Advertisements & Notices

... A WFUL CATASTROPHE in the ISLE of MAN, caused by the EXPLOSION of 800 Barrels con- taining4o Tons GUNPOWDER, on boardthe Brig LILY, of Liver- i pool, wrecked off the Calf of Matl, on the 28th December, 1852. by which 20 MEN PERISHED, including the Sub-Agent at - Lloyds', and two Conetables. The Inhabitants of Liverpool are respectfully appealed to A onl behalf of 22 Widows and 74 Orphans, who ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FIMRAL ExTORTION AVOIDED - By F Exeoutors and bereaved Relatives of deased noblemen, gentle men, tradesmen, end others, sending In the fet balsance to L LIBEERIIS ESTABLISHMENT. CITY-RtOAD, near Plnebnry-sqnare, Istead ofemplaoylig their npholsterer, or the nearest undertaker lwhoa notlpowe agthe needful requirements, resort to the fineral furnihlere to hire them, and consequently inflt two ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OR PORT PHILLIP, the splendid newclipper thip RECRUIT, 99B tos egister A li 001appA WK lOAS )IRRISON, coinwander, Intended to 'be de pam= e t froim Won about the 20th March. ThIs superlor vewsel ?? been builton-the most approved clipper lines, it is expected she wfil't be exeededin the awiftness of her passages. Havicg spielousbrths, lony etweve deoke poop abins, and taking only a limitede ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO COgRE3P ONDENTS. | k * All Communicottions, and articles of Intelligence,. intended for publication, require to be nutheutfcabod by the nan-,- address of the writer. Unless this is attended ' ..a. l pondents may rest assured that no attent! (. to their cojnmanicatione. *-14 Vi i l ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE CIRCULATION , THE BRISTOL MERCURY, As shown by.the OErecA. LItETutNSappendedtotthe Report ot the Parliamnefltary-i4ommittee oa uNewspaper Stamps, amounted, .dAuring MRie Yearli50; to TWO'lHUNDRMD AND SIXTY.SEVEN THOUSAND, Giving a Weekly Averagh of upwvards of 6100. The following Figures, as given in the Returns, ehow the relative positions of the Me-cury and Xli-ror:- BRISTOL lERCURY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EEDS CATHOLIC LITERARY INST1''TUA A N N U A L S 01 lE. ibSAN`eUXL SiliitjiE of the above institutioiiwill beheldIS Ill thle .J U IC -IIALL, A t.BIOl - STURTle (il iur Aar sy. tike T/,irll .,bruar/ , eexl. 1leEwinience CARDINAL WISEMAN will preside.I Tile fQ1lOvis,, gentslemten have proimis-ed to be present ott 'She lieltt 11,,v.Djr. BIIiUGCS*. 0111liAIliUS LANliiiALE. S CIIAS. 1:al'ET art. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHOOT BOOKS PUBLISHED BY OLIVER AND BOYD, EDINBURGH. Sold also by SBrIpnIN, MFRS5IAIL and.Co., London. NEW SCHOOL BOOK1S. I.-The HISTORY of ENGLISH LITERATURE: with an OUTLINE of the ORIGIN and GROWTH of the ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Illustrated .by Extracts. By WI., SPALDING, Professor of Logic, Rhetoric, and Me- taphysics, in the University of St. Andrews. For the use of schools and of private ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TZEWHZ3TE S16AVE. NoTw ready, price One Shilling, new edition of HrrlE WHIT E SLAVE,, a vivid picture of Slave Life in America, _ By EL HILDAETR, Esq. BeautifullY Illustrated with nine en. gravings. This is the latest and best edition. ;-Lonedon: E. Farrington, 2, Bath.-street, NeWgaite-street, and J. P. Ed 'ards, 8, 8, idge street, Blactfriars. P. .-Ask for Farrington's edition, and take no ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *LIE lASURANCE. ,1f0gSS AND SUPERANNUATION ALLOWANCE FOR R THE WORKING CLASSES. PRINCE OF' WALES ,ge anud Educational ASSurance Company. Istceporatedl by A4s of Pdrlamw. Capital-4200,000. CgIEF OFFICES-led, REEG1r-STREErE, LONDON.; pR1NCE OF WALES BUILDINGS, MANCH(ESTER. TansvanS. - The Night Hop. the Earl of Wilton. The Right Hotiourable the Earl of Glengall. Lieutenant-Colonel Williisaeabitt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... | 0 ERVOUS AND GENERAL DEBILITY. ilewE ozn, illustrated with Forty-fiveColoured Engraningsnd couittnining Y HE NElViY DISCOVFRE.I) PREVENTiVE LOTION. Just publighed, the l7ita rhousand, price lis. id., in a seated en- velope, or sent, by tie Aothor, pout-puid, for 401 postage stamps, M ANHOOD: the CAUSES of its PRENIATURE t 1 DECL.INE, with pain l)lItXCTIONS for its PERFECT RE~rOItATiON. A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jftirtle~anr~1I% E ER R & ST RA NA, PERFUMERS and K WrJ MAKERS, 124, Leadcnball-Streetl London, respectfully informs the Nobility and PUiWic that they have invented and brought to the greatest perfection the following leading articles, besides numerous others: -Their Ventilating Natural Curl; Ladies and Gen- tlemen's PERUKES, either Crops or full Dress, with Partings and Crowns so natural as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRESPONDENTS. int W. MNB.-W beticr co. te 1 A. £-The present is as good a tfins as any. of *.AmIcn8-.Mr. Cresswell was twice elected with Lord San. AC don-at the general elections inA137 and 1841. T. J.-The royal standard ft tenerally hoisted oil ?? aW - let o*7irer~artI cf the birth-day a! a onenoberf e r t6foyal/Mamtyi. 101 THEB ROSCO CENBTWNAIY.-Tho date of this forthcoming aii ...