... _ JCASTLE OF EXETER-FRIDAY. _ *cerC. t10rdar, Byq., ~airaan; A. StawZey, B.S. Gard, C. ! As r' ?? ' ' ' Shirreff, Eaqr&~ ik labourer, named wiUiam: Smith,- summoned the st~eveuds of the Browlelist Friendly Society for six weeks' pay'aent, dus to himu liavis g redeired injuries from falling over al embankment, in ?? ence of which lie had be. . o5eU iniaiito otihe De-dzla end Exeter Hoespital. ...


... -4_- TUESDAY. THe SWELL-MOB.- William Davg,, alias Willwins Walker, 19, Renry Jackson, 27, Samuel White, 25, and James Su,6 ?? i 20, were indicted for stealing a shawl and other articles, value 1l. 58., the property of. Mary Knott. Mr. Biraie ap- peared for Davis; Ur. Thomson for Jackson; and Mr. Sleigh for Sullivarn. It appeared that from informnation furnished to S&rgeant Smith, of the E ...


... POLIE INTELLIGENCE. MANSION HOUSE. A LAmm STORY.-On Monday, Tehan Steensron, alias James Stewart, was brought before the Lord Mayor upon the charge of having defrauded Mr.-Wright, druggist, of Leaden- hall-street, of the sum of 171. 25 6d. Mr. Wright said: In June, 1850. the prisoner camne to me to inquire where he could dispose of a blue colour which- he had invented to take the place ef ...


... A CANDIDATR FOR EECUTICN . l AFioench sailor (says Galigsnani), named Legros, was several months ago lodged in the military prison in the fort of Vanves, near Paris, to undergo a sentence of im- prisonment for different offences. He struck one of the officers of the prison, and was for that crime condemned to death by a coatt martial. The penalty was, however, commuted into ten years' ...


... I - ADMIRALTY COURT-SATURDAY, (Before Dr. Stock, and his Assessor, Captain Daniel, R.N ) 'THE LATE STORM COLLISION IN EKtIGSTOWN HARBOUR. Inre sf- Carthy and others v. the Ship Favourite. The proceedings in this casecommenced on Friday, and were resumed at the eitting of the courr. It was a suit brought by the owners of a echooner, of about 80 tons burden, called the Argyle, T. MXCarthy, ...


... TnE VICErEOAL COUPT.-The Etrl and Countess of Ezlunton held their farewell reception on Tuesday at Dublin Castle, and the atten- dance, notwithstanding the unfavourable state of the weather, was unquestionably the largest for a very long time past, and must be re- garnled as a gratifying testimony of public approval of the principles which guided Lord Eilinton in his government of Ireland. The ...

THE POLICE AND THE PUBLIC.— Reform in the Force Wanted

... Tgr POLICE AND THE PUBl:C.- Reform in the Force Wanted We are by no means disposed to undervalue, Generally speaking, the utility of the police as a body, nor are we willing to impose upon ourselves the unpleasant duty of recording the complaints, some just and others only partially so, which are daily (we may say, hourly) laid to the charge of the Force. We cannot expect perfection in any ...

Published: Sunday 30 January 1853
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1758 | Page: Page 9 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 

Law Intelligence

... ?? ?* E4? ?;i ? C A.. ?Y ? ? , S q?v4?o?$I? ? 4? ?ti? ?,r ?Bw.3 ?? ? £? ? ? .?L. ? ?owitaIa. ?? WSU. ?At!1Uk Home i.i'M?ie?ihud? At?:1 ? Ii ? j?ro¶e& At?Inth ??t?It4W? ri.? ?ZP??t6?.V1?fl o?S?I Ito *Id p ?1 ?. 4? VT Y4 ?* L? w??u9tIo2?7 '0 cba?D ?0 ? 3?etWh!.?Wil II, ? * I artA&?8'i?At?etfr?. eo? .MAA?TE1W OflCW8OU?HA ? -? id Qouilbank; ? ?? ? t?d*p O6u±? .1?t II I ? . 16 0 r Dareem ? ,, it ? ...


... _ MIDDLESEX SESSIONS.-YnTuDAY. The sittings of the court for the January Quarter Session were resaumed ystrday morning at the Guidhll, West- minster, by adjournmient fom OlerkenweUl, before Mr. Serjeaut Adams, Assistant Judge, and a bench of magis- trates. The calendar BIves, the names of 72 prisoners for. trial 55 tor felony, and 7 for misdemeanor. The Assistnt lge, Ia his charge to the vand ...


... LA W-YESTERDAY. COURT OF CHANCERY. (Before the LORD CHANCELLOR anid the LORDS JUSTICES.] EDLESTONE V. COLLINS. The question in this matter arose in a suit for foreclosure of a mortgage on certain copyhold premises held under the manor of Lyses, in Cambridgeshire. In 1844, Mrs. Collins. the wife of the defendant, and who before, her marriage had the copyhold as an unitcumbered estate in fee, ...


... POLICB-YESTERDAY. MANSION-IIOUSE.-_ehnc Fowler, paid secretary to. the London Philanthropic Society, 17, Ironmonger-lane, Cheap- side, was brought before tile Lord Mayor under the follow- ing oircumstarces, in investigating which his lordship was engaged during the greater part of the day. Mr. Sumphries appeared for the prosecution; Mr. Wont- nor for the defence. Mr. J. H. Heeps, honorary ...


... MIDDLESEX SESSIONS-YESTERBAY. [Before Afr. Sergeant ADAMs, Assistawst-Judge.] The Court to-day took bail cases. James Garman, 5i5, ani Catkerinae Demmassan, 49, were in- dicted for stealing two bottles containing wine, two bottles containing ale and stout, and two knives, the property of John Wilkinson. The prosecutor in this case was a butcher, at Enfield, and it appeared from the evidence ...