... FRIDAY LAST-Bofore J. 0. Travers & J. F. Pratt, FisorS. H James Stephenson, on remand oue a chearg of felony, was C) brought up to day, and the prosecutor not appeAting, he was be discharged. John Tracklo was charged with assaulting P. C. Bhop in bo the executlon of his duty, in Union-road, Landport, last nig'at. El lo woas fined i3. with 7o. costs, and in default sentenced to 0i 21 days' hard ...


... MONiDAY.- Before Mojr Trr-,ers and C. Victor, Esq. Miscomiwvrr op Snan-ame , Guiiton sod James Sulock, ,by two seamen, belonging to the oserchant ship Columbia, ron in. ion thia harbour, wero charged with wilful disobedieuce to the law- e, ful comntands of their captlin and.teglect of duty,- on board the said ?? and sentenced to one month herd In- br t'ti0 ?? 1'oail POeti ACT --Johu Dyor ...


... COURT OF COMMON PLEAS, TumAy. I i SolcuoSt a. Psancsesoir-SPerrtiN ADnTtsUEs.- LThe plaintiffin this case was the drawer, and he sued ithe defendant as the acceptor of six bills of exchange for sthe total sum of 3,1711. 10s. and there was also a count for goods sold. The defendant pleaded that he was in- duced to accept the bills and to contract for the goods by 6fraud. The Attorney General ...


... O-TS-OUT- POLI - SATURDAY.-Before the Mayor, J. 0. Travero, G. Victor, t 5 and J. S. Sayer, Esqrs.- th Frorkr.-Margaret Taylor, servant to Mr. Ilenry Deacon, of h( S 1igh-etreet, was charged with stealing several articles of Wearing 11 p apparel, the property of her master and Miss Ezlina oteon, bh governess to his family. She was committedfor trial. tb e MONDAY.-Before the Miayor, J. 0, ...


... NARRATIVE OF TIHE LATE CASE OF POIS,1ING I I TIV ?? AN'llT. I ry -, xi I - - ?? .- -~ O 1),1 ',VI I'UI NING I BIY ACONITEi AND BELLADON'\A. Bly Dit. J. A. LASTO.N. [We have been falvoulred with an early copy of thle second t fjiaurterly number oif thle lasgows Medlical Journal.'' It wor-I tjilly sutan the high character of the maidlen number, to, I which weformerl referred at somne lengthi. ...


... DItEADFUL MURDER IN DEVONSHIRE. Fx-fter. MoInda, Hil;]#Zl}1' \ - Exeter, Monday. al Intelligence las just reached this city that a brutal miurder a. has been perpetrated at a village nauned Clayliedon, il this si F-omn the iniforceati n recceived, it alippears that the miurdilered I mall was Mr. williainl Illackniol'e,1who livedat Clayhedoi Mlills, u scar' tile villange 'lie was a1 ...


... The recent arrivals from Australia furnish the details of a most marvellous escape from destruction by fire of the emigrant ship John Melbuishl, Captain Jenkins, commander, with up- wards of 200 passengers on board, in latitude 39.11 south, long. 19.57 east, while on her voyage to Sydney from London. The alarming occurrence took place on the 11th of December last. On that day three seamen, ...


... . .- .1 . . I . . A case whichI terinated at Gloucester on Wednesulay is one of the most remarkable of its kind, whether for the skill with which the tissue of forgeries interwoven throughout tie case were worked till, or the mignituide of the pecuniary interests involved. Tile action commenced oln Friday last, before Mr. Justice Coleridge and a jury, and its object was to recover certain ...


... ?? I - , O. ?? .. n?vIvcrolisv, At ft is (ourt yohto-rday, tilhok lI Ii lI eases werc fliqpfsed of hy) aiiel ?? :-Thomas Short, weaver, was charged with h1aving. on1 T'I C (toy lust, m~allviotly fl)'tt a Weil) III 1.IGill((ha It io1th,in tihe prut hoes of 'tr. Wm. Blackie, shawl manufacturer, Rutherglen Road. Shiort, it appoirod, bidl bui Oil otil Iti.,'an (01i the ishove dily 1(an Shot t ...


... COURT OF SESSION-FIRST DIVISION. fr-rn ih. N-nrth frith Dnilv MaIl.) , (From the North BritIslh Daily Mail.) dit, ,ATIAc 28. jiEAN8 AND SUDBTANCE ASSESSMENT - ATTEMPT TO MAKE as TRADERS TO A PORT LIABILE IN POOR RATES AS OCOUPIERS Pat OF LANDS AND HERITAGES WHILE LYING IN DOCK on HAR- dit, JAMES GREIG, ShlImaster, Rossie Island, against THOMAS 10 MAXWELL, Collector of Poor Rates, Montrose. ...


... Wie liave beeu tfavoirued Nvith the foll(owlai copy ?? oil inte ol'sapl'llslil iiil ilitelliti(t-Mlessrs. (.a IA IILEbS TODIaD & II1i(;iliNiiTa'lAMN a1./aial(l s lla IIS URNET, ?? F ?? (iillallc'll, 11th Juily, Lort3.1le ].oaal Oadilaay llaig c *ia-itliell tile aute :itl l als Ilil irodctlioFs, leilsae thle note, ftai(de tilt i ( liaatrs liallble il: expvlaa'.sa aid remaitis ti ?? olit ...


... NEWCASTLE. -FIimAY, May 13.--Bclore the Mayor, G. C. Atkinson, Esq., and It. P. Philipson, Esqs.-Jtiaet Marshall alias Dobsoet, ?? charged with occupying an unen- tered house in Oaks-place, Westgate, in which ain appar- atus for the manufacture of whisky had been ftuid. It appeareia from the evidence, that on thc previous night about eleven o'clock, Messrs Yaotng and Bucklow, officers of ...