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December 1852
9 18



Yorkshire and the Humber, England


Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... he _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ill ?? 1 RTSMIt 1(51. 1 It *is one of the peculiar euties (if the conductors of a; aanewspaper lo point out Io thbeir seadere anytllirg of resdl merit, adespecially When that is ain ato 1301 whiels is uosks by every one, more or 10ss. We raer~ttO tle OLMNs`olesl) P .T-tTaAJtlfu, whiril, we blieave, is almost tivsientoaly Usodt, and we have great pleaoure Ini ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CON~TINITATlON, 01 SALE AT TIlE MIUSIC hIALL. - tiltS DA Y (SAT7URDA Y) Decembecr 18th, DS (~OLD and SILVE~R WVAT'CIES, GUARD, G3RI.NGS, i'INS. STUDS, ukd 11ttOCIlIES TIMErIECES, & Ce &a.lTt''t DRE tfully to P,1f115Olt11C1 that 'lioo, are tiioirfletf-d to I'lettlm t.1-3 SALE, flY AUCTrION of -e Ir.lIlnitI And L~onxbottons'il 5toc:t, this dIly, at the Music so Iloll, Albiessstru'lt. Leedli, It ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 2 NORTU-STREET. BOTTOM OF LOWERIIEAD'IIOW, LEEDS. of TO TINNERS. 11ON.UONGERS, FAMILIES. & OTHERS By Mr. DAVID MOL8IES, otl Tuesdap. Decanberi 2ieyst.,y 1852, upon the premnises of the late Mr- liorsley, declased: North-street, all _r111ES RtEMAINING STUCK-IN-TRADE OF b A TtNNRR AND IRONM1ONGER, COn~istingOtcOller scales, copper kettles. block till and iron kettles; brss, iron rv. audtisl pans ...

Advertisements & Notices

... p)ublic Notimc.I T. EES BOOUGH 6ESSLONS.-NOTICE is __ erebyN Ien tha t thek NRX T G EN ERU1 AL QU A RTEBR in te cunt ofYor, w il bs holdeln beor ?? 15LL~, Esquire letorder of th ?? at-the. CertW iloesoI. i Leeds afrosatid, Onl 1dirdaf, the IleIfililih dIll' 'l of December titl., 1st nine of Gte clc jn heforenoon at OV whillch time anll' place all pernone uniotd aso (Ird illrors; t aud also ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ito ore 'is. Sor his far res ~hi- nry, nly Ind see eat 2ce sed to lad tn aid. tie- sep in in I of .ce, at9 a'd- tial ter tke 30'. Ito the iii- .es- osa cal of In ,h. tor led n5s; he iti- To am in Ps. :is vi- so- go- ged tad amr Ail To noe, net to ion. . l1 L LADY, residing in a healthy village near the A Sea. In Holdertness, is desirous of TAKING FOUR LITTLE GIRLS TO EDUCATE. Terms moderate. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T EDS AND YORKSHIRE FIRE ANDIl LICE ASSUJRANCE COMPANY. L Established 1824.-CapitalI, One Million. itijlivres are ?? IffirmOei that. thbe ilR oancei~ets T~ ,o o e f*lp- uee at, ori~oe -, us 25t1s, are now i;dy Sor deliver~y.FIENSR CE oriay classes of insuranceor hre fe terespectivoaes of is. tial., 2s. fit. or4s, (id., premiumTH per cent. annually: farming stock, inone sum without the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Os lrednedaf o next. the l'utnty-trectind insta.nt, at twro, at the Itrokerk' Ofice, 'LiVeiPODI, 400 BALES EAST ZNDI& WOOL. by 00 BALES EUI¶.P'TIAN Do. 8 ApplY to BROWNE, lIUN~TM. & Co. Brokers LIepol a. oZ Wcrt~edesdos, the Twenitus-crceer insteant at twro Ooclk. at Use whl Broker's Sate Rooms. -fit Terrpie.strQot. Liverpool, an 100 HAOlS FINE FRUNTLIENt WOIOL WO Iiges. a 400 HALES l'4NE Nli ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [ADYERTlSasoEN7S.1 HOiULOWA1'S PILL.S, A IVONDEIFVtL UiVEDI' INDIOGNTLON, B3ILIOUS COMIPLAIt?4T, A:: CK I ) Thomas Goodman, Esq , Baker-otreet, 1'oitnm L 1 - for many years suffered from isdigestiol aind fretJ attacks, anit, was veryseldom free iyo-n rEvcrSiCF ltl' Lie bad consulted the most euinent phyticiad. Ut of the motoopolis, but could derive no ?? rbo U b~e' their rernedies; at last, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L1'LEY CEI&RITY.-The ANNUAL MEET- f l of this Irstit tion will be held in the Courtbouse, , o Wednsolay next, Decenlber I'wenty second, at elevent ?? lin the forenoon, to exhibit tile accounts of 1852, and to tolejt other business of the society. Oil' JOHI'N SNO'WDEN, Ron. SeC. VicaRage. December 14, 1WO. ?? ?? CHARIrY BALL,--'IrHE AN NUAL BALL for the Benefit of the House of Roco- te ...