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... GENERAL MISCELLANV. At York assizes, Alfred Waddintrton, a youngjouri P man cutler, was found Ruil;y 0f the murder of his git 1 mate child, Elisabeth Slater, daughter of- Sirah 8U a hlndsome young woman, engaged in Messrs. Butch warehouse, edge-tool manufacturers, at Sheffield, wiping and preparing the gooda for sale, and in the ell ing was in the habit of attending a readiirg-class, L>cennaf ...

Published: Saturday 01 January 1853
Newspaper: Cardiff and Merthyr Guardian
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 1560 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... The exertions of the Kev. John Giiffith, vicar of this parish, have been crowned with succ.-ss, and Aberdare is to have the benefit of the, Cardiff Savings Bank, as the Vicar intimate Im readiness to be appointed Receiver of Deposits, and, upon the ;>.•»■»sun of Mr. Bruce Pryce, his philanthropic offer was cosdially accepted by a highly respectlible meeting. Full pUlieulars appear in the, ad- ...

[No title]

... ALTERATION OF THE STYLE.— 1152.—September hatb XIX days this year.Itis now just a century since the style was altered. We 6td in a Kentish Almanack, in the above year, the following explanatory note, inaerted in the space in the month of Sep ember where the cancelled dafs are omitted :— According to an Act tf Parliament pasgtd in the 24th year of his Mijesty's reign and in the year of our ...


... The Administration, as finally constituted, hat an air of strength, but not of solidity. The reins are inPeelite hands; the Peelite element, tlough numericdly the weaker of the two, is superior in talent, comiactness, and moral weight; and with su)port from without the Cabinet they might be masters within it. I is Lord Aberdeen's nature to inspire, vhat a Premier ought to inspire—confidence. ...


... AND LIST OF FAIRS, XOTICES, ETC., IN TUE counties or GLAMORGAN, MONMOUTH, AND URECON, FO il 1H8 SUING WEEK. Jan. 2.— Second Sunday AFTER Cuuistmas.—Morn- ing, 1st lesson, 41st ch. Isaiah 2nd lesson, 1st cli. Matt. Evening, 1st lesson, 46th ch. haiah; 2nd lesson, 7th ch. Horn. Moon's last quarter 9'i. 5trv. afternoon. .'i Cicero b., 107. 4. Roger Aschatn (philologist) d., 15GS. Niebubr ...


... LONDON MARKETS, 1 Tue 13, 1 HU CORN-KXCHANGE, MONDAY. j There was a very thin attendance, and a complete holiday I S, Tu. market. The show of wheat on the Essex stands was per* S i>, Tin fectly insignificant, and the supply from Kent small. Th4 S- Sit condition of the greater part was wretchedly bad. worse, inj. fact, than on any previous occasion. Dry qualities wer ...

Published: Saturday 01 January 1853
Newspaper: Cardiff and Merthyr Guardian
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 1425 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

| n-\L VTELLlGr^ ~

... | \L VTELLlGr^ j Mr. Stel! Hlw.e staffed bi'^V^ere so highly jau.x. u,c-;r. v ,lr. MorgaiJ Duke. — -y be seel1 a^y respectable L.y.v P.xowoTioNs Vice-Chaoeell fieor„e Tur- i T' L l': Oranworth ,8'r Lor(J I ,»8;, wood, Mih« te0C .General, j I. o be (he new ance||or. ,lament of | Snlicuoi-ueix-r,: ha, en offered U Q-C-, j wno his d.-ed::oc( 'r- »elIle Sv. DaV,O'S CCU.,O, DEC., mrhe 8ubjpcts of ...

Published: Saturday 01 January 1853
Newspaper: Cardiff and Merthyr Guardian
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 2617 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

[No title]

... On Saturday week, Mr. Minton, of Windsor, batcher the Queen, slaughtered the remarkably FINE Devon rrx, ( hy Ins lloyal HIGHNESS Prince Albert at |HF¥ Suiithtield Club Show, and has since had the honour forward the rumps and loius to the Kings OF Prtssia «MI' *ING Belgium respeciively. Tlse intention, W^ believe, is, jiorti »ns of the Prince's »TX should grace the sideboards of'EE ...


... TESTIMONIAL TO p, S, L. G HEN FELL, ESQ. Thursday evening week was the peiiod selected for the presentation of a testimonial to this geiil ein 111 *111 al' ledsrment of the high sense enteitained by thesu iscri of his character both In his public and private capaci ics, and of the appreciation of the exertions made y nm to promote education, and in every way a'W'^ice tne mota social, and ...

[No title]

... AN OLD SOLMEU.— Some of your correspondents who have made iuq 11:ries about Geueral Woi'e, and such as are discussing the question, to what age peopie 110.s attain, may lie edified by tlie following paragraph cut from Hit Amerio; in paper. — A llelio of the Past. -The census ol Canada deveiopes the fact that a man, named, Abraham Miller, now living among tlie Imiiatn', in Grey lo.vushqi. ...

Published: Saturday 01 January 1853
Newspaper: Cardiff and Merthyr Guardian
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 1459 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... YOUNG MEN'S SOCIETY—On Wednesday evening, Mr. Robert Jones delivered a lecture to the members of this society upon Light and Vision. There was a very full attendance of members, and the lecture proved eminently instructive and interesting. PONT-YU-YN NEW ^HOKOH—It will be seen by our advertising columns that it is intended to consecrate the new Church of Pont-yr-yn, in the immediate vicinitv ...


... The 48th Regiment is to leave this distr'.ct about the 12th of January and is to be replaced by the 1st Regi- ment of Foot. TRUE BLUE CLUB.—The anniversary of this Benefit SocietV took place at the Crown Hotel on Tuesday last. Tte attendance of members was large, and the catering of nine host was first rate. Mr. John Clements occupied the president's chair. Sir Charles Morgan and Lady Morgan's ...