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Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... EEDS CATHOLIC LITERARY INST1''TUA A N N U A L S 01 lE. ibSAN`eUXL SiliitjiE of the above institutioiiwill beheldIS Ill thle .J U IC -IIALL, A t.BIOl - STURTle (il iur Aar sy. tike T/,irll .,bruar/ , eexl. 1leEwinience CARDINAL WISEMAN will preside.I Tile fQ1lOvis,, gentslemten have proimis-ed to be present ott 'She lieltt 11,,v.Djr. BIIiUGCS*. 0111liAIliUS LANliiiALE. S CIIAS. 1:al'ET art. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL - ~,~iS WLLISbeg to tattnae ?? duties .IYJ.if he Schol ar to h reousect n Tgtai, Ithe Tie rats- ~fl~ isiae. Ttme n aplictio to is Hils. 13, h1anover- A c'is t~ Sfleng lidpinofrtepuils not attending the schol.on he ftellons f Winodayantd Saturday. ACA RD-).-LLE. P. Hi 'TT'E R, fro /Paris, TF1ACHL11 OF Thle. FunCHc AND ITALIAN L1oO5,bg tano tkcltat she will resslme her ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADVERTrISEMENTl'. Until the introduction, by Mlr. D)U LARRY, of thi RPVALPN'TA ARADICA iOul), both as Ft regimner. for inva- lids and infants, antic remedy for all disrders Connected 'Atiti tlie stomach, nerves, kidnreys, liver, and intestines generally, it milit, have been aisserted, with ti atel, thalt the treatment at patients, fin sonic of the most ?? hiarassing, anti! pnitifsi cosphlainta ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 14M A1SSlINS.-SEiCfND LEi4L)S- NV CRCUI.-IANOVM PLACS ANDl jUVI.ENILE ?? Sundarso J,,-itIrs Si 'elOh , SkI MO, ,ill be P'reachred Ill II-) C]iA the ato the 55ornitiig at Iralt' pant tell o clock, andl ?? ~ I 0cok by the ite. N ENTON, lD.D The IlU sL1U NII E CING. will be held tf Ii an larl n Ore Meofiia feE! Wi, p. chair t0 be £l ken at sixt o'ctek p m. qire ?? wil be, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? NG CLItT'iS FD'R. TOE PO LE (Un r 'C tile direcfion or thle pl,aionlil Recreation Society. SirIC Gioodmaini, ?? 1'reridellt.) Mi lsic fla~l. AlbioiistrWI LeooF.-'Tlio asite iil oto Ineet tlee wvislis Of Mikiy I' ?? w'sd teseconcrto 1tile efcect that an euler tin tnisount ohouI t b~e gvn ] yiS tilte ;tppoaranite of Sir. Ell, Bacinmati. tin' Loeoltoll on Sic'nday ti~le 11th of Jonarity, ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iLLIAX B3RUCEI, IMPORTER AN23?Y-COAI W .IISIN li'iCIAN'T, ADiRLAIOD, Sout:1i Ara RALIA. Referees- jobiil Nessey Esq., Bdirstal; and Etilvd. Basines, Elq., Lces Latoly publt.-hed, price ft, 8V0.. cloth boarda, with PORTRlAIT, HEii LIFE OF EDWARD BAyINU2S:, Tlate MLP. for the Biorough af Leeds. BIT 1-11- SON, EDWARDI BII~NES. London: LONaSM N&0CO. ]Rxi, NicWsos.1r, Leede. R MN lAt'l5, P IIN. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HE MISSES PLINT respectfully qa t .TLtheir frieiide and tile public that their Schsf~il will be re~peed an Wedne~sday, thle 35oestlosixlh inst. Led,2, IParks-Place. ISSES TRE'rHEWEY beg ?? to J M inform their friends chit the duti~~es of thefi Sjcbool /oi wilt be esumed n Moiidsn, I/icSeccitfcsiltt uaonry, 11153. when ? a VACANCY will occur for an A~tTICLEI) UPIIL. A J UNIORt &c TEACIHER ...

Advertisements & Notices

... vr THLE ELECTORS OF THE BOROUGH-I iTOFI LElINt. GICnsTs.Psi.N.-I beg to Offer You soy worroesta and most grateful I Chocks tar slite dsstiuginlslted honour oltich I hove thia day again 'will racaivedsat your honda. Far the eacondtlinsa I Lava boen elected an atZ your Rteprre~ntafive in t'arllotmOnt, RAndtbhst under ciscunstatcall Wye( whirls Make ma feel, with reodunled foke;, my duty 10 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Meossrs. 111k 11i't i & UARKH.It are ii ro it- ha,. ti'n, Ti- ~ Heilt,tiVe ot Else 1oite Sir. J iee S IFte:, iii, st-ILT, by A UC ?? O1i thle ?? t0ll. Call 5(:11mClit, Fat iloy, oil L L T11E tj .i~~ )FUE RNI'TUH-E, ANUNEltlA ClLo'jil LjOitsS. vvjth thi s 0i01l1Iroille I 05 of a (R~l.'tntnfactrr ?? whicilwi lvi 1,q t,,illit ill poooliusi bdii~. Tue sale to custililnuliC %Willi thlt I'ariiLuro, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ir -THlE NEWV 11INISTRY COMPLETE. ItA ChAnge or our Ministers often suggests tA few random thonghts to rise up in our brsasts. The people of England ore up and awake, Attempt to deceive (them, and sip will they rally has Pro~m cit'ss, frorn townshIips, from hamlet. lid valley. partd t Bat give themt their rights, and as quicl~~Y they'll press a Your claims to command most triumphant success. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALL Or l3(NYZl, ANDi IIEULN BILACK{ Ft:vNt)ES ANI). FiUIRE MON S it, liew and ?? 1sat: ens. Dle'sro. It El'PEU and1 UARKU U EU ?? noun cc folr SAL BY U 'UI'I UCiI iN. Motidio the Vis ~ jahelil'y, l:t. t their Couinnsercial r-a~u ?? orns Stcroe': hinildiiigs. Leeds, ASTOCK OF FASHIONABLE V~EINDRSK A ?? l~E, IUIINS drool one of the dilt holuses inl the( trado piarticuitrsr of Which will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -nATENT OFFICE, CITY.-Th'ee-Patellt Law Amendment Act provides hone fiie~fsectsrity for six ficoth. for *the tnited K~ingdom ; patent charges not exceed: ;'uneollYeastC At 50 all Foreicln 1t'otbnts obtained. Apply r or ~t1111~5Consulting Lungineer aisd Chemnist, 32, Moor- 2% '7i~7P~sTELEGRAP-H COMPALN Y. l j NI~iCEis hreb given, (in pursuaince of tits statute w: cl is te f~st iles O thue ...