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... CouesciL-Houss, SATURDAYo~, Sept. 10. P mqgitroles present :Messrs. Lunell and Coates.I ?? VcC~rticy was charged on suspicion of having stolen 0 h ~ese freon a wagon in Cumberland-baspin. The wagon was iepreperty of Mr. Tunr aktofc, Quay-head, andwa the basini loaded with cheese to be put on board the Lord I I 6re-oes,id steamer for Swansea. About 1 o'clock that morning, ?? clcman heard a ...


... ~ The quarter session commenced at the Gilidhall on Wed- this O. Tneeda, morning, before the Recorder, R. B. Crowder, Esq. bill GI The court having been opened in the usual manner, and the defen grand jury sworn, tfor tt The Recorder said, amongst the many useful and import- was ant measuresof legislation which had peculiarly distinguished The the last session of parliament,.there were several ...


... COURT OF COMM-1ON PLEAS.-EdWardii V. Habbill.- f This wos an action tot money. lent, money paid, and for work ' and labour, tried at Bristol last assize, besfore :Mr. Jus tice I Talt'ourd, when a verdict was found for the plaintiff for CH £5 2s. 6d. Mr. IKarsakale now moved, pursuant 'to leave reserved, to enter the verdict for the defendant.t The pl ain. tiff, itapaed a rooer at Newpor't, and ...


... -A - - -.s P., -m _ i ?? uLA, COUNCIL-HOuSB, FAID.4A, Julg 22. t Megistrates present: The Mayor, and Messrs. George and Castle. ti Joseph Harris was charged by P. C. 162 with assaulting him. a The constable found him intbxloated and misconduoting him- l self in the street, and upon his tak ing hinm into custody he Col- A lured and struck him. Fined 109. and costs,i Caroline Davis was cbarged ...


... CrVNCA-HousE, SATURDAY , June 4. Magistrates present: The Mayor, and Messrs. Lunell and Hughes. John Hurley, a lad, was charged with stealing from the Sea- sbanks some pieces of timber, the property of Messrs. Germane and Co. The prisoner was seen to take a plank off the pile, break it, and ran off with a piece. It was said that a large quantity of timber had been made away with in this manner ...


... CASE .OF SUSPIC.IOUS DEATH, N ELAR CLEVEDON. A_ Sa r A A - Ai-AAA ?? A§lw. 1A A On Monday aftferioon, aboit2 o'clock, the body of lr. Joseph Smith, said to be a -retired furniture broker, of London, Was found under circumstances detailed in the subjoined evidence, on the beach at Lady's Bay, near Clevedon. The deceased, it is stated, had been staying with. Mr. Brett, of the White Hart Inn, ...


... DITUR.D.E-R. BYl- STARVATION AT NORTH COMMON 1'TAR IIDGEYATE. In one of the most melaficholy cases which it has been our lot h for many years to record has transpired during the past~week h at North Common, ,s straggling hamlet lying about a qisarter is of a mile from the village of -Brldgeyate, Glousestershire. Ith would appear'fromu the particulars that have dome to ?? tha t a strong ...


... CoUNzCL-1HorJ0a1, SATUnDAY, February 19. Magistrate present: Mr. J. Coates. Jane Palmer, for being drunk and disorderly, was committed for three days Mary Bryant was charged with stealing two saillings from the stall of Esther Bennett. The evidence was insutlloieut to war. Tant a committal, and the prisoner was discharged. John Rowe was charged with having in his possession a quan- tity of ...


... I POLICE ITELLIGENCE. I t~0 5INOL4HO USE, SATURDAY, August 13. Magistrates preffent- Sir Jr. X. Haberfield, & Messrs. Hughes and Castle. John Sage was charged with being found on premises near the Royal York-crescent, with refusing to give any satisfactory account of himself, and also with assaltin P.C. 208. The constable stated that at 1 o'clock that mnornitig he heard some one get over the ...


... I CouNvcmL-HousR, FRIDAY, 00f. 14. Magistrates Present: Mfessrs. Leonard and Jones. Thomas CarroanudWiflina Peters were charged with stealing iron from the smack Victory, on theWelah-babk; the property of Mr. Hapgood. The complainant saw Peters come from the hold With a quantity of iron concealed under hie smockefrook and about bhi person. He had 3ib, or 401t. about him, but threw part of it ...


... ASIzEt,. 4T, 4 C E . ~ GEE1 GeortSar& ad sa 6 04hcc were indictellld I tl4 ofwliday i a' ,khd Mr. Karshake Ws ou mtiheI for h~paoeut n, Mr. Coleridge and Mr. BarefoSpre and Mr. Ring for Hitchcock. It appeared that Mr. Bllackmore was a miller, and also a B surveypr and collector of tithes and taxesaa43sylitI19O ntrhil OItt0 mbrnlng oiSdt~urtlay, tile tith .F61ruaryab1tii ~r4oClock, do1 hee ...


... -- _A .A ?? I I ?? Mr. Commission Law.) This insolvent, Riohard Dimns, B1 member of the Irish bar, ling hose ame as frequently before the public some years ago In the coannxion with that of Miss BardettCotnwapletob for discharged from prieon. Hils eelsedule (prepared by himself) ssed set forth debts owing by hilm to the extent of £221 lIei. 2d., of eted which X213 l7e. 2d. were without ...