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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... rr HEATRE ROYfi DUB LIN. Oa EASTER UMONDAY, Marcl 28th, 1853, will bo performed a new Tragedy by E. L. . Berwicl, Esq., entitled THE FLORENlINES. The prineipal characters by b.ieare T. C. King, Glad- stone, Hamilton, &cI; Mrs. Hu,11n Kirby, Miss Marsten, Mrs. Bromlev, and fire. ParkerJ To be followied by a New Grand Fairy Extravaganza, by J. R.. Planobe, Esq., entitled THE GOOD WOMAN IN THE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATR E ROYAL, DUBLIN. This Evening (Friday) there will be No Performance. On TO-MORROW EVENING (Saturday), February 19, 1868, the performance will commence with Shakspeare's Play of AS YOU LIKE IT. Jacques, Mr King; Orlando, Mr Vining; Amiens, Mr Haigh; Touchstone, Mr Robson; Rosalind, Mrr Kirby; Audrey, Miss Saunders. / After which the Musical Farce of NO SONG NO SUPPER. / Frederick, Mr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Juat Published, Third Editivil. Illustrdted WItL tdolourea Engravings, on Nervous Debility and Generative Diseases, Price Is., or in a sealed Envelope, free by Post, for 18 Postage Stamps.I H EALTH AND HAPPINESS, THE MEAMS BY 9 WHICH THEY tAY DR OBTAINED, a Medical Work on the Infirmities of Yontlhand Maturity, and Dieeases of the Generative System, with ,observations on the treatment os ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just Publi hed;'ThirdlrEdition. Illustrated with Coloured Engravings, on Nervous Debility and Generative Diseases, Price Is., or in ?? Envelope, free by Post, for 18 Postage Stamps. II EALT1X AND HAPPINESS, TaE MEANS BY H WHICI; THEY MAY Bg OBTAINED, a Medical Work on the fnifirrities of Youth and Maturity, and Diseases of the Generative System, with observations on the treatment of Nervous ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rHEATR E ROYAL, DUBLIN. On T'IlS EVENING (Wednesday), August 10, 1853, the performances will commence with Shakspere's Play Of MACBI(TH. Macbeth, ir T C King; Bavquo, Mr Bellair; Macduff, Mr MILein; Lennox, Mr A Howell; Hecate, Mr Durand; Lady Macbeth, Mrs. Hudson Kirby. After which a New Ballet Divertissement, in which Mdlle Ernestine St. Louni will appear. To conclude with the Grand Fairy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... n;READ TE NEW EDITIOT I 01o NERVOUS AND GENERATIVE DISEASm, a Just Published, 20th Thousand. Illustrated with Col Engravings, Price is., or in a faded Envelope, f o Post, for 18 Postage Stamps. - .le 1, HEALTH AND HAPPINESS,THE ~ML H WHICH THEY MAY BE OBTAINED, a Medical Wotj _ the Infirmities of Youth and Maturity, and Disoft of e Generative System, with observations on the treatcue n Nervous ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXHIBITORS. Sections D lletalltc. GRAAT HALL (South Side.) EXHIBITOR CLASSXXIII. LONDON PATENT LEVER AND GENEVA JL WATCHES. Nothing requires greater judgment than the selection of a good Watch. We professed twelve years ago to sell to all who honoured us with their patronage none but the beat Watches that could be procured anywhere, either English or Foreign; and having uniformly adhered to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. On THIS EVENING (Monday), th of February, the performances will commence with tc Tragedy of ALEXANDER THE RAT; OR, THE RIVAL QU 5. Alexander, Mr T C King; Lysim bus, Mr G J Vining; Clytus, Mr Granby; Syssigambis, rs Parker; Roxans, Mrs H Kirby. To be followed by a New BALLET DITERTISSEMENT by Mdlle St Louin and the rps de Ballet. After which the F ce of THE WEATHER CK. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. LAST JUVENILE NIGHT. On THIS EVENING (Wednesday), February 2, when, for the accommodation of persons residing at a distan and the Juvenile branches of Families, the performance Ill com- mence at Seven o'Clock, and the Pantomime tinate at a Quarter past Ton. I To commence with the Drama THE HUNTER OF THE PS. Felix Rosalvi, Mr Vining; Genevive, Uiss Lana. To be followed by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rTHEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. On EASTER MONDAY, arch 2Stb, 1853, will be performed a new Tragedy by E.. A. Berwick, Esq., entitled THE FLOR ITINES. The principal characters by essrs. T. C. King, Glad- stone, Hamiiilton, &c.; 'Mrs. H on Kirby, Miss Marston, Mrs. Broaojey, and Mrs. Parker. To be followed by a Now Grand airy Extravaganza, by J. R. Planche. Rs ., entitled THE GOOD WOMA IN THE WOOD, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rt~IIEATR E ROYAL, DUB LIN. On TilS EVENING (Thursday), 'May 26, 1853, the ?? will commence with the Drrt of THE CORSICAN BROII'KRS n Fabie, dei Franchi, Louis dei Frjcl0i, Ir T, King Ig Chateau Renaud, Mr G Vining. 5 To be followed by the Colf Opera of THE BARBER OF S ILLE. Count Almaviva, Mr Vining; Bas, Mr Durand; Figaro, lir HI Webb; Fiorello, Mr Haigh Rosina, Miss Lanza; Marce~l;:na, )Mrs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rpHEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. On THIS EVENING (Monday), September 6, 1858, the performances will commence with the Play of THE GAMESTER. Beverley, Mr T C King; Stukely,' Mr M'Lein; Mrs Beverley, Mrs Kirby. After which a New Ballet Divertissement, in which Mdlle Ernestine St. Louin will appear. The Lake Lucid Quadrilles, by the Orchestra. To conclude with the Musical Play of ROB ROY. Rob Roy, MT King ...