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Advertisements & Notices

... V OR SYDNEY Direct (to sail about the 26th December), thc splendid, first-class, fast-sailing, frigate-built Aa~trolii Line ofl Packet sh~i tICTU~tA, 500 tons, B. I.. SCHOLTEN, I comumandler; will load inL the Londorn Dacks. This dace vessel, well known lor her fast-sailing qualities, orfers a favourable opportunity for 5hippers desirous of quick ?? terms of lreight or p a--.e apply to DEVITE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O TICE OF REMOVAL.-KOSMANN1 luT1UTllF.RS, lMPOiTElicS nad Ianufacturers of all kinsit of IbENCII and koltEIGN GOODS, beg to inform their friendsi and the public generallv that, in consrquence of increase of business,l theo have taken acid vwill shortly REMOVE to more extensive pre. mices, No. S. WELLINGTON.STREET NORTH, Strand. Their present desirable PREMISES, Nos. 10 and 22, Cranbourn- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TI E STATE of ALABAMA FIVE per CENT. TSTERLING BONDS.-The IIALF.YEARLY DIVIDENDS due ic Londion on the Iet of January, and on the first Monday in .amiaary next, with Messrs. Reid, Irving, and Co., will be PAID by tieUNIONBANK f LONONlfomshoe dates respectively. 7idts may he olbt3ined nt the Unionl Bnnk, w ho will receive the Couons oven' Moniday anid Wednlesday, for payent each Thursday ld ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -VAST1 NDIA HOUSE, November 3, 1852.-The .12 Couct ofD retr of the East Indiv Company do HEREBY UIENO I, ht UART'ERLY GENEIiAl, COUUT of the said Company will he held at their house in Lvadonhalul.Otrect, on NVED. NESDAY, the 22nd December next, at I11 o'clock in the lorcnoon. JAMIES C. MELVILL, Secretary. EAST INDIA HOUSE, Deco. 15, 1852.-The ECoirt ot Directors of the East India Ceorpany do ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I to I vi& MARSEILLES and S 1op T0h5 PENINSULAR and ORIENTAL STEAM * N TheCO PAE will comnelice in Jaruary next to fi Al *g5.RS frost0 MARSEILLES to MALTA, Alex- B00l P-6 hI na &c. by their eteaners, to leave Marseilles | di ?? ad th of every mouth, in correapondenee shor 1 roil y ?? on the 4th end Cti ?? seam ip Euxine will be despatched from Mar- Y Tbe C~ anda Alexandria on the 10th January ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B RILLIANT EVENING ROBES.- BCOMPTON-HOUSE, 6rnho.-SEWELL and Co. introduce to tne notice of ladie their S COCKi of BALL end EVENING DRESSES, The unusudly early season etuses thm to prepare a new and hand. some Stock of Tarlatan Robes in gold rnd slvrer, black and coloured Blonde Dresses from 23s., and beautiful B: adere White Lace Robe from 12H.6d. Sewelland Co. havethe largest made-up ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PLATE.-A. B. SAVORY and SONS, 14, Corn- hill, London.-The best wrought SILVER SPOONS and FORKS, fiddle pattern, 7s. 4d. per ounce; Queen's pattern, 7s. td. per (ounce. Tie following are the weights recommended, but the articles may be had lighterorheavier, at thesame priceperounce:- FiddlePattern. oz. s.d. £ s. d. Quzeu'sPatternoZ. s. d. A s.d. 12TableSpoons50at7 4 11 0 0 TabSpoons40at7 6 15 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OYAL PRTNOESS'S TlEATRE, Oxford- Ri~ ?? the Manalgemnelit of Mir. CllAllLES EtEAN. Osa Montly next, Dec. 27, will be presented THE IRON CHEST. . Sir Edwardl Hortliler Mr. Charlos ?? which will be pro. ! dileed a i. send original granid comic Cbrlstnmas pantommic, enti- tlel IAltLE'UiN CHERltYANI) FAIPR STAR; or, The Green Birl, the Daiaeint Waters, and the Sininlg Tree. Harlequin, Mr. Coreinch ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Secund Editlmn.-ust published, Svo., in cloth, price 6s., by post free, Ss. 6i., OPN TRUE and FALSE SPERMATORRH(BA; with the View to the Correction of wide-spread Errors in relation to the Treatment and Cure of Sufferers from Debility of the Generative System, or Sexual Hypoclondriasis. Translated from the German of Dr. PICKFORD. We promised in a former number that we would recur to this work, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ENTA STAl NtoGTIO lic l~~l~k 1oss rsand receive guods and parcels for CO~lA~yON ADRS, ALOUVI'A, 1-ENANG, SINGA- APEN 8 ioNG ONGby their steamers, starting from 1OlIp~rN cathe 110and 20th of every moicth, and fromt onoibotteslt and 6th of~3 tnhteronthy Tic raes of pas uoO I oncyo hs ie av enmtral N.D. The Compa1y'Ys stcamers; now run direct between CAL- CUMT, PENANG, SING.APORE, and HONG KONG, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OR SYDNEY Direct (has considerable portion Fof her cargo engaged, and will sail in a few days), tho well-known and very speerior faztesailing British.builtship PEL. I ?? 054tons livr registcr, nevly coppened, Hx. F.ANDERSON, cem!.ander. who has jnzt returned from the colony ; lying at the Jettv, Iendrn Docks. Haa very comfortable accommdaition for a fec cab n Dposscngerv. For freight or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D O1AL PRINCESS'S THEATRE, Oxford- h t seet, uader thenantiqeinenttof Mtr. CIIAl VLS KEAN.-On MONDAY, Iec. 27, will be par~eeted theIROSI CllerT; Sir xEdwarI blortinrer. Mr. Charl e Hein. After which will b- produced a nfew and oricinal grand comnic CHRISTMAS PANTOMlIE, ?? MARLEQUIN CHERRY and FAIR STAR- or, the Green Bird, the Datncing Watotr, and the Singing Tree. Ularlequin, Mr. Cormacs; ...