Advertisements & Notices

... ALLISON and ALLI SON.-e oal~ta .M iinspectionx of their STOCK of PIA4P SU attetla after the, most approved designs fc enadauu pltc In Spanish mahogany, resewod tte,&. fo Wua upwards, at their eldatble Wrrtu,5D 110, SHO Veins.CbpeN5.e h~~; a lbesrs. Cramer and Co.'s, tgt-t5. TXAME DURDEN QUADRILLES, bhe jJU veteran Compose, J. BLRWMT, Beq.. introitoe In the; Pantomime at thehratres Rival, Drw ...

Advertisements & Notices

... flton.c T 'El BOO KS OF THlE CITY OF GLASGOW LIVE ASSUR- ANCE COMPANY WILL BE CLOStD, FOR THE, ANNUAL INVESTIGATION AND DIVISIOY.L OF PROFITS, UPON THURSDAY THE 2GTm JANUARYI CURRENT. N.B.-Att who are Assured before the above dtate woill iooeoui- diatety participate 'to the Bonus then to be ascertained, ared this Bonus may eithei be added? to the Policy, as an aclditisoeat As- nwaaeee, or the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE ROAD TO HEALTH. FT O LL OWAY 'S P I L L S.- CURE OF A DiSOtDE~rRD LrvEn AND BAD DIGESTION.- Copy of a Letter from Mr. R. W. Kirkus, Chemist 7., Presectt street, Liverpool, dated 6th June, 1861: 1 To PROFESSOR HOLLowAy-S&R-Your Pills and Olat ment have stood the highest on our sale list of Proprietary Me- dica;ee for some years. A customer, to whom I can refer for any inquiries, desires ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FIMRAL ExTORTION AVOIDED - By F Exeoutors and bereaved Relatives of deased noblemen, gentle men, tradesmen, end others, sending In the fet balsance to L LIBEERIIS ESTABLISHMENT. CITY-RtOAD, near Plnebnry-sqnare, Istead ofemplaoylig their npholsterer, or the nearest undertaker lwhoa notlpowe agthe needful requirements, resort to the fineral furnihlere to hire them, and consequently inflt two ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PC ?Mailp ArbOt HAYMARKET. HAYMARt~rL.I This EvE.NINo, MASKS AND FACES, or, Before and Behind the Curtain. Messrs. B. Webster, L. Murray, Stuart, and Farselle; I Mms Stirling, Mrs,. L. Murray, Mies F. Maskell. end Miss R. Bennett. The now Extravaganza of LED THlE ?? Mesrs. eeiley,g Buckstone, Bland, it. Bedford, Caulfield, Itogers, Clar, and Braid.-d And BOX ANI? COX MiARrlED AND SETTLED I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T I{EATR E ROYAL, DUB LIN.1 On THIS EVENING (Thursday), January 18, 1858, the erformnncea will commence with the Come y of THE POOR GENTLEN. Liestefant Worhhiogtnu. Mr T C KinCh Dr Ollapod, Tir F RobSOf ; Emily Wortbiugton, Miss MHacstou; Miss Lacretla BTab, Mirs Parker. ~^ cort with a Grand Christmas lbantostnie, entitled Tococld HARLEQUIN GULLI ER; On, LILLIPUT AND BRO ADIGNA. In which will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Antagonistic to Sophistry, Prejudice, and EmpIricism, 147 Wood- cuts, I1 csses. 2 vole., Is. each ; by post, Is. sd, SINGLE AND MARRIED LIFE. To be or not to bo, that is the qusstiern. By R. 3. CULVERWELL, M{.D. (1341i), UALOJS. (1827), ?? (1824), 2S years Medical and Forensic Referee in these matters. Programmne:-Advent of Puberty and corresponding Assocla- ?? and Casualties of Single Life ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RDUIVERSITY ELECTION XFORD LOsitEU lITTEE dailya M~r. GLADSTOFS L D C hoir.ini £, Arlintristftecti l icvdAll. . D Trinity, chrien. Sir Nhi. HEATB]C.IE, Cr.C Trains leave paddislgton for O-,ford at th1e foo h -4 oxfo, 12.0, 21p.ii. A1Special * .45 aPm., 10.H asm,-1 i , s will leave Didth ot at Train, for theoso of mit the vis4tit A'pe from P maddington. 2.40 p'Im., ni no con seque nt 1 o tr a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WILCOCKS AND BR1OCK,- Of 177 78, FOI-STREET and ST. MARY ARCHE1 S STREET, EXETER, A V IN G dissolved Partnership as per J.J. announcement in the London Gazette, of Jany.E j WILLIAM BROCK and Go., their Successors, bave determined on offering the whole of their immense Stock (being upwards of Twenty Thousand Tounds in value,) to the Public at greatl$% reduced Prices. The Drapery Stock consists ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXETER -'PR > 1A-1MAI 8C#OOW Ldae Foundation 8c4okwqf Pmwrsb fie'oge G Double- Lnivesidty Efeiest; 1844, and B., laWAI and Kathetics HOou 1844. I ?? above SCOOL.* be ERt*6`Mno- r Day P1p88. nd Bo oncn MONDA, 31*f 'The 4hool Fee for Day p uini Mill include inslzaetion in Claisizc ,Pro ih Writing, and Arithmelc;. Thrre bibton to' te amount of £0 a-year, for the paraculrs ef Which, as also the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEVER FAILING REMEDY. fOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. HA CntD'PLE SETS ASIDE HIS CRUTCHES AFTER TEiN YEARG' SuFenRsro. Copy of a Letter from Mr'. T.'wnmpson, Chernist, Ltverpeot, dated August 20th, 1852. To Professor HoLLow Ay, Dear Sir,-I am enabled to furnish you with a moot extraordinary cure effected by your Invaluable Olotment and Pitl., whiel'ball an- tonlshed every person acquainted with the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R00t-PAPER MANUFTORY, 6, 5, 25, 26, and 27, COLERAINE-STREET, DUBLJNJ (Off North King-lee&t.) PAUL P3ERI Has an immense Stock of g6 iPAPER, READY FOR A E, On the moet reasonable terms. WITZ1ER, BEATOY, AD COMPANY, 1 WOOLLEN DBAPERS AN TAILORS, 91, GRAFTOX-ST T BEADY ADE W B COATS. 1£ 8. d. Marble and CloudedPagetef 1 1 0 The New Arctic Wrappe 1 1 O Irish Frieze Over Coats ,, O 18 6 The New ...