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... REVTIEW'WS. fligillbers's ?? Jolurnal. some It is thu forte of this imiscellany3 to r'educae to a pleasing camp: form, and conmprise wjithlin at liarrow coffiPus9, LI great Tu amount of solid and useful infosrmation. tinatt Tlic romecompaio',.. CZ ?? f MCparoc A mulsing anid Useful. beon Ths publication is one Of thle cheapes repertoiesofth illustrated romuanco and biography ado heifre workI ...


... ?? ?? - ?? - I EXCURSIVE REFLECTIONS. BiY J. JAMES. (For the Prcesto Chlronicfle.) Farewell, departed year I a long farewell I What proud memorials with thee enshrined I In Time's vast temil~e,-wlat memorials tell Of revolutions, wars, and passions blind I Of souls and deeds whose lustre death can't quell; Of hearts by pure affection intertwined! In silence musing, fervently anni fast The ...


... I 7 :SAFTER -THOUGHTS I . I I ,, . , - . I I or ' ' AI CCONTINENTAL TOUR : I IN FRANCE,- SWITZERLAND, &c. D ! . : ; . ; t: .. nr r D D 1 - 1 I I le ?? vii. any a Suddenly through the opeciing road bur - 'tho valley burst upon ?? sght,- bou ot That glorious valley, with its lakse, Mata And Alps and Alps in cluetree swelling, laul ty' Mighty and pore, andfittormake A ig The rlampart of a ...


... . ' el d BY W. M. THACKERSAY. 51 I am Miss Catherine's book (the Albulh speaks); ,? y f: I've lain aiong your tomes these many weeks-. ,e I'm tired of tbeir old coats and yellow choeeks. Quick, Pen! and write a line with a good grace,- 3- Come ! draw me off a funny little face ; r And, prithee, send me back to Cheasham Place. a ,rrfP. I am my master's faithful old Gold Pen u it I've served him ...

Literary Extracts

... 1 , : T'iter trat ? ? ?? laid A CELESTAsLL PRODIGY.-About this samp- -time, in the I 'on* month of May, near an abbacy called Ro'be, itei'henortbern I on part of England, there appeared bands~of'well-armed knights, ate, ridipgilon valuable horses, with, standards and shields, coatsv 1: Off toiand helmets', and decorated with otb erumcititary equip- d led. mcents: they issued from the earth, as ...


... id RELE *TIsa- ?? A.Ia e, NEWREVEW &. MAGAZINES. ON. ?? tel~ Wt', esaeclRei0 prhi THOWSET NDSPREST.WAY OFSRINhe K~~ franot Thied forsj6bto, t vi'est,. tile sures, tbe, most far-ceabbi Roi cele-. to Wnres id er- *.:CI'5-.ijneo fieldi ir the ~effrs ofh wo ol ei hlis fellow~r stthe' asertexing 'and ?? pjrincpipe's of 'Barb ketoi..rov b hc alone misery can be Pcamane ?? egisis a ust rpevne, n isrs ...


... leve (From Tadt's Edinburgh Mgag-io e.) in d Men call me feeble, old, and gray, at a q , ~~~evel My strength and vigour pawsed awill ene Bat strong and stalwart still am 1, cut Nor frail my step, nor dim mine eye. Ne What are a thousand years to meO? wes But as a drop to yonder sea! owco I've not yet reached my manhood's prime, knc And laugh to hear men say Old Time. 0111 Let centuries pass ...


... REMEMBER THE POOR. BSY JOlNl GREET. Remember the poor, But, heart chiO and drear, Whatever betide, While shuddering bv Nor thr idst them away Wan youlglings are gazing in anger or pride; With spectrodlike eye; Thou know'st not how soon And water-cold water. Dame fortune ?? IUmlingled, havo they, May stlly thy splenllour, Instead of thle wine-cuip Or squander thy pelf. And festal display. Oh, ...


... a- (F(rom Le Follet.) 5 n. 8 Court dresses are decidedly in favour; not, as formerly, f d with trains requiring a page to attend the fair wearer, but It er sufficiently drooping behind to give elegance to the mate- 5 le rial as well as to the figure. Moire antique, velvet, and tl c, embroidered satins should always be made long. For 1, s example-a sky blue velvet, open in front, over a white ] ...


... . - S MR. C.A. SEYMIOUR'S QUARTET CONCERTS. I~ ?? ?? - re- PROGRAMME. thei ion pn .shte onof Quartet,inD. Twvo Violins,Tenor, and Violoncello..MIessrs. C. A. and Seymour,-, C. Bastens, and Lidel ?? ozart. one Song.Mr.Delavanti. . Myfavourite is the rose wol. M:liqne. Icy, Qortet, in E Flat, Op. 16. .Piano Forte,Violin, Tenor, and Violon. stat rles cello ?? Messrs. B. It. Isaac, C. A. Seymour, ...

Literary Extracts

... 1, . titerarp ? Extracto? ?? ?? ?? a of DAOSirL WEBOTeRa AT HnomE.-Re was a friendly man; the alfi']long the' shore there were plain men who loved him, tria, wlfoma'he. also lov ed; a good iieighbour, a good towntsman- and Lofty and sour to those that loved him not, ded. But to those men that sought him, sweet as summer. n is Helhad many popular~qualities; he loved out-dooraud manly s to ...


... REVIEWVS. The 1lthite ,Slave;. or, Miemloirs of a Fugitive :a Story of Slave Life inv Vbingoia, &o. Edited by R. jildreth, Esq., Author of 1A History of the United States.1 First English Illus- trated Edition. Wt ih Engravinigs. Tenth Thousand. L~ondon :Ingram, Cooke, and Co., 227, Strand. An eminent critic, isa descautissg upon the un-, paralleled literary success of Uncle Tom, has -made ...