850 toss end 4S5 horse power, G. W. JACKSON, i commander, will leave London on Thursday, the SRh December, and I Plymouth on 'aucsday, the 14tb, and is confidently expected to 4 arrive at Adelaiile in not ...

Advertisements & Notices

... llOLMFIRrEH CALAMITY.' At 5) MEETING of the Subscribers to the Metropolitan Fund held at the Londen Tavern, Decemrber 1, 1852, 'AMUEL GURtNEY, jun., Esq., in the Chair, On the motion of H1. S. TiMsRNerois, Eeq.; seconded by CuanArs a JA~Cistn, Esq., it was umnairesusly resolved -That the sum of eight shillings in the pound be paid to all sub. scribers applying for the same oR or before the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I'RO0PERTY IN ST. ANI)RLW SQUARE FORl SALE. rylBESE TWVO TENEMENTS, No. 42 anid 44 St. Andrlew I Square, ait present lin the highest ste ofrpi, n e to reseltctableO tenanuts. Renltal, £190. IN( Fol- DutY. Ior patlrapl oM.Jnc olowic, Writer, 60 Mil- ler Street. PIPtflERTY FOR SALE. S lJEVEAL TENEDIIPNTlS or DWVELLING HOUSES ?? ooms and K itchle, situated inl anl improving locallity. TIhey ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the ADVlEATISEUEN13, of It is one of the peculiar duties of the conductors of a b newspaper to point out to their readers anythirig of reat merit, wh sepecially wbeu that is an ai ticle which is used by every one: of more or less. We refer Ito the GLEVVISsLD PATONTISTARCH, out which, we believe, ie almost un iversally used, end we haveme groat pleasure in hearing our testimony to its ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRESPONDNS Correspondents who do not find their communfications koticed may infer that we cannot answer them, or decline 0 do0so.- r11 POS-OFFICE AND OUR S~iPSnI ENT.-Hr stated distinctly, in ILOYD'S NENYSPAPER Qf thC 14th aced 21st ult., that the s appleintmet would not go free throughthe post-office, unises a Stamped edition were forwarded. Mlany of' our subscribers hove foilen into the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TESTIMONIAL TO THE LATE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. IN compliance with a resolution of the Council of the borough of Preston, at a Mleeting, held 9th December, l 1852, 1 appoint a PUBLIC MEETING of the inhabitants of the said borough, to be held at the Town-hall, withia the said borough, on THURSDAY, the 16TH DAY of DIExcExui, 1852, at Twelve o'clock at Noon, for the purpose of taking into ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pablit, Amos 0. ^r svsxoOONOFIRTS, sF000EBTIA1. LRT)NELSON.STBr, p. v TZ0BW EVS NINUO (cSaturslsy), the 18th Instant, ME. HENRY PHILLIPS WILLt OWN ANOTHER OF UIS pOpuLAR VOCAL HNTERtTAINIUNTS, GONSISTINI OF lGoLSH, SCOTCH. AND IRISH SONGS, ERDaoIC, BNNTIMONTAh, AND Il0j!OPpo0U. TgE RIGHT HON. THE EARL OF SEFTON, Lord.Lieuttenalat of the County, k idly consented to take the chair on this ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tpe By MESSRS. TROsS. WINST ?? 6& SOonS, h blsapIs. ITo-maorrow (Wednesday), the 8th installt, ,othOn Jilohn-street tlent afternoon, at the Clarcuon-dr.oome), in Sot onsrepacead Liverpool, ati -IT'ALUABLE Freehold OFFICES and WARE- ?? 'I HOUSES, near the Custom-sous0, Liverpool, known b3' her ro the name of s Lelcester-bellfdio, 1sad comprising a Piece tsa ,of LAND, situate on the north sel o ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO LEND, S UMS from £1000 to £10,000, on Heritable Security. The M Money will be allowed to lie for a term of years. Apply to S. M. Penney, 16 St. Vlincent Place. TO LEND, On First Class Heritable Security, RTIME1111 THOUSAND POUNDS of Trust Funds, which 1 might remain on a suitable Security for Five years. Also,1£1000, and several smaller Sums. Apily to James S. Fleming, Writer, 20 Buchanan ...