Bristol Academy of the fine Arts

... I ?? TriAl Ifakmil Df f 4t Jim MO. EXHIBITION OF WORKS OF LIVING. MASTERS. (CONCLUDING NOMECE.] The science of architecture has been, in all ages, so intimately associated with the arts of painting and sculpture, that it may almost be said to have been one with them. To give encourag- ment to it, therefore, and to induce in those who have to direct the erection of our private and public ...


... sir Boohs, Prints, Nusic, 8s., for reriewe, are requested to he lest at Air. C. Mitchell's, Red Lion Court, Fleet-street, London' - addressed To the Editor of the EXETER FLYING PosT. These will be daly forivarded, and receive an early notice. The Dictionary of Domestic Medicine and Household Surgery. Part xit. London: Groombridge and Sons, Paternoster-row. THE conclusion of a work which we ...


... s Far the amusement of young and old there is no lack of va- ?? l riety this year. The, Willlausson-equate, wit be the opened on Monlday, as we have before announced, with a splen- thes opening ndw story te ?? teistlfroms the pagegnd ofd Mr.addril e uckitoice, and the s~erviceso~f a ~hosit oef ar tiots have been ° e theiree ecured to rendder t~his opne of the ?? ieces ...


... * CHRISTMAS TIDE. This is a book, not for one, but for many Phrist- masses, and one, too, beautiful for the drawing- room table, while it may well hold an honourable place upon the library shelf. The character of the volume is entirely antiquarian, yet, wonderful to say, itis never dull. Mr. Sandys goes back to the earliest days of Christianity, and collects with unwearied industry, and ...


... I C H R I S T M A S . Is there be one festive season of the whole year more eagerly anticipated or more devoutly and univer- Sally beloved than another-a season that stirs within E us all the kindlier feelings and sympathies of humanity, and brings back our sweetest and saddest remem- ?? kindles thoughts too deep for tears- thoughts which we would not barter for gold-that season is, ...


... The following is a programme of the Christmas entertain- ments presented at the different metropolitan theatres on Boxing-night. DeaRy LANE.-On Thursday evening we attended, by in- vitation a private rehearsal of the pantomime about to be produced at this theatre, and which, we think, bids fair to attract better houses than Old Drury has been for some time past accustomned to see. It is from ...


... WAVESOLEY NOVELS, vois. V. and VI. (A. and C. fliaIk, Edinburgh.)-The first of thesehandeome volumes contains the novel of Old Mortality, with the introduc- tion, written in 1829, and two fine engravings. The other comprises two novels;-the Black Dwarfj, -ith the introduction to the first edition, written in 1816, and another' preface, dated 1829; and A Legend of Montrose, with the ...


... NEW MUSMC. ncL 55 £u5~L5I.N' Zbe Vsaion of the Negro Slave-J religious melody; TAe. SZle MoM ers Escape-two melodies composed in celebra- of tion of incidents selected from Mrs. BEEcrra Srowx'sa popuo. do hr novel, 'Uncle Tom's Cabin. The melodies are pleasing call and simple. They are very tastefully got up. A Happy by Cktrietaas Day, words by C. C. EAMZS, music by FRANK qr.. EAMES. M~y ...


... BY JOHN PURCHAS, ESQ. I Welcorfie Christma*-welcome Christmas- Oh! -a reveller bold art thou! With the misletoe and holly Wreath'd about thy jocund brow Though the blast is bitter piercing, And the vear is well nigh dead, Quaintly srmile thy frank rough features Out among thy berries red. A w !ve do thee wrong most grievous, Christmas ! if we make thee sad; 'Twas at Christmas, when God's ...


... The closing address to the Metropolitan School of Orna. mental Art, was delivered sit Somerset House last night by P. Burchett, Esq., the head master. The attendance was very numerous, and the chair was taken at eight o'clock precisely. The learned lecturer having glanced at the various im- provements which had already taken place in the school, for the purpose of rendering it more efficient, ...


... LITEBRATUBE. ltalian Irrigation. A Repor* on the Agriodlural(Ytsas of Piedmont and Lomberdy. Addressed to the East India Company's Directosr by R. BAuID SMITH, ?? Cap- tain in the Army, and First Lieutenant of Engineers, Bengal Presidency. 2 vole. W. H. Allels and Co. This work is the result of a mission to examine the classic land of irrigation, Northern Italy, under- taken by Captain Smith, ...

Original Poetry

... ? ?? 0: - . . . . . I II 11 . - . vival factro. Use. ?? as Ae Fiunerat Procesaion q] F. M. the - 7) ?? Remnain pamed Apstkiy Hmuse, No e trlw, 9852. lii atti .*ehi~ss conme-harX death's feral drum D gI yechoes aato ding, y e e heeds jt no more, trumpets sounding. Nd~ ritd faettd slain on the battle plain .hese X*ethed has proud victory crowned him, latbosr ue on a ear a our victor In wvar .MA ...