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... I___ I TATTERSALL'S. The betting on Thursday exceeded the Thursday's average but ha, very little influence on the prices. It closed as follows 0to 1 agst night LIVERPOOL STEEPLECHASE, 20 to I agst Knight of Gwynne. 1 25 to 1 agot Half-and-Half. METROPOLITAN HIANDICAI'. 20 to I agst Lord John Scott's Pleg Orrock (taken). 30 - 1 - Mr. J. R. Cowley's Lampedo (taken, and after- a _ wards offered) ...


... TATTERSALL'S TIUaSDAY. LLN-VRPoor, SIEEPLE CHASE. a to 1 agst Mr. Mason's Miss Mowbray (taken to £100.) 8 - - Mr. Mason's Oscar (take 9 to 1.) 9- 1- Mr. Barnett's Sir Peter Laurie (take 10 to 1.) 14-1 - Captain Little's Half-and-Half. 15 to 1 was laid agst Oscar in the city on Wednesday, and 9 to 1 might have been obtained. NoRTIHAMPToNSHIIRE STAKES. 14 to I agst Mr. Lamley's Maria (taken, ...


... | :7 SPO'rlNG. e ACCEPTANCS FOR THE s LRKHANX STrEPLE CHASES. 1 The FYLDE GRAND HANDICAP SWeEPSTAVES of l sovs. a each, 10 ft., with 100 sovs, added. . 1 r. Higginson's b g Vainhope, aged. h 10 10 MAr. Golbv'6 b g Ploughboy, aged ?? h 10 7Air. Obresb g Abd-cl-Kader, aged. it 9 B10 4 Mr. G. Bourke's br g Carrie, aged. . 9 13Mr. W. H. Scott's cli g Shinrone, age. 3 913 Mr. G. Morris's ar h The ...


... II I Il RIDGWAY LYTHAM COURSING MEETING. | Thursday last, and Yesterday. INOnTH ?? SPRING PRODUCE STAKES eon DoG PUPPIES. Mr. Mallaby's Mlecenas beat Mr.Gordon'sGuy IMannering . Mr. Hardman's Maynooth A, ir. Graham's Old Clothes. Mr. Sharpe's Auld Archie Mr. Spring's Sadhach. Mr. Peacock's apist R Mr. Borron's Bright Blae. Mr. Sharpes's Sir James the ,e Mr. Peacock's Protestant. DeeiSping CsSe ...


... sportIN(-. The Carlisle, Cuniberland, and West Border Steeple Chase takes place on Thtirsday, the 14th day of April, at Westlinton, within five miles of Carlisle. The stewards are John Harris, Esq., and George Dixon Esq. GREAT RACE FtRn THlE CIIAMPIOX.S111', BETWEEN GEoEIQE FROST AND JOIIN LrVITT.-This match, to run ten miles, for £100 and the belt, came off on Friday last, at the Royal Oak, ...


... THE LIVBRPOOL !IUNT STEEPLE-CHASE. SATURDANY APRIL 0. Tea LivunrRooL HUNT CLan Stour~ia.cnosi, a. Ilanldilea SW.'y stak~esofl10sors. eaclh, 5ft., withi45 added. About fourmike~. Torn Bowling, 10ot, ?? Clatterbox, list. dib ?? York, Scipio, and Harmiony also started. Betting, 5 to 0 t Torn Bowling, 2 to 1 agst Clatterbox and York, and 3 to 1 ea.tI agst Harusony anid Scipio. Harmony made the ...


... GREAT SHOOTING MATCH FFORL £200 A SIDE. x The sporting community of Lancashire, and in a less degree,the lovers of the gun throughout England, have for some weeks past felt much interest in a match for shooting at 200 pigeons each for £200 a side, in which our townsman, Mr. Robert Seed, was to be a competitor. On the completion of a match for £50 a side, in which Mr. Seed was the winner, at ...


... YORK RACES.-TULSDAY TIIE CRAVEN STAIES of 5 sovs. each, vithl 30 added. Broughton ?? (Wells) 1 Audubon . 2 Billy Richardson ?? .. ?? ?? Hunca-Munca. 4 TIE ZETLAND STAKES of 10 Sovs. each, with 50 added. Wild Huntsman . , ?? (Marlow) 1 Horatio ?? ..2 Colt by Verulam. ?? . .3 TIRE FLYING DUTCHMAN'S HAINDICAP of 100 SOV#., added to a Sweepstakes of 20 sovs. each. Talfourd ?? , ?? I ?? ?? ...


... I .. . 7 STRETFORD SPRING MEETIEG.-ES muD LA.ST THE CITY' HANDICAP STEEPLE CHASE, of 5 sovs, each, with 35 sovs. added. Melon ?? (E. Stevens) 1 Thoodiuce ?? , . . 2 Five others started. A SELLING HANDICAP STEEPLE CHASE, of 3 sOVs. each, with 25 sovs. added. Widow Mtachree. ?? (Fowler) 1 Royal Blue ?? . ?? 2 Four others started. THr. RAILWAY STAKES, of 20 sovs. Slashing Painter ?? Brown Mare by ...


... nd ill lie )m 'he' to icy ro. las us. ith ist. rm ng, od. ng, nos met it cii, Iris O5. en ode ed cii se as rd [is ?? a gh ly a- CIIESTER SPRtNG MEETING. The ROSV NORSTARCES Of 10 sore. each, with 30 added. Groh- ?? Couse Lorrywlere t, 4 yrs ?? Course ?? (Alderoft) I arissaerhorii, yrs Peal, oer oun, Truth, Leu iJol, and Sainita also started. The PALATi.NE STAKES of 15 sors. each, With 100 ...


... ILOYLAKE RACES. LIVERPOOL HUNT CLUB SPRING MNEETING. The Liverpool Hunt Club held their spring meeting, on their privat~erace-grouttil, attIloylake, ,,on Wednesd~ay. The following is the result of the day's sport: The Shorts flendicep S'vecqsrakve of 5 says. cacli, with 25 nova. added. tialf-a-mitc. Gay Lad, aged, ?? i1b ?? Davies I Auchinleck, 3 yre, list iib ?? D. Lane 2 Remunerator, Hose, ...


... 1 BATH AND SOMERSET RACES.-..TuIzsIAy. The lanisdownle Trial Stakes of 15 soas each, 10 ft, withS50added. one mile. (9 subs.) Duke of Bedford's Gossip, 3 yrs, Tilt ?? I F Mr. Powney's Lanmartine, 5 yrs, gat ?? 2 Mr. Harrison's Russborough, 6 yrs, gat ?? 3 The betting opened at evens against Lanmertine, but cloeed at a to 4 against hinm; Is to 4 about Gossip.-Won cleverly by half a length. ...