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... - - - - Progress of Russia in the Vest, North, and SoutA. Second edition. By David Urqubart. London: Turner and Co., 12, Paternoster-row. 1853. It appears from this book that the author, Mr. David Urquhart, the well known ex-einuber of'parliamentdoes not entertain a favourable opinion of thelords Aberdeen, J. Russell, and Palmeraton. Of this fact there van be no doubt. A multitude of other ...


... FASHIONS FOR AUGUST. I ?? r L E I 0o (Fron5 Le Follet.) 6, Among the numerous elegant toilettes now worn, we ed have remarked many skirts of rich yet lightooloured materials, with caliezous of embroidered muslin, trimmed w 9 with lace. These canezous are nmade with basques, which be n are beautifully embroidered; a double row of lace is m, id pacd around them, the bottom row being twice the o' ...


... ?? I Tile CHEERnFUL VISITOR Of the current month contains not oily aniple matter for those Of light literary taste, but mental food riqutiring a somewhat noear vigorous digestion; tile soles- tisns arc excellent, and the original tales and sketches unexcep- tiojabic. With this number is Issued thle first volume of Chau- cern9 -,Canterbury Tales, being the sixth of that wonderfully limp ...


... POETRY_ I' sONG OF THE VILLAGE CHURCH BELL. Up with the rooks where none can reach, A goodly priest am I, And the world may hear my loud voice preach As the busy winds go by; over the bride with her orange flowers, Over the dead man's form, Now I make merry the bridal hours, Then I arouse the worm. Ding, dong I I ring or I toll For the young child's life or the old man's sonu. Up where nothing ...


... I I OT GIVE ME GIRLHOOD'S MERRY LAUGH, 'jo5ITTEO 0H IIEARING SOME GIRLS AT PLAY. (For tek Preston Chronicle.) Oh I give me girlhood's merry laugh; 'Tis music unto me, And brings the warm flush to my heart To bear their ringing glee. it gushes from the joyous soul, And seems to picture there A sunny sky of pleasure bright, ejndimn'd by clouds of care. It brings fond scenes again to view, Just ...


... MR. JULIUS JEFFREYS' LECTURE S armI ON INDIA. The third lecture of Mr. Julius Jeffreys, on 1The wants and resources of India, wbs delivered'at the Town Hall, on ,Friday evening. Its subjget was, the art of agriculture as practisedaby the natives ofrIndia. He said the successiof his own attempts to improve, by the application of chemical and mechanical science, the useful arts of India, had ...

Literary Extracts

... I Ritzrarp Extracto+ , ? It I POULTRY SHOWS.-ILI January, 1863, a large poultry show was held at Baker-street Bazaar, in London, at which were exhibited upwards of 600 pens of fowls, eleven pens of LIgeese, thirty-three pens of ducks, ten pens of turkeys, two e hundred and forty-ninie pens of pigeons, and forty-eight pens ff of rabbits. These detatils will show the enortouos prepon- derance in ...


... - be The grand romantic drama,' entitled Marco Tempeata,` as to the rehearsal of which we referred in our publication of Og Saturday last, was given to the public in the evening of that n- day for the first time ' and, judging from the applause of a be large audience, may be said to have been successful. The n- piece, it appears, is not the London version, but expressly at adapted, from ...


... P'O E T R Y. THE POST31AN. erfal man the postman is, Axoo hastens from door to door; '3 medley of newvs h]i.s hands contain, Wlrtliigh, lOvv, ad poor: afie he joy doth trace, jn ' t many hcgrief can see, ihc door is ope'd to his loud ran tan, t lt' his quick delivery. Avmorn, ats true as the clock, 'e'body hears thc postmzan's knock. One he presents with the news of a birth_.. E;illi the ...


... NEW BOOKS. SEE HSrSORY AVD DEscairrToN OF ASHBY.DE-LA.ZOUCII, WITH ?? IN THE NExIinHOURROOD. - Ashby-de.laZouch: A, y J. HecxtalU. A very neat little guide-book, which embodies sufficient anti. qerian informtation to entitle St to a place on the library shelf after it has acted In the capacity of cerone to the tourist. A efatorY notice acknowledges It to have originated with Mr. Jaes 'Tompson, ...


... . A -7: - - ?? -2 ?? . , . lt A parliamentary returin has just been printed, at the in- co er, stancie of Mr. Ewart, to show whet has really been effected 55t by the two acts passed in 184!, and 1.810 to encourage the es, d ?? tablisbment of museums and libraries. This document i 0a- affords the'followiuig particulars:- .id Vf- In Liverpool there have -bean established, since 1841 Ot. act a ...

Literary Extracts

... ? .? I ?? I : ? ?? titerarg ? Extracts. - i I z ? a SAXONi Coccws.-There are a great number of coins extaut ~iI ,I with Alfred's stamp on them, but, in their execution, they II B aire far inferior to the coiniage of other Anglo-Saxon princes. 01 9 The image of the king is, in general, so rudely engraved, that at a every attempt to trace any resemblance in even a Single II feature must be ...