... ho( A fight between a bull and a bear took place near Ncw De Oleans, on Sunday, the 27th ilt , and is chronicled as follows by the New OtleansaCrescent of the 28th of March -. Yesterday, pursuant to public notice, came off at Gretna, opposite the Fourth District, the long-heralded fight between the famous grisly bear, General Jackson (victor in fifty battles), and the Atlakapas bull Santa Anna ...


... [The following songs have been set downi Ot- paper, in a fine running hand, by Sergeant X.Y.Z. ; and have been composed chiefly during the happy ten mhiute intervals allowed by the Commissioners for luncheon. They have been read with approval by the Bishop.lane Central Committee, with the exception of the Chairman, %%ho sternly refused to see or hear any thing. On being blindotlded, ...


... Wellinqton, as Warrior, Senator, and Mfan. By II T. Binney. Third Thousand. London: Hamil- Is ton, Adams, and Co., 33, Paternoster-row; I Jackson and Walford, St. Paul's Churchyard; at II t and Ward and Co., Paternoster-row. f The intention of this sketch, to turn to the ac- it I count of moral and religious instruction the life t( of Wellington, is very effectively fulfilled. U ft ...


... I THE.VOICE OF AUTUMN. Thou lonely man of grief and pailn, By lawless power oppreosed, Bunt from thy priron-rend thy chain, I come to make the blest ; I have no springtide bods; and flowers, I bave no summer bee9 and bowers; But, oh, I have some pleavut hours, To soothe thy soul to rest. Plenty o'er all the quiet land Her varied vesture wceaves, And Rings her gifts, with liberal hand, To glad ...


... LIT E R AT U RE. Classic and Hfistoric Portraits. BY JAMES BRUCE, Int 2 vols. i London: Hurst anti lac'kstt. , BroInArnIY is in Many respects More instructive than history; Ci and indecd, we bolieve, it is seldom that history affords so corn- Ott pitto at picture of the r~mannrs and customs of a time as is to PS he found in the lives of the men of various ranks who hav '. Iaoor. taken part in ...


... BIRMINGHAM POULT1iY EXHIBITION. The exhibition of the many kinds of Domestic Poultry, in H connection with the Birmingham Cattle and Poultry Show, H noticed in last week's Mercury, is stated decidedly to have been altoge ther unrivalled, and the largest spectacle Of itst kind ever yet witnessed in any, portion of the world. We at take the following account from the Midland C'oaatieasHerald wit ...


... PoTRTE. - - a D1ULCE DOItAM. P (CosirOUtE ) O} Ar4 hornelessr Ubt o gbet all Bad 1a1di low, b. l1 & Vfoice that telteth Of want and woe'. el 0h , D ole, Julce Domaum! f So dth many a maiden gay, tF As her fingers light o'er ner hau 5rt)'trg play; BFt her glad eoes speak to the intetnia g throng, m And Say, she hath Fyet to learn her song, b. 0 1 Duke. Dnuke DOMUxn! 111 So slth many a ...


... POFTRY. THE ROSE AND THE DAISY. (coN?TaEs.) A crinmsm rose of odour rare In jl ly's bower bloomed; A 1'i~v h-, t o endI TF, !iv? 'I'getl recee . oi was er innedI , r-e, o fade on ldyv's breast, &-as torn from ;rolli~sel bower The modest daisy 'neath the hedge Enjoyed its tranquil hour. NIGHT. Mysterious night! when our first Darent knew Thee, from report Divine, taid heard thy nsme. Did he ...


... y Iu/gazncl. D OOrs yoa Rxvntw.Bok.Msc oyEgavin;-, y &C., intended for review. left at thle establishment of Mr. hi C. MITCHELL, Red Lion-court, Fleet-street, London, 10 addressed -to the Editor of thle Derby Mereury, vs ill be forwarded and receive attentl on. 7The Poetical Works of Alexriadel' Pope. Edite by RoaazRTg CA9917THERS. la four volumes. London : IxNGANai, r, COOKE, and Co. ki The ...


... THEATRES, &&- -r- drama, in three acts, called Vie Casket of Jewels, and announced in the bills as Slew, was produced here on Monday eveniong with equivocal success. The recom- mendations of the piece were indeed so slight that it was inm- possible to imagine why it should have beep drawn forth from the obscurity in which it has long been buried. The drama, it seems, is the production of ...

Published: Sunday 06 March 1853
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1926 | Page: Page 10 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... On Wednesday evening the second meeting for the present season was held at the society's house, Adelphi Mr. Thomas Hoblym, F.R.S.,presided. Mr. SrTANnuaw proceeded to give the announced lecture on the subject of auriferous ores and Mr. Berdan's recent inventions for erashing them. The leeturer devoted the earlierportion of his lecture to the history of gold discovery, from the gold, fields of ...

Published: Sunday 27 November 1853
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 544 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... AXUMSEHNT ISTE. (sBOm OUR OWN COxBPQSSPNxBeT.) TwuarnT ROYAL.-The favourable reception accorded to the operatic company, consieting of Mdlte. Carado'i IlerrpFormei, Herr Reiehardt, Mdllc. Zimmerman, &c., some weeks ago, on the occasion of their visit to Mauchcotcr, induced them to improve the intercourse with our ?? g citicece by cntering into another short engagement which commenced on Monday ...

Published: Sunday 27 November 1853
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1392 | Page: Page 11 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture